
Elements of homotopy theory. (English) Zbl 0406.55001

Graduate Texts in Mathematics. 61. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag. XXI, 744 p. DM 69.00; $ 38.00 (1978).


55-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to algebraic topology
54Bxx Basic constructions in general topology
54C15 Retraction
54C20 Extension of maps
54C35 Function spaces in general topology
57Q05 General topology of complexes
57T05 Hopf algebras (aspects of homology and homotopy of topological groups)
57T10 Homology and cohomology of Lie groups
57T15 Homology and cohomology of homogeneous spaces of Lie groups
57T20 Homotopy groups of topological groups and homogeneous spaces
57T25 Homology and cohomology of \(H\)-spaces