
Real Name
Walter Quan
About My Library
When I started into Reiki in 1987, there were very few books published on Reiki. It seemed, at that time, an easy enough task to keep up with collecting 'all' the books published on Reiki.

There used to be an academic convention where if you were going for a "masters degree" in a particular area, you were to be familiar with 'all' the literature for that particular area (and if you did a doctorate, you'd contribute something original to the canon).. So here I am, a "Reiki Master" (the meaning of which is within a completely different context than academia!) but still collectin' the books...

my own opinions (doh!) - you may disagree, but here's my listing...
About Me
arts administator, crafter, energy worker, musician

but I'm here because I can list my Reiki Books (or use LibraryThing to list my books) and not have to reinvent the
Victoria and Vancouver, BC Canada

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