
Characterization of nuclear Fréchet spaces in which every bounded set is polar. (English) Zbl 0556.46003

A not identically -\(\infty\) upper semicontinuous function \(v:U\subset E\to [-\infty,+\infty)\), U an open subset of the locally convex space E, is said to be plurisubharmonic if \(v(a)\leq \frac{1}{2\pi}\int^{2\pi}_{0}v(a+be^{i\theta})d\theta\) for all \(a\in U\) and all \(b\in E\) such that \(\{a+\lambda b\); \(| \lambda | \leq 1\}\subset U\). A subset A of U is polar in U if there exists a plurisubharmonic function v on U such that \(A\subset \{x\in U;\quad v(x)=-\infty \}.\) Polar sets are one of the natural exceptional sets of complex analysis.
In his investigation of control sets which provided bounds on the growth of holomorphic and plurisubharmonic functions in locally convex spaces P. Lelong [North Holland Math. Studies, 71, 255-272 (1982; Zbl 0511.46046)] asked for a characterization of the Fréchet spaces which contained compact non-polar sets. Lelong himself gave a number of examples. In the present paper the authors give a linear characterization of the Fréchet nuclear spaces with the approximation property which contain compact non-polar subsets.


46A13 Spaces defined by inductive or projective limits (LB, LF, etc.)
46A11 Spaces determined by compactness or summability properties (nuclear spaces, Schwartz spaces, Montel spaces, etc.)
46A04 Locally convex Fréchet spaces and (DF)-spaces
46G20 Infinite-dimensional holomorphy
31C10 Pluriharmonic and plurisubharmonic functions


Zbl 0511.46046


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