Back SriMeshNutana, Saskatoon •

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Page Nutana, Saskatoon (Log · Page History)
ورتنوالا SriMesh (Edit Counter· Top Edits)
Total edits 27
Minor edits 11 (40.7%)
(Semi-)automated edits 0 (0%)
Reverted edits 0 (0%)
atbe1 21.6
Added (bytes)2 23801
Deleted (bytes) 0
Minor edits · 11 (40.7%)
Major edits · 16 (59.3%)
(Semi-)automated edits · 0 (0%)
Manual edits · 27 (100%)
Reverted edits · 0 (0%)
Unreverted edits · 27 (100%)
1 Average time between edits (days)
2 Added text is any positive addition that wasn't reverted (approximate)
Date Links Size Edit summary
Diff · History 21 added commons category
Diff · History 141 Education:
Diff · History 8 Institutions: awaiting creation of seconary school articles created wikilik
Diff · History 100 added dsignated historic building
Diff · History 97 added education to neighborhood infobox
Diff · History 3652 aded Victoria Ecole infobox
Diff · History 814 Institutions: added Little Stone School House
Diff · History 78 Institutions: added see also and removed wikilinks as this is the main article now
Diff · History 1146 Protected Buildings and Sites:
Diff · History 3276 Added intro paragraph and outline as per WP CITIES and WP LEAD
Diff · History 774 Added first post office of "Nutana"
Diff · History 351 added book
Diff · History 18 added new category link
Diff · History 2225 added images and protected buildings
Diff · History 77 added disambiguation
Diff · History 216 added link
Diff · History 753 added heritage pictures of protected buildings
Diff · History 114 added images heritage and protected buildings
Diff · History 156 added heritage sites image
Diff · History 1452 sdrawkcab depyt retupmoc ym neht dna segami dedda
Diff · History 100 added link about John Lake
Diff · History 82
Diff · History 178 added history
Diff · History 1608 added the beginnings of history to this articl
Diff · History 0 External Limks: sp
Diff · History 1705 added table
Diff · History 4659 added article about Nutana
All times are in UTC.