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I hope it's an interesting story. I usually find political thrillers
to be heavy handed in making the author's political viewpoint. I hope it doesn't happen here.
to be heavy handed in making the author's political viewpoint. I hope it doesn't happen here.
I remember thinking the first time I read it that it was more of a platform for the expression of Baldacci's political opinions than a work of fiction....which I suppose as the author that it's his right.
>4 Carol420: That’s a shame, I was hoping for something which is fast paced, good character interaction and good action.
Whew! I thought I'd be farther behind. Got slammed at work and barely have time to sleep and shower, much less read! I'm working to catch up in the next day or so.
Last two days of term and then travelling so is slowing me down a touch too, should give you time to catch up >6 bhabeck:.
After a slight hiatus due to the last two crazy days of term and the 500 mile drive for our vacation I’m back on the Group Read. Should have section 4 questions posted in an hour or two.