
Polyedergeometrie in \(n\)-dimensionalen Räumen konstanter Krümmung. (German) Zbl 0464.51009

Mathematische Monographien, Bd. 14. Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften. 301 S., 75 Abb. M 78.00 (1980).


51M20 Polyhedra and polytopes; regular figures, division of spaces
51M10 Hyperbolic and elliptic geometries (general) and generalizations
51M25 Length, area and volume in real or complex geometry
52Bxx Polytopes and polyhedra
26B15 Integration of real functions of several variables: length, area, volume
53A07 Higher-dimensional and -codimensional surfaces in Euclidean and related \(n\)-spaces
51-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to geometry