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  • Entityshape - Userscript & API to compare items to entityschemas - Userscript - Github
  • Entityschema Generator - A GUI to create simple entityschemas for Wikidata - Toolforge
  • Shextranslator - A tool to convert entityschemas into human readable versions - Toolforge
  • Parliament Diagram Generator - A tool to generate semicircular parliament diagrams for legislatures using WIkidata data - Toolforge

Useful queries

[edit] Act of the Oireachtas (Q91586285) broken down by area of law (Q1756157) Act of the Oireachtas (Q91586285) for a specific year and area of law (Q1756157) for each act townland (Q2151232) with more than 2 Logainm ID (P5097)

PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?o (count(?o) as ?count) WHERE {
  ?id wdt:P31 ?o.
group by ?o 
having (?count > 500000)
order by desc(?count)
Try it!
No instance of (P31) Quantity Associated Entityschema Documentation Wikiproject
1 scholarly article (Q13442814) 42,202,338 E292 Yes Wikidata:WikiProject Periodicals
2 human (Q5) 11,309,750 E10 Yes
3 Wikimedia category (Q4167836) 5,410,315 E315 Yes Wikidata:WikiProject_Categories
4 taxon (Q16521) 3,727,070 E433 Yes
5 star (Q523) 3,284,179 E440 Yes
6 review article (Q7318358) 2,099,699 E414 Yes
7 galaxy (Q318) 2,094,845 E441 Yes
8 Wikimedia disambiguation page (Q4167410) 1,482,835 E438 Yes Wikidata:WikiProject Disambiguation pages
9 type of chemical entity (Q113145171) 1,277,010 E406 Yes Wikidata:WikiProject Chemistry
10 gene (Q7187) 1,222,105 E258, E75 No, Yes
11 protein (Q8054) 1,005,740 E167 Yes
12 painting (Q3305213) 935,380 E130 Yes Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings
13 Wikimedia template (Q11266439) 822,170 E439 Yes
14 street (Q79007) 678,855 E317 Yes
15 encyclopedia article (Q13433827) 629,800 E444 Yes
16 family name (Q101352) 621,564 E734 Yes Wikidata:WikiProject Names
17 village of the People's Republic of China (Q13100073) 588,385 E442 Yes
18 human settlement (Q486972) 559,846 E443 Yes
19 version, edition or translation (Q3331189) 533,510 E36 Yes
20 mountain (Q8502) 528,196 E339 Yes
21 editorial (Q871232) 512,977 E445 Yes
22 collection (Q2668072) 502,752 E446 Yes
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
SELECT ?p ?label (count(?p) as ?count) WHERE {
  ?s wdt:P31 wd:Q2668072.
  ?s ?p ?o.
  ?pd wikibase:directClaim ?p.
  ?pd rdfs:label ?label.  
  filter (LANG(?label) = "en") .
  filter contains (str(?p),  "prop/direct/P")
group by ?p ?label
order BY desc(?count)
Try it!