
The linear quadratic optimal control problem for infinite dimensional systems with unbounded input and output operators. (English) Zbl 0545.93042

Infinite-dimensional systems, Proc. Conf., Retzhof/Austria 1983, Lect. Notes Math. 1076, 187-202 (1984).
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0535.00013.]
The classical linear quadratic optimal control problem is considered for an abstract class of systems, which allows for unbounded control and observation operators. The abstract formulation is wide enough to cover distributed systems with boundary observation and control and delay systems with delayed inputs and measurements. Only the main results are presented and are illustrated with examples of a parabolic system and a neutral system. Proofs are promised in a subsequent paper.
Reviewer: R.Curtain


93C25 Control/observation systems in abstract spaces
34K35 Control problems for functional-differential equations
93C20 Control/observation systems governed by partial differential equations
35K50 Systems of parabolic equations, boundary value problems (MSC2000)


Zbl 0535.00013