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Father Voices

The father is a male character who has children. The father is generally involved in the lives of his children, though his role can vary greatly depending on how his character is written. The typical father is married to the mother of the children, and plays a moderate to highly involved role in the lives of his children. He is usually a hard worker, and responsible, as well. In some circumstances, this main definition is not used. In other stories, the father may be unmarried, adoptive, a single parent, absent, emotionally uninvested, or otherwise contrary to the norm.

Fathers are typically active in the lives of their children, showing a range of emotions, from joy, interest, sadness, irritation, and all other emotions in between emotions. These fathers often share family time with their wives and children, whether it be a simple meal together, or a day out playing sports or going to a museum. Fathers may react differently to different circumstances, where one father may be proud of their child for minor achievements, and another apathetic. When a child does something wrong, or inconvenient, a father may lovingly correct the child, or act with anger and disappointment. The good father is invested in the lives of his children, and teaches them life lessons, sharing special time with them. Fathers may also be humorous, and tell dad jokes, or repeat platitudes and proverbs. Older fathers are generally more mellow and give their children more freedom. Other fathers may not be present much, and dislike or have no strong feelings for their children, though this is relatively rare. These fathers may have a flat tone when talking to their children.

Some characters who are similar to fathers, sometimes sharing the same role without the biological connection, are grandfathers, adoptive fathers, stepfathers, fathers-in-law and father figures. Adoptive fathers usually express a love and relationship very similar to that of a biological father. Grandfathers and father figures share a similarly close bond with their grandchildren or children they are father figures for, though they may not be present every day in the lives of those children, having a more relaxed and intentional bond. Stepfathers and fathers-in-law may have a less intimate relationship with their children in law, or may have a more friendly, and less paternal, relationship with children. These relationships may be stressed as a result of the relationship starting out of obligation to a partner, whether it be through the marriage of a child, or the dating of a widow or divorced mother.

The father character appears in many forms of media. He is most commonly seen in sit-coms, dramas and biographies, though can be seen in all genres of media. Examples of fathers and father figures can be seen in shows like Little House on the Prairie and Full House. Another source to draw from to model a father is your own father, grandfather, or perhaps even your own relationship with your children, if you have any. Asking which type of father you are voicing and finding examples of that type can help you deliver a fatherly voice.