
Some properties of generalized manifolds. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0559.57013

Russ. Math. Surv. 39, No. 2, 215-216 (1984); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 39, No. 2(236), 155-156 (1984).
Shape properties of generalized manifolds are considered. Let G be a coefficient domain such that the Alexander-Čech homology with coefficients in G is exact. Let M be a compact n-dimensional generalized manifold over G and \(f: M\to X\) a map onto a finite dimensional compactum X. If either one of the following conditions is satisfied 1) f is shape fibration and strong shape equivalence, 2) f is hereditary shape equivalence, 3) f is a CE-map, then X is an n-dimensional generalized manifold over G.
Reviewer: I.Ivanšić


57N25 Shapes (aspects of topological manifolds)
55P05 Homotopy extension properties, cofibrations in algebraic topology
55N05 Čech types
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