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Lecture/Web/Contributions mobiles avancées/Avis sur le prototype de navigation

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Reading/Web/Advanced mobile contributions/Navigation prototype feedback and the translation is 100% complete.

Durant deux semaines passées nous avons travaillé à améliorer à nouveau la conception et idées pour notre navigation mobile d’après les avis que nous avons reçus de la part de rédacteurs rencontrés lors de Wikimania et ensuite. Vous trouverez ci-dessous un prototype mis à jour pour notre navigation. Nous sommes intéressé de connaître vos opinions sur la mise en page de la navigation, ainsi que sur l’extension du jeu de liens disponibles. Tous vos commentaires quels qu’ils soient seront très appréciés ! Les avis sur cette page sont résumés sur la page d'accueil du projet.


Pour cette activité, vous aurez besoin de votre téléphone et de votre ordinateur. Vous utiliserez le prototype sur votre téléphone tout en ajoutant vos commentaires à cette page (sur votre ordinateur).

  1. Veuillez d’abord visiter le prototype sur un appareil mobile : https://people.wikimedia.org/~pmiazga/mobile_contributions/
  2. Sur votre ordinateur, créez une nouvelle section sur cette page-ci en complétant le formulaire ci-dessous (la section ajoutée sera pré-remplie par les questions auxquelles vous répondrez).
  3. Renseignez vos avis concernant le prototype dans votre nouvelle section ajoutée.

ⓘ Si vous préférez donner vos avis par courriel, veuillez les envoyer à Olga Vasileva sur olga@wikimedia.org .

⚠ Gardez à l’esprit que puisque ceci n’est qu’un prototype, la plupart des liens ne fonctionneront pas réellement et il pourrait y avoir d’autres anomalies ou défauts d’affichage ou de comportement que vous pourriez constater sur votre appareil.

⚠ Le formulaire de création de nouvelle section n’est pas compatible avec l’éditeur visuel (VE). Si vous utilisez l’éditeur visuel, veuillez créer une nouvelle section manuellement en copiant-collant les questions posées (listées ci-dessous).

Aperçu du prototype

Aperçu des questions attendant vos avis

1. Quels appareils et navigateurs utilisez-vous ?

Prenez une minutes ou deux pour vous orienter. Cliquez partout sur la barre de navigation en haut de la page et voyez ce qui change. Gardez à l’esprit que puisqu’il ne s’agit que d’un prototype, la plupart des liens ne fonctionneront pas réellement et il pourrait y avoir d’autres anomalies ou défauts d’affichage ou de comportement que vous pourriez constater sur votre appareil.

2. Indiquez quelques unes de vos premières impressions : trouvez-vous certaines choses confuses, pratiques, ou particulièrement notables ?

3. Y a-t-il des choses qui soient particulièrement difficiles à trouver ?

4. Est-ce que quelque chose manque ?

Essayez de naviguer vers les emplacements suivants, et ajoutez tout avis que vous trouverez pertinent de mentionner

5. La page de discussion d’un article

6. Rechercher

7. Votre propre page de discussion

8. L’élément Wikidata associé à une page

9. L’historique d’une page de discussion

10. Le portail de la communauté

11. Votre bac à sable

12. Les notifications

13. Autres considérations finales ? Tout ce qui vous semble avoir été oublié dans ce questionnaire...

Donnez votre avis


1. What Device and browser are you using? iPhone 6 and Safari

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across.

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?) As a Wikipedia editor, I realize that the star icon is for adding a page to your watchlist; however, it seems more like an add to favorites button for the general public. The languages button looks more like a translate button, I would rather see it in the search or up to the right of the article title. The history button should be moved up with article and talk. The language/watchlist/history/edit toolbar shouldn't scroll down with the page, I doubt someone would change the page's language in the middle of an article. Under the user icon, the beta button seems to just be cluttering the interface, it can already be accessed under preferences.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find? The edit button is definitely harder to find that it should be. A text label should go along with it, as the icon is unclear.

4. Is anything missing? I'm not sure how it would handle banner templates. Categories and navboxes are still missing.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have

5. An article’s talk page The new section button is super unclear. No message that this is about discussing changes to the article, not a general message board about the topic. The prototype is missing edit buttons next to the sections.

6. Search The Wikipedia wordmark stays in place while typing the search. Also, the search doesn't work (nothing happens when I press enter).

7. Your own talk page The search doesn't work.

8. The wikidata item for a page The link under the menu isn't working.

9. The history of a talk page Very cluttered. The text went from very spaced out to squeezed. The links are so small now, they are hard to press. A back to article button should also be present.

10. Community portal None of the links in the hamburger menu function on my phone.

11. Your sandbox Link not working. However, I can see the link turn grey when I click on it, which unveils that the shovel icon has a white background.

12. Notifications I really like this; however, an exit button should be in the top right corner.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes... Dark mode, please!


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung Galaxy S7, Firefox.

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across.

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

The icons are spread evenly along the top bar. Not especially useful, but not bad either.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

The languages icon is the important thing for me. It is at the same place, so it's not worse than it used to be. However, I have a strong suspicion that a lot of people who would read it in a different language don't know that "文A" means "You may find your language here". It's an icon that designers on several websites use, but I don't know how well was it tested with users who actually need to find a different language.

4. Is anything missing?

Nothing that I can immediately see.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Found the "Talk" icon underneath the title was easy, and clicking it did what I expected. Great! (Now, if only writing on talk pages was as convenient...)

6. Search

It's at the top, at the usual place. No comments.

7. Your own talk page

Tapped the person icon, and the "Talk" icon was there. Pretty OK.

8. The wikidata item for a page

"View Wikidata item" under the three dots menu. Found it quickly and easily. It's the one that I'll probably use the most often!

9. The history of a talk page

The clock icon in the middle of the bar. Easy to find. It's a shame that the history page has such a messy and outdated design :(

10. Community portal

Under the three-stripes icon, easy to find. It will be a challenge to make the actual page work well in all languages, though, because it's heavily customized everywhere differently.

11. Your sandbox

Easy to find under the Person icon. I doubt that it's very useful, though. Sandbox was useful on the desktop fifteen years ago, when people needed to play with wiki syntax a lot. By now the focus on both mobile and desktop should be on letting people do things intuitively immediately without having to test in a sandbox. The wiki approach is supposed to be focused on letting all people edit quickly and not on learning wiki syntax tricks.

12. Notifications

In the bell icon, easy to find.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

  1. Please see the interlanguage links icon comment above. It deserves its own attention and testing with people who are not experienced editors like I am. In particular, it will benefit the most from testing by showing people an article in a language they don't know and seeing whether they are able to find an article in a language they do know. This is supposed to be this icon's real purpose.
  2. "Download PDF" is not so necessary for Wikipedia articles when using Firefox on Android. The browser has its own PDF saving function and it works very well, even in hard to display languages such as Urdu and Burmese. I don't know about other browsers, however. It's possible that the "Download PDF" button will be popular in some countries that need better offline reading support, but you should give some thought to whether it should be so prominent to everybody. I'd imagine, for example, that the Wikidata button would be much more useful for
  3. Same for "Print". I never printed anything from my phone. Maybe it will be useful for some people, but please think whether it should be so prominent.
  4. (Going back to languages yet again, one could argue that reading in other languages is also something that not everybody needs, but this does have to be discoverable because the people who need it, really need it.)


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung, Android

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across.

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Not confusing, it is clear. But I must say, experienced people know what the star (watchlist) is for, newbies might not.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Nope, everything easy to find so far I could think of.

4. Is anything missing?

Not that I can think of.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Link easily found, is prominent visible. (But on the talk page wondering why there is one button for editing (which suggests adding new header + message), while editing in general seems missing.)

6. Search

Originally I did not notice the whole bar of search and others, but is logically there.

7. Your own talk page

Seems logical place to me.

8. The Wikidata item for a page

Easily found, logical place.

9. The history of a talk page

Easily found. However, after visiting the history getting back to the article or talk page itself, seems to be missing.

10. Community portal

Easily found, logical place.

11. Your sandbox

Easily found, logical place.

12. Notifications

Easily found, had seen it already.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

I use interwiki links a lot, the ones in the sidebar. Both to other Wikipedia language editions and to Commons, etc. The button for this in the top corner is not working, so I could not try it. In the actual Wikipedia version only the language links to articles about the same subject in other Wikipedias is there in the mobile version, but not the link to Commons and Wikiquote, while in the webversion this is available in the sidebar.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Android Sony Compact Phone, Chrome Browser

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across.

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Nice that talk page and other features are more accessible. However it increased the distance before users can scroll down to article content

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Article main text

Also how to switch to night mode?

Link to Preference and Beta features should probably be put on the left hand side menu for easier to find?

4. Is anything missing?

LanguageConverter buttons

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Actually is the button taken too much place for what supposed should only be used by editors to discuss the article?

6. Search

the default text should not overlap with typed text

7. Your own talk page

It can be shove into some more hidden places as user usually won't visit their own talk page unless they get notified.

8. The wikidata item for a page

okay. But how many people actually interested in visiting wikidata item?

9. The history of a talk page

How am I supposed to navigate to history of a talk page when currently the prototype doesn't link to a working talk page? I would have expect to find link to that there

10. Community portal

Seems to be a rather strange choice of button placement

11. Your sandbox

IMO the button shouldn't be available as everyone have their own different sandbox link

12. Notifications

How would it group notifications from different wikis?

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Please develop an editor that won't use js by default

Also, ability to switch between different mobile editors

And how about implementing a text to speech button?


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Android Moto phone Chrome Mobile browser

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across.

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

  • I find the placement of the "Article" and "Talk" pages super clean
  • I'm assuming the top level icons are:

- language - favorite - history - edit

  • I like the human readable accessibility of the phrase "cite this page"
  • This is a finger friendly design. The target taps are nice and easy to do without messing up anything .

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

  • did you get rid of section edit links? this is super important for mobile users to save in scrolling

4. Is anything missing?

(your feedback here)

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

again, I love this placement. It's very high in the page hierarchy so it's easy to find.

6. Search

It seems intuitive here. A part of me wants to the capability to do a in article search in a quicker way. I think that I want this because I don't see section edits or a TOC.

7. Your own talk page

I'm a little confused if it should be in the Username1980 tab or the "Talk" tab.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Nice, I'm curious to see what this is and how it's different than Page Information. Nitpick but the weight of the icon compared to the icon above and below it seems heavy.

9. The history of a talk page I always find this specific element a bit confusing. I knew how to get to it at least.

10. Community portal

is this "talk"? I often get confused by the Talk page, community portal and my own talk page.

11. Your sandbox

Super clear.

12. Notifications

LOVE LOVE LOVE nice work. Clean and intuitive. How will alerts look?

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

  • I would test if the language icon is universally understood, if you haven't already


1. What Device and browser are you using?

iPhone, Safari

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across.

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Interesting idea to insert the infobox between the first and second paragraphs of the lead. That works well here, but not sure how it will work more generally. In some articles it may destroy the reader's flow and obscure the sense.

The infobox appears in full, which means a lot of scrolling down to the second paragraph. Would prefer it to be kept within a Quick Facts expandable section, but in that case you'd need to find a way to make sure the lead image isn't hidden by default.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

All OK

4. Is anything missing?

Noted immediately that the text "Kurosawa" redirects here. For other uses, see Kurosawa (disambiguation)" is missing. That is not good.

I hope that warning templates such as Template:Disputed are not going to be omitted. Just because a reader accesses an article on mobile should not mean they miss the very important information at the top. Leaving out any templates simplifies the text but they are absolutely essential for even a casual reader, especially where they indicate that the text may be disputed or unreliable. They are also crucial for any editor. (That's a fundamental issue with the existing reader, and the reason I almost always drop out into desktop mode).

Categories and navboxes are still missing.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Easy to find, but no apparent way to edit a talk page (eg to correct a previous comment or to reply to a thread). Appears only to allow entirely new postings.

6. Search

There's a nice big search bar along the top, but does that search the whole of Wikipedia or search for text within the current page? If the former, I can't see clearly how to do the latter.

7. Your own talk page

Easy to find

8. The wikidata item for a page

Easy to find, and increasingly a useful feature.

9. The history of a talk page

Easy to find but layout on iPhone needs work. Layout generally very messy and confusing, especially to anyone who isn't closely familiar with what this looks like on desktop. On all lines apart from the first, the radio box directly abuts the bracket that immediately follows prev. The buttons are far too small to work with, and the user has to expand the text hugely before clicking on anything - which causes the text to move off the screen.

Odd that to go from the talk page to the main page requires clicking on the Article button at the top, but going from history to the main page requires the user to hit the back button on the browser.

10. Community portal

Easy to find

11. Your sandbox

Easy to find, but of very limited usefulness especially on mobile.

12. Notifications

Easy to find. Presumably unread notifications will light up the bell icon.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

A dark mode would be nice.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung Galaxy J5 (2017), Samsung Internet

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across.

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Lot of different functions. More links to userpage, whatclist and contributions.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Nothing. I found everything what I need on mobile.

4. Is anything missing?

Minor edits, if they aren't yet.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Easy to find. More easier than it's now.

6. Search

Easy to find. But when you write something, the Wikipedia logo is on top of the text.

7. Your own talk page

Easy to find.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Easy to find. When you press thee dots you find it.

9. The history of a talk page

Easy to find, but it don't look good. That will be fix.

10. Community portal

Easy to find.

11. Your sandbox

Easy to find.

12. Notifications

In same place than now.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Looks pretty good. Lot of more functions that you need almost every day.

There are some things that will be to fix. 1. When you write something to search, the Wikipedia logo is on top of the text. 2. Page history don't looks good. Now history looks better than on this version. 3. When you open notifications or menu the scrolling don't work well. When you want go to down only article goes down, no the menu or notifications. Now scrolling works good.

I don't know is this thing only demo version, but text resulotion looks poor. Text don't looks accurate. Minor edits is also very important to add.


1. What Device and browser are you using? Android8 (Redmi Note4) , Firefox Klar, Fennac, Foss browser

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across.

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?) As a Wikipedia reader, Article, Talk, Star Icon, More menu everything is good. Notifications are great. The icon of multiple language must be changed to a much more expressive. If we can put the edit icon with text near to the article and talk section then it will be great. The Main aim of Wikipedia is edit an article.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find? The edit button must be added to article, talk set. Article index section must be on a seperate menu. 4. Is anything missing? Categories, Templates at the footer, Prettyurl or tinyurl for non english wikis, A share icon.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have

5. An article’s talk page It is not look like a talk page. A redesign is needed. A top message to indicate that this is a talk page. And atleast one section must be expanded to indicate that this is a talk page. Need new section button with a different color or a good icon. Edit buttons on all sections. If there is a provision to display the date of each section then that will be more clear.

6. Search "Search in Wikipedia" is better. The autocomplete dropdown need a rework.

7. Your own talk page I cant go to the user talk page

8. The wikidata item for a page The link under the menu isn't working.

9. The history of a talk page It is super confusing. Nee a complete rework. This is just the conventional history page in desktop which is very difficult to understand.

10. Community portal Can't reach there by using the hamburger menu.

11. Your sandbox Can't reach there by clicking the link. There is a visual change on click which is good.

12. Notifications This is great. Nice design with clear seperation between sections. A close button, small x on the top right side is more appreciated.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes... Need an option to change the font size, color (dark mode). A share button to share this page to other services from mobile.

JDrewniak (WMF)

Prefacing my review with "I'm not an active editor".

1. What Device and browser are you using?

iPhone 6S, Safari

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

The first thing I read is the "Talk" button. Then I see the row of icons and I try clicking them, then I click the menu with the three dots. That menu seems to reveal metadata about the article, nothing surprising, except I wonder what "Cite this page" does. I then click the menu in the top-left corner, and I notice "current events", which seems odd, since I don't expect to get my news from Wikipedia, I also wonder what "Community portal" is.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

I'm not looking for anything in particular, so I would say no.

4. Is anything missing?

Not for my very basic needs.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

I click the button in the row of icons. The page changes, and I notice one icon changes in the row of icons. It has a plus button, so I assume it's for adding sections. The sections are all collapsed, I think I'd want to expand & read all sections before I add a comment. Back to the nav, I noticed that one icon changes, but the others stay the same, so I wonder what would happen if I click "print" or Wikidata item on a talk page.

6. Search

I click the search bar and start typing. Nothing out of the ordinary there.

7. Your own talk page

Before navigating to the talk page, I assume the flow would be the same as it is for articles i.e. I would go to my user page, and from there, I would click on the talk page. When I click the profile menu however, I notice the dedicated "Talk" button, and click that instead.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Easy to find.

9. The history of a talk page

Easy to find, but the page seems very busy and crowded.

10. Community portal

I remember it's in the top-left menu (although I honestly don't know what this page does, is this the "Village pump" page?).

11. Your sandbox

Easy to find.

12. Notifications

I went "woh" when that side-menu flew out, I guess I wasn't expecting that animation because the page-metadata icon and the profile icon reveal dropdowns instead.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

In general I think the prototype reveals a lot more functionality than is currently available on mobile. I think it would probably visit talk pages more frequently with that button being readily available, and possibly edit Wikidata items more often (if Wikidata has a sane mobile editing UI).


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Firefox Nightly 64.0a1 on a Samsung Galaxy J1 ace (Android 5.1.1).

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

I find a lot of icons in the page and in the sidebar as compared to the original mobile website. This seems to help with easy navigation to different pages. The sticky bar containing links to the important things such as History, Editing etc., is nice. It would be nice if the icon for sidebar was also accessible via the sticky bar as it would make it easy to navigate to other pages such as Random when in the middle of the article rather that having to go to the top of the article. Or the sticky bar should better have the search icon. It would be much more useful to find the search icon in the sticky bar as I would more likely search when in the middle of the article than accessing the sidebar. I would suppose we can't have both as that would crowd the sticky bar ;-) Or would it be better to have both and when the screen size is smaller to have more items in the top bar we could move the less important items into the overflow menu (sort of how Android does it).

Article and Talk page switching

The fact that it's possible to switch between the Article page and its correpsonding Talk page seemlessly looks nice but there should be a way to directly go to the Talk page via a link which seems to be missing currently. When I tap on the Talk page icon the URL didn't seem to change.

Also, there should be some sort of progress indicator that would convey to the user that the Talk page is being loaded. This would be helpful especially in sluggish networks. I was staring at the screen for some time surprised to see no response after I clicked on the Talk page icon while the talk page content seemed to have been loading in the background. It's good to see the switch is faster after the initial delay, though.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

A link to the Talk page. I'm currently not able to get a link to the talk age of an article via the Talk page icon.

4. Is anything missing?

As also noted above:

  • A link to the talk page
  • Search icon to access search bar while browsing the middle of the article

That's all for now.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Unable to obtain a link that goes directly to the talk page of the article using the "Talk page" button.

6. Search

It's easy to notice the search bar found in the top of the page when a article is loaded. Unfortunately, a user who follows a section link into the article wouldn't notice the search bar that's found in the top of the article unless he already knows it would be there. Also, it would be much better if the search was accessible in the top bar which would both improve it's accessibility and avoid the problem.

7. Your own talk page

Not sure as the links don't work. Maybe by clicking on the "human" icon near the search bar which I'm expecting would take me to my User page.

Update (11Oct2018): I just noticed there's a overflow menu that appears when tapping on the "human" icon near the search bar. It seems to work correctly in Chromium but is accessible only in parts of the icon in Firefox. Video demonstrating the behaviour in Firefox and Chromium.

8. The wikidata item for a page

In the overflow menu.

9. The history of a talk page

In the bar above the article content, the clock icon.

10. Community portal


11. Your sandbox

Not sure again. Possibly by using clicking on the "human" icon near the search bar which might take me to my User page from which there might be a link my sandbox. Or maybe not?

12. Notifications

The bell icon near the human icon in the top bar.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Note: It would be helpful if you could ping me in case any further information is needed. Thanks!

Deskana (WMF)

1. What Device and browser are you using?

Nexus 6, Chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Due to the additional information and links contained in the article header, the actual content begins further down the screen than on the current mobile website. I have a relatively large phone, and over a third of my screen is header and actions before I can read the article.

The link to the talk page is significantly more prominent, being at the top of the page rather than at the bottom, but it's now one of the most prominent buttons on the page... should it be? The talk page experience is poor for new users, and we're increasing its prominence. (This is a classic example of a double-edged sword; we really want to expose people to the inner workings of the site and how it's made in order to make them contributors, but those inner workings are complex and very confusing. These are hard problems!)

The transition between article and talk page is handled smoothly, with the header remaining fixed and few buttons changing.

Even as a very experienced editor myself, I actually don't know what the circular button with a clock on the inside does until I tap it and see.

The collection of actions in the overflow menu is strange. I'm not sure whether some should be removed, exposed differently somehow, or the list should be reordered?

The branding of the site completely disappears when you scroll down. On the other hand, the static bar at the top is nice, considering there's nothing like that in the present version.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

I couldn't think of anything that was hard to find compared to the current site.

4. Is anything missing?

As above, nothing in particular seems to be missing.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

See feedback in question 2.

6. Search

Search is obvious and easy to find. I don't have much specific feedback since nothing happens when I type in this prototype.

7. Your own talk page

I opened the hamburger menu at first. On desktop, the button at the top right that has the little head-and-shoulders icon takes you directly to your userpage when you click on it, so I thought the same icon would do the same thing on mobile, not open a menu with a bunch of different items.

8. The wikidata item for a page

I found this earlier on when tapping around in the overflow menu. Is this really something that should be exposed like this? Going to the Wikidata item from reading an article does not seem like a common use case.

9. The history of a talk page

See feedback in question 2; I didn't understand what this icon meant at all at first.

10. Community portal

I first tapped on the head-and-shoulders icon to see if it was in there, since I associated that with community- and people-centric things, and then tried the hamburger menu afterwards.

11. Your sandbox

I tapped the head-and-shoulders icon, since I've now learnt that contains things relating directly to me.

12. Notifications

I tapped the bell icon at the top right.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

I particularly like the static bar at the top of the page, and the transition between the talk page and article page. Things I suggest thinking more about are:

  1. Should the talk page link be as prominent as it is?
  2. Should a more clear icon be used for recent changes?
  3. Should the items in the overflow menu be pruned or reorganised?
  4. Should a different icon be used for the menu grouping user options up, as it's used for slightly different things on desktop and mobile?

--Dan Garry, Wikimedia Foundation (talk) 16:04, 5 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung J1 Ace and Atel A11

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

I think that is a language botton or a translate button (文A), on the revision history is in desktop view, the current events is it for the current article at hand or it leads to the current events portal. I think the help should be at the bottom.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Links to other language in wiki or maybe its the "文A" but that to me means translate this page.

4. Is anything missing?

Nothing that I can see for now.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Just below the article's name which is awesome

6. Search

The search bar at the top that's prefectly fine.

7. Your own talk page

Found on the preson icon or avatar and the "Talk page" is number two from the drop down menu.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Under the three dots menu "View Wikidate item".

9. The history of a talk page

Clicked on the talk page but i cant see anything but pen that means edit i think.

10. Community portal

Under the three-stripes icon. I think the Help ahould move to the bottom.

11. Your sandbox

Under the Person icon or avatar

12. Notifications

On my samsung i see the bell icon. On the Itel A11 (Opera Mini) i have to click on the three-stripes icon then the bell beomes active next to the the Person icon or avatar.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Please add interwiki links.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung, Chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Everything is easy to understand

3. Is anything particularly hard to find? No, everything is pretty clear

4. Is anything missing?

No, except Twinkle

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Looks good

6. Search

Easy to find and pretty comfortable

7. Your own talk page


8. The wikidata item for a page

Again, it's good. Improvements are being seem

9. The history of a talk page Similar to the desktop version, which is good

10. Community portal

Well... Again, I am satisfied

11. Your sandbox Easy to find, at a good place.

12. Notifications

Seems like it used to be, except some visual changes

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

I hope we are able to use tools at this version. Overall, everything looks good and exciting. :-)


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7.0", Chrome Canary

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

The new UI makes it easier for users to use Wikipedia.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?


4. Is anything missing?


Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Looks the very same.

6. Search

Improved. Now you can search without typing in "Special:Search".

7. Your own talk page

Can't enter.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Can't enter.

9. The history of a talk page

Looks the very same as the desktop version.

10. Community portal

Not enterable.

11. Your sandbox

Can't enter.

12. Notifications

Looks the very same like the desktop version.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Improvements that make the page look more like the desktop version.

Huff slush7264

1. What Device and browser are you using?

I use iPad and Safari.

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

It's harder to revert things, I have to go all the way to the bottom to view edit history.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

No, not really.

4. Is anything missing?

No, but it takes longer than desktop.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Kind of hard.

6. Search


7. Your own talk page

Same as before.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Kind of annoying to look for it.

9. The history of a talk page

I have to scroll all the way down, through all of my messages.

10. Community portal

It's also kind of annoying to look for it.

11. Your sandbox

Hard to have to type in my whole username, then /sandbox.

12. Notifications

Not too hard.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Maybe having icons on the top center of you, your username, talk, sandbox, etc.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

iPhone 6, Safari

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Much better and more complete overlay. As some links don't work it's pretty difficult to make initial judgements, but overal I'm positively impressed. I like the improvement on the revision history section as it is now possible to undo edits by other users (however, the design isn't exactly graphically appealing, as there is too much small text).

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Not really, everthing seems pretty intuitive.

4. Is anything missing?

I'm not sure if templates and categories are still not visible on mobile, if so it would be nice to be able to see them.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

6. Search

The Wikipedia watermark remains even while typing

7. Your own talk page

8. The wikidata item for a page

9. The history of a talk page

10. Community portal

11. Your sandbox

12. Notifications

Everything is easy and intuitive to find.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

It's great to see that someone is taking care of the mobile side of Wikipedia, as I often find myself editing on my phone. I am however forced to go on my laptop for tasks which the mobile version wouldn't let me do (undo edits, view templates and categories ecc...)

One thing I would like to see is if the mobile article editor has changed or if it's still the same. Also I would like to see if the watchlist has changed (with different highlight colours like on the PC or if it's still a list as before).


1. What Device and browser are you using?

iPhone 8; Safari

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

It’s more visually pleasing; design seems good and there are more complications (of the good kind), hence there is a relative easiness in finding usually used stuff.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Anything that exists? Nope.

4. Is anything missing?

Maintanence tags and tags of the redirect, distinguish and disambuguation kind.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Pretty easy to find; easy transition, too.

6. Search

Very easy to find, primarily because it hasn’t changed much, position wise.

7. Your own talk page

Easy to find.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Easy to find for those looking for it.

9. The history of a talk page

Same as search, easy to find as it’s in the same position as it currently is on mobile.

10. Community portal

Kind of easy to find, would certainly prefer for it to be in a mainstream position. But, as I don’t visit it often, not of much importance to me.

11. Your sandbox

Easy to find, at the right place as well.

12. Notifications

Easy to find and seem to have changed a bit (for the better, might one add); easy transition as well.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Once maintainence tags appear again, this would seem to be good to go. Frankly, though it is in prototype, I would still much have this interface than the current one on mobile interfaces. Also, I am not being realistic here to a great extent, but, adding gadgets to this interface would be like the cherry on top. Of a great cake. A big cake. Regards, SshibumXZ (talk · contribs). 22:06, 16 October 2018 (UTC); edited 22:09, 16 October 2018 (UTC).[reply]


1. What Device and browser are you using?

iPhone 7 Plus and Google Chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

I think the streamlined design is helpful and easy to navigate, and splitting certain elements helps.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

No particularly, no.

4. Is anything missing?

Not from the looks of it.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Sorted well, like a normal article is.

6. Search

Much better than the previous instance of pressing a button before you can search.

7. Your own talk page

Easy to find.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Under a small section, some newer people may get confused as to where it is.

9. The history of a talk page

Much easier to find than before.

10. Community portal

Simple, on the side menu.

11. Your sandbox

Easy to find under the talk page.

12. Notifications

Bell icon, doesn't get easier.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

I think it's a great design, newcomers may be a bit confused but other than that, I like it.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Google Chrome on an Android device

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

The nav between article and talk page at the top is very good and essential.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

I could see everything that I needed straight away

4. Is anything missing?

The only things that are missing from this are not in the mobile version anyway, such as navboxes and categories.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Yes, good, thanks. Much better than the hidden button before

6. Search

Looks wonderful

7. Your own talk page

I couldn't immediately find it

8. The wikidata item for a page


9. The history of a talk page

I had to tap on the icon to find out what it did, but it does make sense

10. Community portal

11. Your sandbox

12. Notifications

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

John Murphy

1. What Device and browser are you using?


Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

My initial impression is that the text seems slightly larger/bold and more detailed then the previous version. However the image on the page does not seem to be as detailed as some I have seen. In essence the text could be "sharpened" as they almost have a blur/opaqueness to them. The size and font are appropriate as well as the boldness.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

N/A not all links worked, there is not enough information to answer this question. If I can not access everything how can I say if something is hard to find and/or missing.

4. Is anything missing?

Same as above. Refer to the answer for question (3) three.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page


6. Search


7. Your own talk page

Fine- do not use

8. The wikidata item for a page

Link did not work/open

9. The history of a talk page

Fine. Good layout

10. Community portal

Link did not work

11. Your sandbox

No bbn idea what this is so I have no idea.

12. Notifications

Good, noticeable location. Maybe add under the tab on the top, left corner.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Add more capabilities under editing. Color to text, adding picture (must be approved by Wikipedia) and/or other link and media (with approval; add pic./link/media in editing mode, item is sent to wikipedia where it is reviewed for content and accuracy, then approved or denied and added to page)

Ideas on increased revenue: fundraising, banquet/gala's/parties and historic location and/or museums (celebrities?) To raise funds. Wikipedia charity (scholarship, community relief/disaster, education/history, research/grants)


1. What Device and browser are you using?

LeEco 2, Google Chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Most of the links that appears in desktop mode is added to mobile version. Thanks for including most of the used tabs .

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?


4. Is anything missing?

Didn't feel anything. I think I have much content now.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

In the article talk page is it necessary to add language tab. I think the language and wikidata tab can be removed from this page.

6. Search

I am not able to use the Search. (Not available)

7. Your own talk page

(Not available)

8. The wikidata item for a page

Good to see Wikidata item is added to the article.

9. The history of a talk page

Similar to desktop view. Thanks for detailing the contributions in mobile mode.

10. Community portal

(Link not active)

11. Your sandbox

(Link not active) Does it have all my sandbox pages. If I have created more than 1 sandbox.

12. Notifications

It's showing blurry. Not able to see the notifications

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Actually the font used in the content of articles is more bold than previous. I prefer to reduce.

Donald Trung

1. What Device and browser are you using?

Microsoft Lumia 950 XL with Microsoft Edge.

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

The previews presented look like a major improvement, currently the mobile browser doesn't seem editor-orientated at all.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

(your feedback here)

4. Is anything missing?

IP Address users should also be able to easily access discussions (aa their feedback is just as valuable as any "signed-in user"), as the screenshots seemed to feature a signed-in user I can't deduce that.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

It's difficult to navigate on mobile 📱, especially if the talk page is very long. If you use the desktop view you can jump from section to section but this doesn't seem to be the case on mobile, also WikiProjects aren't visible on mobile or they're oddly listed as "page issues" which almost make it sound as if they're a problem.

6. Search

Search on mobile is bad, you can't use cat-a-lot and it doesn't seem to display as well as the desktop version.

7. Your own talk page

(your feedback here)

8. The wikidata item for a page

Wikidata is 100% mobile unfriendly, you can't add statements and if I switch to "desktop mode" it literally crashes and reloads the page every few seconds to every minute, the screen seems to "flash" and then forces my browser to reload. Sometimes simply adding an image to a Wikidata item can take between 15 (fifteen) and 30 (thirty) minutes. (oddly enough Wikidata never seems to crash 💥 using the mobile browser.)

9. The history of a talk page

History navigation is rubbish on mobile in general, you can't view multiple revisions at the same time, you can't undo vandalism, Etc. Usually I have to switch between "mobile" and "desktop" just to make anything work.

10. Community portal

(your feedback here)

11. Your sandbox

(your feedback here)

12. Notifications

(your feedback here)

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

The mobile 📱 experience should not be treated as an afterthought, currently I can't edit entire Wikipedia articles by clicking on "the top pencil ✏" as I would by clicking "Edit source" on the top of an article, this forces mobile editors if they want to move anything between sections to first edit a section and then edit another section, this could be incorrectly seen as "vandalism" by rollbackers and patrollers while the limitation is in the (bad) software as "intermediate edits don't exist" according to them. Another limitation with mobile 📱 Wikimedia is that some templates don't display, on the Dutch-language Wikipedia navigation templates at the bottom of the page do display while on the English-language Wikipedia they don't, this seems odd. Another issue I have is that categories aren't displayed at all, on Wikimedia Commons having the ability to edit categories is a must for any file page but you can't even view to which categories a particular file 📁belongs.

Most computer devices in circulation today are mobile devices but the Wikimedia Foundation and its editors at large have made little to no effort to make mobile editing a pleasant experience for anyone. As a whole generation of people who will mostly visit this site on mobile grows up improving "the mobile experience" seems paramount to recruiting "the next generation of editors" but the mobile editing experience has been treated as an afterthought and mobile users are seen as content consumers and not content creators. The mobile experience should be improved not just for registered users but also for IP Address users. It should have all the same editing features as the desktop editors.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

I'm using Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 device and Chrome browser.

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

It was easy to access the talk page of the given article. The user page link is adjacent to notification bell which is good indeed.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Everything is okay.

4. Is anything missing?

The UTC clock. It should be present either in navigation or article.

5. An article’s talk page

It is fine.

6. Search

There should be a privilege to pre-select the namespace that one wanna navigate to because it saves the time of typing that particular namespace everytime one wanna search in that space. Wikidata gives this privilege.

7. Your own talk page

It is easy to access it. No need to browse to my userpage evertime I need to access.

8. The wikidata item for a page

This one also easy to access. No need to to switch into desktop mode to access it.

9. Your sandbox

I never use it.

10. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

The navigation box is awesome. It has got everything that I have problems accessing. There are bugs in the search box.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 with Google Chrome browser. Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

The new interface, design and allocation of icons are very impressive and easy to use. I like the way we can switch Article and Talk page. Edit history moved to top of the page and it appears as an icon. All the icons in top are comparatively small and very well arranged. More over, all the icons are floating on the top of the page when dragging page down.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

No. Everything is very easy to find.

4. Is anything missing?

I can't see any missing option.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Talk page is very easy to access and well organised.

6. Search

Love the search bar instead of icon and its place. As it is on top and middle, i feel it is very easy to use and it changes the look of the page.

7. Your own talk page

Unable to open my talk page. But everything related to user placed in one option and it is very nice and easy to access.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Unable to open the page.

9. The history of a talk page

Easy to access, But difficult to read. It seems to be so many unnecessary data available in the page. Btw, i like the way we switch between Article and Talk page.

10. Community portal

Unable to access any option from Hamburger manu.

11. Your sandbox

Placed very well. But unable to access the page.

12. Notifications

Like the way it opens. Unlike full screen, it opens up just like charm bar in windows 10 and very easy to read.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...


Please add the arabic language to language's lste Because a lot of pepeols speak arabic , But they didn't find it on wikimedi commons. And thanks


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Chrome 70.0.3538.60 on iPhone SE running iOS 12.0.1

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

A lot better than current version, easier to navigate, cleaner design

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?


4. Is anything missing?

Sub-Sections of Special pages in menu with common ones.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page


6. Search 5/5

7. Your own talk page


8. The wikidata item for a page


9. The history of a talk page


10. Community portal


11. Your sandbox


12. Notifications

??? 0/5

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...



1. What Device and browser are you using?

LG-G4 mobile phone, chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Slightly different having the option such as edit history and talk pages link below the title of the article in the format that it was in. It still feels relatively familiar.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Link to contributions and personal pages moved, however this something that editors can adapt to.

4. Is anything missing?

Not that I am aware of.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Clearly available; now easy to find at the top.

6. Search

Clearly available; hasn't moved.

7. Your own talk page

Clearly available to find in personal option button.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Could be easier to find; on chrome it is far below features such as downloading or finding page information; users may not realise this is an internal wiki feature.

9. The history of a talk page

Clear enough, however the all page history still has to be found by scrolling to the bottom; different to history of article edit, which could be confusing for some (I personally prefer the latter of scrolling down to find edit history).

10. Community portal

Wasn't sure at first about where I should find it however easy to find due to quick and accessible navigation from the easy to use layout.

11. Your sandbox

Clearly available.

12. Notifications

Still in the usual space.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Looks fantastic for mobile phones, however please ensure these changes DO NOT DISRUPT TABLET USERS! Although technically tablet edits are "mobile" edits, the prototype interface I loaded on the iPad (just to see) was weird and I hope that the current format for ipad or other tablet users is NOT affected by these changes, otherwise editing will become almost impossible using this type of device. Please ensure that this new format only affects mobile phone users and not tablet "mobile" users - or that the appropriate measures are taken to stick to an practical, easy and accessible way to edit on tablet devices. Overall the change looks very promising for phone users!


1. What Device and browser are you using?

iPhone X, Safari

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

I find most places to be convenient to get to, especially because of the toolbar at the top

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Not that I could see

4. Is anything missing?


Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Front and center

6. Search

Easy to find, right at the top of the page

7. Your own talk page

Nicely integrated into the user menu

8. The wikidata item for a page

Great that it’s tucked away but still easy to get to

9. The history of a talk page

Easy to find, however the info on the page seems very cluttered, same with article history. Also, no back button without using the browser itself to return to the previous page.

10. Community portal

Took just a second to find

11. Your sandbox

Right where I expected it to be

12. Notifications

Great interface, allowing you to view notifications without leaving the current page you’re on

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Although not included in the prototype, a better interface for viewing images on mobile would be great. Also, it’s incredibly easy to glitch the interface (such as “closing” the nav menu without clicking on it, so it’s just covering the menu), but that’s to be expected in a prototype.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime, UC Browser

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

I always edited by smartphone, I do not have a computer. It's easy for me, I've gotten used to it. I never did any article on the computer.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

No, it is easy to get used to the buttons and to find some characters like [[]] {{}} <> |

4. Is anything missing?

mobile navboxes

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

I do not see it.

6. Search


7. Your own talk page

I do not use it very much

8. The wikidata item for a page

To link a page, I do on desktop

9. The history of a talk page


10. Community portal

No much

11. Your sandbox


12. Notifications


13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...



1. What Device and browser are you using?

"Chrome on Android 7 Nougat"

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

"PDF Download was only available for Desktop, While Mobile is directly saving the PDF File as Printable Version. (Seems to be legit but it's fine)"

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

"On Page History, Some logs are quite messy than a Simple or Compacted Details like Date, Timestamps, Byte Size, Username/IP, Edit Summary. (I prefer the old version of the Page History)"

4. Is anything missing?

"The Disambiguation/Redirect Message before the Wiki Title seems to be missing"

5. An article’s talk page

"Well, I never used an Article's Talk Page before. (Mostly I see it on the Desktop and not on Mobile) - But I prefer a Forum of an Article and Special/Private Topic about the Edits"

6. Search

"I prefer the Search Icon on the Upper-Right of the screen instead of Search Box, When going to Screenshot some Highlighted Article."

7. Your own talk page

"Uh, I would like to have a privacy for messaging instead of other users joining in the Talk Page. (There must be separated between Private Message and the User's Talk Page)"

8. The wikidata item for a page

"About the Picture Size, It must have it's own 'Drop-down Options' then it will open a new tab for the specific file when clicked."

9. The history of a talk page

"Visual Metadata (The Identifications Hash or something) - Nah, I mean. Overview and Details like Timestamps with a Message for its current modifications"

10. Community portal

"It should be in arrange and have a compatibility view for Mobile Devices, The Texts are getting over the screen to the next line."

11. Your sandbox

"Some Copyright Contents are not available to make as a Fair Use for sandbox"

12. Notifications

"It's better to put it as a Floating Widget on the Lower-Right of the screen and a Push Notification to the Mobile Browser (Chime or User-dedicated sound when Online)"

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

"There must be an Edit Approval to the Creator of the Wiki Article to avoid some Vandalism Activities and ensuring its Article Facts (Unlike some Wikis are protected by locking the page for editing)"


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung S8, Google Chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Much more convenient and usable than the current mobile view. Everything I would expect to find in a mobile view for editors is there.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?


4. Is anything missing?

Not that I can think of.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

(your feedback here)

6. Search

(your feedback here)

7. Your own talk page

(your feedback here)

8. The wikidata item for a page

(your feedback here)

9. The history of a talk page

(your feedback here)

10. Community portal

(your feedback here)

11. Your sandbox

(your feedback here)

12. Notifications

Everything is easy to find.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Very happy overall with the prototype, it would make mobile editing much more viable. I think improvements can be made on the history view; it looks just like the desktop version. I'd imagine the radio buttons aren't easy to click on. I would suggest something like the current history view, but with added features (revision comparison, reversion capabilities, etc.).


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Android, Samsung

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Cannot access history. Is this a problem with the prototype? When I click "Last edited 11 days ago" I'm not getting history.

Watchlist not accessible any more in left menu :(

Lots of items in the left menu. Special pages and recent changes are good to see but others do not seem so useful.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

I don't see the point in the 3 dots drop down. Only "view wikidata item" on mobile seems useful and that's buried inside there.

4. Is anything missing?

Please bring back watchlist. It's very important and is usually in the left menu. it's much more important than "community portal", "help", "other projects", "featured" and "current events" - all which I'd never use.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have

5. An article’s talk page

No banners explaining how to interact with the talk page.

Where is the edit icon?

6. Search

No comments.

7. Your own talk page

Can no longer access it (or my contributions). Used to be accessible from the left menu. Am I not signed in to this prototype?

8. The wikidata item for a page

Link doesn't work.

9. The history of a talk page

Link at bottom of page is broken.

10. Community portal

Don't use.

11. Your sandbox

Not seeing it, but I don't find sandbox useful.

12. Notifications

Looks same as existing mobile interface. What am I missing?

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Dark mode would be very useful for editing at night.

There seems to be lots of peculiar functions being added in this prototype compared to the existing experience. I appreciate the addition of Recent changes and "Special pages" but many of the other new links just add unnecessary confusion and clutter to the interface. I like the existing mobile interface because it reduces this clutter. Print is not something I need to do on my mobile phone for example.

Please restore Watchlist and access to my user page!

Make it easier to edit anonymously. Every time I edit I have to click "edit without logging in". Please remember my preference.

Khandeka satish kumar valji bhai

1. What Device and browser are you using? Google chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)


3. Is anything particularly hard?


4. Is anything missing?


Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page


6. Search


7. Your own talk page


8. The wikidata item for a page


9. The history of a

Very good

10. Community portal


11. Your sandbox


12. Notifications

Its ok

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

No.all is right


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung Note 8, Chrome (latest version)

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

It's kinda weird where the search is. If the search bar was a little wider so you when you type the preview of articles have enough room. Also I noticed there is no back button when you click the revision history.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

No, everything can be found within a couple of taps.

4. Is anything missing?

Yes, currently there is a little X button when you type something. Clicking it clears everything in the search area.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Kinda small. So maybe a tiny bit bigger would be nice.

6. Search

Like I said in the missing features. Yes there currently is an X that clears anything in the search area when tapped. Also maybe a search button the says search so after your done typing it instead of tapping the search button on keyboard you can tap search on screen

7. Your own talk page

I like the symbol. So cute.

8. The wikidata item for a page

I don't use Wikidata but if I ever need it's in a nice slot.

9. The history of a talk page

I love how you can switch between them without leaving the page.

10. Community portal

Really nice spot.

11. Your sandbox

I like where its placed.

12. Notifications

Really like the slider out thing.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Really like it. Might even use it more then the app. Something that I would like to see is for that star article, edit, revision history bar follow you top bar thing to slide in so you don't see it when reading and when you scroll up a little bit it pops out again. If it's possible I also want a mobile dark theme if it's possible. I'll let you know if I want anything else.


1. What Device and browser are you using?iPhone 8+ and Safari

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors I like the floating toolbar. It’s small enough to stay out of the way and big enough to use.

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

(I really like having the history link floating with the article. Not needed here but a nice addition for pages that change rapidly!)

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?


4. Is anything missing?

(Not really)

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page


6. Search


7. Your own talk page


8. The wikidata item for a page


9. The history of a talk page


10. Community portal


11. Your sandbox


12. Notifications


13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

(My single largest complaint has been about redirects. When a page redirects on the desktop a link at the top of the pages says, basically, redirected from link here. This is and remains missing from mobile. Redirects are a necessary evil on the internet. But especially with encyclopaedic wikis, many redirects come from abandoned or unEncyclopaedic content that can contain small bits of valuable information that is lots to the general mobile audience without that redirect source link.)


1. What Device and browser are you using?

iPhone 6s, Safari

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

The font seems smaller and darker which seems ok to me but may be annoying to people with reading impairments etc... I personally prefer it as it looks a lot more like the desktop version. I do like the idea that the talk page is accessible from the top section of the page: it’s annoying when I have to scroll all the way to the bottom of a page for it’s talk page button. Being able to access it’s history from the top is also convenient.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Not anything particular, the sections don’t open though (I understand that links don’t work but it would be nice to see what the sections look like when opened)

4. Is anything missing?

Not really...

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

This is good. I prefer this to the old system and it’s nice to have the create section button at the top.

6. Search

The "WIKIPEDIA" logo won’t dissapear when I start typing something. Please fix this.

7. Your own talk page

Will not load

8. The wikidata item for a page

No objections

9. The history of a talk page

Looks great, just like the desktop version.

10. Community portal

Will not load

11. Your sandbox

Will not load

12. Notifications

Good, doesn’t seem like much of a change from the old version (which is ok)

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Overall a good system which is much better than the current one. However I feel that I cannot fully judge it because most links do not work and I cannot even open the sections to see how it works. I do, however, like the idea that it has become more mainstreamed with the desktop version.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

iPhone X with Safari on iOS 12.0.1

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

The top bar feels BIG and I wish it didn’t follow me down the page. Talk isn’t something I use sufficiently often for it to effectively need an entire dedicated row to switch between article/talk.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Not that I noticed.

4. Is anything missing?

I’d maybe like to be able to toggle all folds within the article, if there’s going to be a floating bar following me around.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

What happens to the toolbar when I’m on the talk page? Do all of the buttons (e.g. History start acting on the talk page or do they still refer to the original article? I’m assuming the former but still found myself wondering.

6. Search

Standard search field. I like it.

7. Your own talk page

I’m not sure what to look for in the user menu vs the sidebar/hamburger menu. I mean, I can guess fairly easily, but I don’t feel like I need two separate menus.

8. The wikidata item for a page

I found it, but just because the overflow menu is where I went when I wasn’t sure where to look for something, and it was there.

9. The history of a talk page

See above; the buttons changing behavior feel a little strange, but it was clear how to do it.

10. Community portal

It’s where I’d expect it to be.

11. Your sandbox

It’s where I’d expect it to be in the new design.

12. Notifications

It’s another slidey menu drawer thing. All right. I’m not sure why the main menu and notifications get to be drawers but user settings is just a pop up menu, but it’s fine. I like the layout of content in the notifications viewer a lot, it looks clean/readable even though there’s no text there.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

As a long-term user, I personally wish for less space taken up by UI at the top of the page, not more, but to be able to easily get to it in a menu or similar.

- I don’t think I use the toolbar buttons enough to want them to follow me down the page. But if the sticky toolbar had a pop-up ToC, that would be interesting…

- I like being able to switch between talk and article quickly, without a full reload.

- After seeing the pop up user menu, I’m curious what it would be like if other things were in a menu like that, too (ToC, languages, even the main menu).

Addendum (after reading other users’ comments): I should have mentioned that I really like the icons in the menus.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Nexus 5, Firefox Beta

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

First impression: "Wow, finally." A nicely positioned talk page link, and seamless switching to it, without a visible page loading process shown by the browser. A nice top menu, a nice inclusion of the "download PDF" option, which I would definitely use often on mobile. I am currently using Firefox's "save as PDF" browser menu entry for that.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?


4. Is anything missing?


Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

See above, positively noticed

6. Search

Noting that currently, the "Wikipedia" slogan is being displayed above entered text in the search box, making the text unreadable, no other issues. I like that clicking this field did not make my browser weirdly zoom the box, as it often happens with this kind of text boxes.

7. Your own talk page

Intuitive link position, but the link does not work in this example.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Same as 7

9. The history of a talk page

Seems to work nicely. Looks good, but not special. I expected something like the "Flow" discussion extension currently in use on the MediaWiki wiki. I do understand that this feature has been removed due to negative responses by the community, but I had somehow expected something like Flow when being asked to have a look at the talk page's history.

10. Community portal

Took me a while to understand where to look for this. The position is okay, it was only the question which made me look for something I rarely use. Link does not work.

11. Your sandbox

See 7.

12. Notifications

Good design, nicely done seamlessly without a page change.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Implemented 1:1 as shown in the example, this would already make my day. ToBeFree (talk) 20:54, 18 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Your username (or "laUna)

1. What Device and browser are you using?


Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

(Like the format)

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

(Not browsed yet)

4. Is anything missing?

(Screen reader)

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

(your feedback here)

6. Search

(your feedback here)

7. Your own talk page

(your feedback here)

8. The wikidata item for a page

(your feedback here)

9. The history of a talk page

(your feedback here)

10. Community portal

(your feedback here)

11. Your sandbox

(your new world/2)

12. Notifications

(your feedback here)

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

(Thank you)


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Lenovo A6600 plus and UC Browser

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Very good and well-crafted and a new type of design, no confusing, everything available

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?


4. Is anything missing?


Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Good system of opening talk page, much better than the previous

6. Search

Search field looks good though the link is not working

7. Your own talk page

I tried to open that by clicking the button but that's not opening

8. The wikidata item for a page

I tried to open that but that's not opening. Bit it is easy to find.

9. The history of a talk page

Very easy to find.

10. Community portal

Community portal is not opening but it is easy to find.

11. Your sandbox

Very impressive. Now I don't have to open the desktop page for link.

12. Notifications

Good system.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Please don't give the four icons in the header. While moving downwards, I found the static header where the options were still imaged. Everyone on Wikipedia do not come for editing, some come for gaining knowledge or reading purposes. So if you give your Wikipedia icon and page name there it should be better, at least for the logged out users. But it will not cause problem and it looks very good and I do not have to go the buttons because they are in front of me. Very impressive look, everything is at hand. I am eagerly waiting for this design.

Lakshay chhaba

1. What Device and browser are you using Mobile Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

(something missing or something not clear)

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

(i do not think so)

4. Is anything missing?


Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page


6. Search


7. Your own talk page

(not yet)

8. The wikidata item for a page


9. The history of a talk page


10. Community portal

(your feedback here)

11. Your sandbox

(your feedback here)

12. Notifications

(your feedback here)

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

(your feedback here)

Abin Thomas

1. What Device and browser are you using?

(Redmi Note 4, Google Chrome)

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

(My initial impressions is extremely Positive response.I couldn't find anything confusing. It's ok.)

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

(No it's look Good.)

4. Is anything missing?


Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

(It's need more realistic)

6. Search

(Suggestions )

7. Your own talk page


8. The wikidata item for a page


9. The history of a talk page


10. Community portal


11. Your sandbox


12. Notifications


13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

(I think Wikipedia page controlled some students. That's why these type of feedback.Dear wiki, please think forward. We tired after clearing the text and type again method. Don't use these type of feedback next time. Use HTML 5. Add multiple choice questions or bullet type questions or selection from drop down menu. )


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung S8 and Chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

So, the prototype page seems to be for Akira Kurosawa, the great Japanese film director. I can't get much to work on the S8 on that page. The "menu" (3 vertical dots) opens, but the choices mostly don't work. I cannot get into edit mode on the page or any part of it.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?


4. Is anything missing?

Not that I can see.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Looks ok; in the prototype, on my S8, I can't do much: none of the sections on the "Talk" page expands.

6. Search

Can enter letters there, but nothing happens.

7. Your own talk page

Don't know what that is.

8. The wikidata item for a page

When I select it from the menu, nothing happens.

9. The history of a talk page

can't see it.

10. Community portal

Don't know what that is.

11. Your sandbox

Can't get to it.

12. Notifications

Don't know what that means?

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

On my S8, using Chrome, I could do VERY little.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Galaxy S9+, Chrome 70.0

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Much better than the previous design

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?


4. Is anything missing?

Section edit links, assuming those haven't been removed

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

(your feedback here)

6. Search

(your feedback here)

7. Your own talk page

(your feedback here)

8. The wikidata item for a page

(your feedback here)

9. The history of a talk page

(your feedback here)

10. Community portal

(your feedback here)

11. Your sandbox

(your feedback here)

12. Notifications

(your feedback here)

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

(your feedback here)


1. What Device and browser are you using?

iPhone 8 (iOS 12) with Safari and Firefox (tested both).

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

  • There are far more links, though it is not overloaded.
  • I like how the notifications work out, on current minerva they are unbelievable slow.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

  • Not directly hard, but I searched the watchlist first in the left panel, still after all it is convenient to be in the user-section if I didn't know Minerva.

4. Is anything missing?

  • There are nowhere categories (at least I didn't find them, so if there are this should go to the section above).
  • Will it be possible to edit a page as whole? That would be great … At least for Talk pages I don't see that possibility now in the prototype.
  • A link to scroll to the top of the page

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

  • Very easy to find. The exact and only place, where the link should be

6. Search

  • Easy to find on the one hand, though the old "hidden" design looks better imo.

7. Your own talk page

  • Where else should it be?

8. The wikidata item for a page

  • Wow, you now have a link for that? I don't need a gadget anymore?

9. The history of a talk page

  • Seems to be the same as the history of any other page?

10. Community portal

  • I won't ever use that link probably, just like the "Nearby".

11. Your sandbox

  • Something else I never use, but at the right place.

12. Notifications

  • I could just sit here and hover the panel an hour long. Very nice.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

The five links above the article should not be on a fixed position when reading the article. They better would only appear when scrolling up, but disappear otherwise. Additionally the search should be accessible as soon as you scroll up a little bit. It is annoying to scroll a minute or two on a long talk page.

When can I have it?


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung Galaxy S5 Duos, Google Chrome. Using Samsung Internet doesn't make a difference, as far as I remember.

When I tried to edit using a 2.3.6 Android phone, I couldn't edit. The page never stands still!

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

The language icon was unintuitive. It took me some time in the past to know that other versions were there.

Also, the non-Latin script languages were mysteriously listed down below, when I'm used to seeing them in a different order on my computer. I asked in the past whether it was possible to set a customized order on the computer skin, but I don't think I got a answer or that was impossible to do.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

It's too hard to search for and compare older versions of a page. I would say, it's impossible!

4. Is anything missing?

(your feedback here)

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

(your feedback here)

6. Search

(your feedback here)

7. Your own talk page

(your feedback here)

8. The wikidata item for a page

(your feedback here)

9. The history of a talk page

(your feedback here)

10. Community portal

(your feedback here)

11. Your sandbox

Never found it. I don't know where it is.

12. Notifications

(your feedback here)

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Nothing else other than what I wrote.


In the current version there seems to be no way to open a whole article at once for editing, only separate sections


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Google pixel XL

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

I like the additional features on the icons at the top e.g. revision history.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

(your feedback here)

4. Is anything missing?

It would be useful to have a short list of the main categories displayed at the top. That would also allow for navigation.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

(your feedback here)

6. Search

(your feedback here)

7. Your own talk page

(your feedback here)

8. The wikidata item for a page

(your feedback here)

9. The history of a talk page

(your feedback here)

10. Community portal

(your feedback here)

11. Your sandbox

(your feedback here)

12. Notifications

(your feedback here)

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes... It would be useful to havea structured question and feedback page for collecting information like this. I found creating this edit time consuming as it's all in a single text area.

I think that it's an improvement on the existing mobile screens. Nicely done :)


I Love how it is made for mobile users, the aspect of it is precisely amazing.

It seems to be working effectively and moderately

The layout is indeed very well put together

I can easily navigate it.

5 star rating by Laura barling


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Opera Browser on a Moto G5 (XT1672).

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

I think that there has been some great improviments to the visualization of the article, making it more easy to acess the talk and the history of it.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

No, nothing.

4. Is anything missing?

Sometimes, I like to see the categories an article is in.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Easy to find.

6. Search

Easy to find.

7. Your own talk page

Easy to find.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Easy to find.

9. The history of a talk page

Easy to find.

10. Community portal

Also easy to find.

11. Your sandbox

It's all easy to find.

12. Notifications

Easy to find and organized.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Quite an improvement that makes it not necessary to resort to desktop site while on mobile so often as before.

Your username (or "Anon")

1. What Device and browser are you using?


Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

(It seems mostly similar to editing on a computer)

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

(By far, the hardest thing to find is the revert button. It doesn't seem available, which can make editing a much bigger pain for frequent users.)

4. Is anything missing?

(The revert button. Only that really.)

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

(Seems generally the same as on the computer)

6. Search


7. Your own talk page


8. The wikidata item for a page

(Rarely used)

9. The history of a talk page


10. Community portal


11. Your sandbox

(Rarely used)

12. Notifications

(I think it'd be a lot better if somehow you can be notified in general talk pages of articles or other users whenever there's a reply to a topic you posted in.)

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

(Needs a revert option. Only that by far.)


1. What Device and browser are you using?

(Infinix S2, Google Chrome.)

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

(Most of the thumbnail links aren't loading.)

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?


4. Is anything missing?

(your feedback here)

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

(Nicely placed.)

6. Search


7. Your own talk page

(Couldn't recognise it at first.)

8. The wikidata item for a page

(Couldn't find it.)

9. The history of a talk page

(Saw it.)

10. Community portal

(Saw it.)

11. Your sandbox

(It's there.)

12. Notifications

(It's there.)

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

(Nice arrangements.)


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung A5 2017, Google Chrome.

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)


3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

not that i can think of

4. Is anything missing?

not that i can think of

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Nice, clean

6. Search

If I type something I keep seeing in the yellow background of the search bar the word that I typed and "Wikipedia"

7. Your own talk page

I see the icon "Talk", maybe it would be better to specify that it is your talk, not just the article talk page or something else

8. The wikidata item for a page

Found after a bit of wandering

9. The history of a talk page

it's ok, but once i was on that page the only way to go back at the talk or article page was the "back" button on my phone, maybe it would be nice to keep the "article" and "talk" icons at the top

10. Community portal


11. Your sandbox

I see the icon

12. Notifications

Love it, nice animation

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

I really like the notification thing, overall everything seems nice. I found kinda hard to give this feedback tho (finding where I had to write, deleting the "your answer here" etc...) maybe something like a google form would work better?


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung S8+, Chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Initially, feature rich!

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Not really that I noticed

4. Is anything missing?

No :)

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

(your feedback here)

6. Search

(your feedback here)

7. Your own talk page

(your feedback here)

8. The wikidata item for a page

(your feedback here)

9. The history of a talk page

(your feedback here)

10. Community portal

(your feedback here)

11. Your sandbox

(your feedback here)

12. Notifications

(your feedback here)

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Slim it down a bit


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung Galaxy S2, LineageOS 14.1, Android 7.1.2, Firefox 63.0b7

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

It's a lot better than what we have right now, as it gives mobile users similar power to desktop users.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

(your feedback here)

4. Is anything missing?

(your feedback here)

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

As explained below, I don't like the prominent Article/Talk links at the top. Put it in the vertical dots menu.

6. Search

(your feedback here)

7. Your own talk page

Found it, but link should be labeled "Your Talk" so that it isn't mistaken for the page's Talk page.

8. The wikidata item for a page

(your feedback here)

9. The history of a talk page

(your feedback here)

10. Community portal

Expected it under the three-lines menu, but couldn't find it.

11. Your sandbox

(your feedback here)

12. Notifications

Expected them in the user menu, couldn't find them there, gave up. Later found them by accident in the upper right, when I moved the entire article to the left. Is that intentional? In the normal view, the notification bell is not visible on my device. Suggestions: create a link to your notifications in the user menu, and also add a little red bell to your user symbol in the upper right if you have pending notifications.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

  • In the user's menu, "beta" is not self-explanatory.
  • "Article - Talk" underneath the article's title is irritating, confusing. It's obvious that I'm reading an article, why is it saying that? The distinction between black and dark grey text is lost on the user. The link to the talk page could be in the vertical dots menu.
  • The vertical dots menu should contain links to the history and to other language versions of the article, for those uses who don't get the meaning of the icons the first time.
  • "Last edited 11 days ago by Hmains" at the bottom is pointless for two reasons: nobody cares for the name of the last editor, and we already have a prominent link to the history now.
  • I understand that in this prototype, the sections can't yet be expanded. Once this is possible: make it easy to collapse them again, both at the end of the section and at its beginning.
  • We need better infrastructure for user surveys like these. This is a nightmare. If you were sent to the survey page on your mobile device, how do you find the correct url to enter on your computer to submit the feedback? VE users have to find this transcluded page first, really? Why not have users open the feedback page in a separate browser tab, so that people without a computer can also participate?

Oshawott 12

1. What Device and browser are you using?

iPhone 7, Chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Found it looking surprisingly better than the original. It looked like a cross between the webpage version and the app version.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find? Main page. It could be next to the search bar.

4. Is anything missing? The disambiguation/redirection template was missing. In addition, the edit history button was in both the top and the bottom.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Sections look too big, should be smaller to fit more sections in.

6. Search

The 'WIKIPEDIA' logo went over the text I was typing. It could be better if it was a button-activated popout.

7. Your own talk page

Under my userpage. A good place to check notifications.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Looks to be in a 'technical' area of a page. Good area.

9. The history of a talk page

Font could be bigger to fit mobile style.

10. Community portal

Accurate place.

11. Your sandbox

Could be placed lower due to low importance in editing.

12. Notifications

Next to 'user' section.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes... The text was a bit grainy when scrolled in. I think it would be better if it was put on the page. The watchlist button could be put next to the edit history button, as we use the watchlist button less. The desktop mode button could be put in the 'Main page' sidebar, at the bottom.

Oshawott 12 ==()== Talk to me! 11:59, 20 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]


1. What Device and browser are you using?

AG Mobile,Chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable? Non Confusion Whatsoever.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

Not That I've noticed,No.

4. Is anything missing?


Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Works Perfectly Well

6. Search


'7. Your own talk page

Works Too!

8. The wikidata item for a page


9. The history of a talk page


10. Community portal


11. Your sandbox

That too,Yes

12. Notifications


13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Well done Wiki,Y'all Do amazing work.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Samsung Galaxy S8, Google Chrome

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Links are very useful, especially the talk page. when scrolling the bar tales up a significant amount of screen space.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?


4. Is anything missing?

Purge button and subpages button

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Very easy to do.

6. Search

Very easy to do.

7. Your own talk page

Very easy to do. Maybe it should be on the page rather then the user menu.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Very convenient.

9. The history of a talk page

Very easy to do.

10. Community portal

Very easy to do.

11. Your sandbox

Very easy to do.

12. Notifications

Very easy to do.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

I think purge and subpages buttons should be added. Users should be able to add custom links like they can on desktop. A user/mobile.css and user/mobile.js would be cool. Very easy to edit talk pages. I'll likely need to make mobile friendly lol. MUCH MUCH better the current mobile UI.

2ui± →

1. What Device and browser are you using?

(Blu DashL Chrome)

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

(No, it's fine)

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

(Link doesn't open)

4. Is anything missing?

(I don't know, the three dots icon doesn't open.)

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

(Link doesn't work)

6. Search

(It's fine)

7. Your own talk page

(Link don't work)

8. The wikidata item for a page

(Link doesn't work)

9. The history of a talk page

(Doesn't work)

10. Community portal

11. Your sandbox

12. Notifications

(It's fine )

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Oneplus A3003, Chrome 72.0.3586.0 (Official version) canary (32 bitar)

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

When you open the revisions page that doesn't keep the "header" buttons, so you can't easily switch back as you can between the article and the talk page. I'd like that ease of navigation on more butrons

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

(your feedback here)

4. Is anything missing?

(your feedback here)

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Both the article and the talk page icon could move down to the rest of the icons

6. Search


7. Your own talk page


8. The wikidata item for a page


9. The history of a talk page

Hmm I could belive that would still be the button for the article history as it currently is

10. Community portal


11. Your sandbox


12. Notifications


13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

(your feedback here)


1. What Device and browser are you using?

Redmi Note 4, Firefox

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

Nothing in particular, although it'll take time for users to get used to this new navigation system. Addition of the revision history button and better accessibility of the sandbox is really impressive.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

I don't know if it's a bug but the edit button for each section seperately seems not to be there.

4. Is anything missing?

Don't think so.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

Easy to access, great overall.

6. Search

Again, I'm sure it's a bug but the Wikipedia logo doesn't go away once I start typing something.

7. Your own talk page

Easier to access it now.

8. The wikidata item for a page

Easily accessible.

9. The history of a talk page

Better, more like the desktop version.

10. Community portal

Easily accessible.

11. Your sandbox

This thing was especially tiring to locate but within two taps now.

12. Notifications

Kind of the same.

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

A few things can be bettered, or say repaired such as:

  • Adding a dark mode will make the experience of editing better.
  • While editing, the cursor often moves up to the top of the text and locating it to the part where it was initially meant to be used is frustrating, this is a new issue and wasn't prevalent a few years back or so.


1. What Device and browser are you using?

  • iPhone 6SPlus iOS ver 12.0.1 (16A404); model MKU72J/A;
  • Firefox for iPhone

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

  • General impression; very clean design.
  • Confusing: as a translator, I am still not sure how I will remember which menu holds what. Ex; Sandbox and Wikidata.
  • Convenient: Revision history with the clock button is very handy, I was waiting for this feature.
  • Particularly notable: the "View Wikidata item" on three dot menu.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

  • Sandbox. Thought it was included in the three line menu to the left of the Search box.

4. Is anything missing?

  • Still no "Category" shown. I wish to handle Category on mobile editing as well.

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

  • Particularly notable: Revision history will be quite handy on mobile edits, too.

6. Search

  • Particularly notable: Feels similar to the iPhone app, and that's nice.

7. Your own talk page

  • Particularly notable: very easy to find under the human icon; compared to iPhone app which I am new to and can't find my talk page but notification, which is merely a push or What's Up.
  • Which type of talk page are we going to have? Plain thread?

8. The wikidata item for a page

  • Convenient. Please keep this feature, or not sure everybody needs it, but as a translator, it's quite handy to find extra data.

9. The history of a talk page

  • Particularly notable: yes, it will be handy and I will be using heavily.

10. Community portal

Link doesn’t open.

11. Your sandbox

  • Confusing: Why isn't the Sandbox included on the three line menu to the left of the Search box? I found it placed under the human icon next to the bell/notification icon, however, if placed under the three line menu to the left of Search box, then it will feel quite close to desktop web version. My second pick will be to locate Sandbox in the menu along with "Download PDF" or "CIte this page", as those are what I will interact with the system.

12. Notifications

  • Convenient. Are we going to get pings here?

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

Too bad as I have translated all those questions into ja, but you are showing them in en. (I am choosing ja for UI at the moment).

Localization updated, shows in ja now. --Omotecho (talk) 05:11, 29 October 2018 (UTC)


1. What Device and browser are you using? Samsung Galaxy and Firefox

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

  • easy to get to history, but not so easy to get back; might be nice if the page's name as part of "Akira: Revision History" was a link back to the page, rather than just plaintext. No extra space taken up that way. Finding the back
  • from a first look, I would like the text to be smaller. It is smaller when I look at actual wikipedia. Not sure if this is something that would come from my phone's font size settings in wikipedia or not.
  • the title can be smaller compared to the regular text, too. So little screen on a mobile... and maybe the talk/page icon would be enough without the writing, and next to the title, so we don't lose a vertical centimeter of screen for it.

3. Is anything particularly hard to find? Not anything I thought to search for.

4. Is anything missing? Depends... if I were to use this on my mediawiki install, would the top left three-bar-menu populate from the sidebar user interface page? If so I can add what I need...

5. An article’s talk page Easy to find, intuitive icon.

6. Search

  • when I tried to search for something, and just picked one of the pre-populated dropdowns populated from my wikipedia search history, it seems to fill it into the box but then doesn't actually search for it (likely because its a prototype, I get it...). However, it also seems to make a jumble of the original box content "wikipedia" and my search term.

7. Your own talk page

  • It is in an intuitive place

8. The wikidata item for a page It is in an intuitive place, and I like that you have added it! I think it is easier to find in this new mobile prototype than on the desktop version. Maybe this will get more people onto wikidata, which would be great!

9. The history of a talk page Easy to find, intuitive place. I am intrigued by the external tools you have listed, but since they don't work yet I can't much comment on them.

10. Community portal It's not something I generally use, but I remember seeing it in the sidebar on regular wikipedia, so found it under the threebar icon as I would have expected.

11. Your sandbox I usually just experiment on my regular user page, but if this sandbox link had been around when I started editing I might have got into the better habit of using the sandbox. I like that you added it.

12. Notifications Found them, intuitive icon, can't say much more because the mock-up didn't go much further...

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes... Thanks for working on this! Will this be part of Mediawiki core, or an extension, or something different altogether? I use mediawikis for work and would be interested if this will be come available, and how easily available.

Your username (or "Anon")

1. What Device and browser are you using?

(your answer here)

Take a minute or two to orient yourself. Click around the mobile navigation at the top of the page and see what is different. Keep in mind that since this is a prototype most of the links don’t actually work, and there might be other bugs or quirks that you’ll come across. Also keep in mind that this design is meant for experienced users, not new readers or new editors

2. What are some of your initial impressions (do you find anything confusing? Convenient? Particularly notable?)

(your feedback here)

3. Is anything particularly hard to find?

(your feedback here)

4. Is anything missing?

(your feedback here)

Try navigating to the following places, adding any feedback you have (note: most of the links don't actually work when you tap them, just find them in the nav if you can)

5. An article’s talk page

(your feedback here)

6. Search

(your feedback here)

7. Your own talk page

(your feedback here)

8. The wikidata item for a page

(your feedback here)

9. The history of a talk page

(your feedback here)

10. Community portal

(your feedback here)

11. Your sandbox

(your feedback here)

12. Notifications

(your feedback here)

13. Final thoughts? Anything goes...

(your feedback here)