Buckeye Children's & Teen Book AwardNomineeTeen2005
Given by Buckeye Children's and Teen Book Award Council
Other Names: Buckeye Children's and Teen Book Award, Buckeye Children's Book Award, Buckeye Children’s Book Award, Buckeye Teen Book Award
12 Works 153,835 Books 3,413 Reviews 3.6
The Buckeye Children’s and Teen Book Award program is designed to encourage students in Ohio to read literature critically, to promote teacher and librarian involvement in young adult literature show more programs, and to commend authors of such literature. The Buckeyes are one of the only state reader’s choice awards in which students get to nominate the titles as well as vote on the final winners. The only adults who may submit nominations or votes are teachers and librarians who are representing a group of students from their school or library. This allows the Buckeyes to be truly a student-chosen award in all aspects. Categories include K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and teen.
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Nominee 12
Top Members
Spoto-Media (69 works), RLNunezKPL (68), lmackiewicz (61), pricem (59), alaskabookworm (57), Linyarai (57), prengel90 (55), readwatchrelax1031 (55), griffinel (54), rmatottNCSD (54), skullduggery (52), rchevallier (51), stansteiner (50), tarr.chris (50), xofelf (50), teenybeanie25 (49), doyoudogear (48), Kaethe (48), ReadingAdct21 (47), wanderlustlover (47), bebonee (46), crimsonraider (46), ErinDarby (46), rebecca.pruitt (46), yourotherleft (46), clpteensnewbooks (45), Completely_Melanie (45), marinerlibrary (45), starbookworm (45), Greg_Smith (44), huskynewbooks (44), SonomaLibrary12 (44), ALHS_Library (43), DeannaMeno (43), EBassett (43), melrailey (43), mffowler (43), Mrs.Connolly (43), suicidebybooks (43), booksong (42), caitief (42), DebbyeC (42), hootowl1978 (42), jcm790 (42), PeskyLibrary (42), AnaCarter (41), lbhlibrary (41), MercedesMLMW (41), SudolTerri (41), thebookmagpie (41), thepageparamour (41), valleycat (41), amyjuengst (40), biancawhite (40), cctesttc1 (40), CeceliaS (40), kday_working (40), LibrarianDanielle (40), MuhammedSalem (40), A_Reader_of_Fictions (39), LMS_Library (39), MrBronson (39), naratemari (39), nyobombshell (39), Rivaton (39), Rspy (39), SewickleyTeen (39), strandedon8jo (39), chinatowne (38), courty4189 (38), friendsYA (38), OMSspartans (38), primordialnyx (38), teachermike (38), Akacya (37), Biyankuh (37), booktasticnerd87 (37), e-zReader (37), gschroeder12 (37), Gurasees (37), JTimmins (37), leslie.eiben (37), ltcl (37), MHanover10 (37), NovaRen47 (37), panamamama (37), rpribula (37), Saunders_Library (37), slynneblarp (37), SpringfieldLibrarySA (37), alexfatch (36), bell7 (36), ceecee83 (36), ewyatt (36), inmyqueendom (36), JCJPINK (36), ltfl_isulaan (36), Morteana (36), RivkaC (36), Shadow_Sandy (36), stacyastokes (36), Briars_Reviews (35), DCPlibrarian (35), Doner (35), eaduncan (35), Emily.310 (35), FRJDC (35), goodreads (35), graceless880 (35), Jackie_Lawr (35), jenniebooks (35), Jennifer7089 (35), LeosLibrary (35), mrsdanaalbasha (35), mweatherlow (35), Pages_Aplenty (35), sangreal (35), spellbindingstories (35), Stacie-C (35), Amanda7 (34), aquapages (34), CarolineRae (34), ccfreshmanlibrary (34), ecmross (34), EdenSteffey (34), emmyson (34), Jonez (34), kategjstone (34), Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone (34), PortableMagicBooks (34), spelldavid (34), tcwLT (34), TooManyBooks12 (34), Zehavit_Lamasu (34), AncaCiochina (33), anj_anj_anj (33), Chazzarang (33), clairefun (33), dinasoaur (33), dotstan05 (33), Erewhon77 (33), kwagnerroberts (33), LectricLibrary (33), lilibrarian (33), meckert13 (33), misscristina (33), mosylu1 (33), randys_bookbuzz (33), Sharquin (33), ASIJ (32), countrygal (32), fyrefly98 (32), librarycheri (32), nicola26 (32), RLMCartwright (32), RyClark (32), The_Literary_Jedi (32)