Wikidata:Property proposal/RNACentral ID

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RNACentral ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Natural science

   Done: RNACentral ID (P8697) (Talk and documentation)
RepresentsRNACentral (Q99839604)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainnon-coding RNA (Q427087)
Example 1Nucleolar ribonuclease P complex (Q99840942) (complex) → S288C RNase P Ribonucleoprotein (Q99841118) (RNA) → URS0000413C32_559292
Example 239S mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit (Q99841784)mt-tRNAVal (Q99841821) → URS000080E36F_9606
Example 3TERT-RMRP complex (Q99841952)long non-coding RNA NONMMUT046978.2 (Q99841998) → URS00003E65A4_10090
Planned useWe are adding molecular complexes to Wikidata from the Complex Portal (Q47196990). The complex portal, among other source references the RNACentral. To capture this reference we need the RNACentral identifier which will be added to a respective RNACentral Item. The content is going to be a bot, that will add complexes to Wikidata and when a reference is made to RNACentral and there is no Item on that non-coding RNA yet, the bot will also create that item with its RNACentral ID.
Number of IDs in sourceHard to say, on its own RNACentral is a big database, however only reference to RNACentral will be added if cited in other Wikidat items.
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)
Formatter URL$1
Robot and gadget jobsAs described above, the identifiers will be primarily added by bots and only when use as a reference or citation.



Currently we are in the process of adding items sourced from the Complex Portal in a Wikidata sprint. The complex portal references various external resources for which some identifiers exist on Wikidata as external-identifier properties. The one for the RNACentral database is missing. Hence, we would like to propose its creation on Wikidata Andrawaag (talk) 11:07, 2 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]


@Andrawaag, Egon Willighagen, Bmeldal, Andrew Su, TiagoLubiana: ✓ Done RNACentral ID (P8697) Pamputt (talk) 09:08, 11 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]