
Extensions of the planning horizon theorem in the dynamic lot size model. (English) Zbl 0172.44102

Summary: We consider an \(N\) period production planning problem in which a sequence of known demands \(d_1, d_2,\ldots, d_N\) must be satisfied. The cost of production in period \(t\) consists of a setup cost \(K_t\) plus a marginal cost per unit \(c_t\). The cost of carrying a unit of inventory into period t is \(h_{t-1}\). An optimal policy is a production plan that satisfies demand at minimum cost.
The main results of the paper are a theorem that decreases the computational effort required to find optimal policies and a theorem that establishes the existence of planning horizons. The results of these two theorems are combined in a forward algorithm for the efficient solution of the problem.


90B30 Production models
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