Top edits to an page All edits made to a page by one user, in chronological order.

Pàgina User:UBX/Hong Kong football (Jornal · Page History)
Usuari Wiggy! (Edit Counter· Top Edits)
Total edits 1
Cambiaments menors 0 (0%)
Edicions semi-automatitzades 0 (0%)
Reverted edits 0 (0%)
atbe1 0
Afegit (octets)2 705
Eliminat (bytes) 0
Cambiaments menors · 0 (0%)
Major edits · 1 (100%)
Edicions semi-automatitzades · 0 (0%)
Manual edits · 1 (100%)
Reverted edits · 0 (0%)
Unreverted edits · 1 (100%)
1 Dies de mitjana entre edicions
2 Added text is any positive addition that wasn't reverted (aproximadament)
Data Ligams Talha Resum d'edició
Diferències · Istoric 705 Created page with '<div style="float:{{{float|left}}}; border:{{{border-width|1}}}px solid {{{border-color|{{{1|#000}}}}}}; margin:1px;"> {| cellspacing="0" style="width:238px; backgr...'
All times are in UTC.