
On magic and consecutive labelings of plane graphs. (English) Zbl 0539.05058

Let M be a planar map with p vertices and q edges. A vertex labeling of M is an assignment of the integers 1,...,p to vertices, each integer being used once. Define the weight of a fact as the sum of the vertex labels on its boundary. A labeling is called magic if for each s, all s-sided faces have the same weight, likewise it is called consecutive if the weights of the s-sided faces form a set of consecutive integers. Similar definitions are made for edge labelings (using labels 1,...,q) and for simultaneous edge and vertex labelings (using \(1,...,p+q)\). The author finds magic and consecutive labelings (of all 3 types) for several families of graphs, including wheels, friendship graphs, prisms and the platonic solids. A variation is discussed which allows the assignment of more than one label to each vertex (or edge).
Reviewer: D.Archdeacon


05C99 Graph theory