
Measures on projectors of Jordan algebras of type I. (Russian) Zbl 0546.46053

The main result of the paper is the following generalization of the Gleason’s theorem in the case of JBW-algebras - Jordan analogues of abstract \(W^*\)-algebras:
Theorem. Let A be a JBW-algebra of type I without type \(I_ 2\) direct summands. Then any probability measure on projections of A can be uniquely extended to a normal state on A.
Reviewer: Sh.A.Ayupor


46L51 Noncommutative measure and integration
46L53 Noncommutative probability and statistics
46L54 Free probability and free operator algebras
46L30 States of selfadjoint operator algebras
17C65 Jordan structures on Banach spaces and algebras
17C50 Jordan structures associated with other structures