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Page Lion (Journal · Historique de la page)
Uzeu 83d40m (Compteur de modifications· Modifications fréquentes)
Total des modifications 45
Modifications mineures 2 (4.4%)
Modifications (semi-)automatisées 1 (2.2%)
Modifications annulées 3 (6.7%)
atbe1 92.4
Ajouté (octets)2 10773
Supprimé (octets) -335
Modifications mineures · 2 (4.4%)
Modifications majeures · 43 (95.6%)
Modifications (semi-)automatisées · 1 (2.2%)
Modifications manuelles · 44 (97.8%)
Modifications annulées · 3 (6.7%)
Modifications non révoquées · 42 (93.3%)
1 Délai moyen entre deux modifications (en jours)
2 Un texte ajouté est un ajout positif qui n’a pas été annulé (approximatif)
Date Liens Taille Résumé des modifications
Différence · Histoère 6 correctiing caption - male lions do not 'head' a pride, the pride is an assembly of related females, young males, and during breeding periods, one or two males from outside the pride
Différence · Histoère 549 replacing image with one showing the distinct tuft at the end of the tail of all lions by a few months after birth
Différence · Histoère 361 added an image of Tutankhamun bier and slight expansion regarding the role of Sekhmet in Ancient Egypt
Différence · Histoère -10 replacing image with one showing more detail and similar orientation as the accompanying one
Différence · Histoère -6 lions do not form 'couples' - the caption is misleading, eliminated that wording
Différence · Histoère 6 breaking up into more logical paragraphs
Différence · Histoère -124 removing image of diseased lion having lost almost all hair on his body -- not an example of a healthy 'maneless' lion
Différence · Histoère -87 deleted assertions without evidence - a presumption about perspective and no documentation regarding details noted
Différence · Histoère 364 a light edit of a few sections including introduction, pride organization, hunting strategies, and hybrids; lots of serial commas inserted -- tbc
Différence · Histoère -81 Mane: removed image - significant symptoms of illness or stress, no hair on 97 percent of it, most of its head, body, and tail without the tuft even - question the use of the photograph as a "maneless" lion -- it essentially, is "hairless"
Différence · Histoère 564 slight expansion, punctuation, and serial comas
Différence · Histoère 527 link to Löwenmensch article and slight expansion; moved images to disperse in relevant text
Différence · Histoère 21 more accurate description -- a lioness may display a ruff too
Différence · Histoère -1 rewording
Différence · Histoère 408 spelling out and expansion of ancient locations where lions were kept
Différence · Histoère 11 correction of caption
Différence · Histoère -4 correction of caption
Différence · Histoère 310 edit of the entire article with a slight expansion of discussion of hunting habits; corrected caption labeled by photographer as all lionesses
Différence · Histoère 454 expansion and cleaning up of some sections
Différence · Histoère 1480 (révoqué)  replacing longstanding copy from the article that recently has been cut, diminishing the value of the article for our readers
Différence · Histoère 82 noting missing disambiguation that will have to be reconstructed
Différence · Histoère 511 a light edit of the article
Différence · Histoère 1552 a light edit to Hunting and diet -- tbc
Différence · Histoère 737 adaptive correction for intractable problem; eliminating dashes and creating parallel construction; and some rewording
Différence · Histoère 9 (révoqué)  valid qualifier - males must seek to join prides that differ from that of their mother after reaching maturity
Différence · Histoère 78 The lionesses are standing on four feet, but not all are on the ground - there is no parallel in heraldry terms- I am adopting ''standing'' and shall make corrections where noted incorrectly
Différence · Histoère 13 rv vandalism
Différence · Histoère 19 added link; moved images back; the pride is matrilineal, since cubs aged two typically survive a change of associated adult males and those which are male cubs are not expelled until later
Différence · Histoère 43 pointing out the ruff of the female in this position - not seen in many photographs
Différence · Histoère 308 moved image to relevant text, reduced one caption and expanded another
Différence · Histoère 99 moved image and reinserted another -- placing each with associated text
Différence · Histoère 38 noting the Nubian pantheon for Dedun
Différence · Histoère 16 (révoqué) 
Différence · Histoère -5 rv earlier vandalism
Différence · Histoère -8 Undid revision 189316988 by (talk)
Différence · Histoère 36 moved proprietary and redundant photograph out of the way of another -- cropped it to avoid an editing war
Différence · Histoère -3
Différence · Histoère -4 eliminated redundancy
Différence · Histoère 168 ''like'' replaced where inappropriately used and a few changes to grammar or spelling
Différence · Histoère 963 reinserting a preferred image for the lioness - by the same photographer; and some discussion in the introduction about typical hunting techniques
Différence · Histoère 639 please let me know when the lead photograph has been featured, I'd like to replace it after that
Différence · Histoère -2 correcting an error
Différence · Histoère 22 correcting an error
Différence · Histoère 961 like image better for introduction another is good for hunting and one to show a pride
Différence · Histoère 923 changed out an image and rewrote a few areas
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