Bram Stoker AwardNomineeAnthology2019
Given by Horror Writers Association
5 Works 154 Books 3 Reviews 3.7
The Bram Stoker Award is a recognition presented annually by the Horror Writers Association (HWA) for "superior achievement" in dark fantasy and horror writing.
Nominee 5
The Bram Stoker Award is a recognition presented annually by the Horror Writers Association (HWA) for "superior achievement" in dark fantasy and horror writing.
(English, Wikipedia)URL:
horror/fantasy (English, Member-written)
Top Members
TerryWeyna (55 works), Robert_Weaver (32), arnzen (31), Count_Zero (29), parasolofdoom (29), NightMarily (27), cosmicdolphin (22), cjconover (21), battlinjack (20), brendanmoody (19), Charrlygirl (19), darkloriscat (19), Saphirebelle01 (19), rtttt01 (18), xillah (18), CrazedCollector (17), naokoken (17), robkill (17), ruspolarbear (17), SESchend (17), drivincryin (16), thefirstalicat (16), bookstopshere (15), BrigidsBlest (15), Chrisethier (15), edwardky2 (15), travelinlibrarian (15), yoyogod (15), carlahaunted (14), JRMANDRAGON (14), Ms.LibraryCat (14), rbwood (14), VALIS666 (14), 666777 (13), buukluvr (13), Eisler (13), Eric_J._Guignard (13), Ethaisa (13), Evans-Light (13), Gotcha3613 (13), grammarchick (13), HyzenthlayK9 (13), KentAllard1 (13), StephenDedman (13), vampduster (13), xofelf (13), BeastieMom (12), jkrzok (12), jodiesohl (12), Klytle85 (12), Old_Rivers (12), paupersgrave (12), rivkat (12), TamsinGordon (12), tredegartrafalgar (12), vicwong (12), A.Walter (11), BrianKeene (11), hadaverde (11), kellylink (11), localpeanut (11), Magus_Manders (11), RLNunezKPL (11), silver1881 (11), sylw (11), thefirstdark (11), undinesprite (11), AndrewWheeler (10), anntee (10), bperry1397 (10), buffygurl (10), Coach_of_Alva (10), Crowinator (10), Crypto-Willobie (10), DoomBooks (10), estrus (10), jodiebooks (10), Kaethe (10), KelMunger (10), m_wesley (10), Planetary (10), pleigh20 (10), purestrainhuman (10), Rynosseros (10), steven_R (10), strange (10), wayneandmelinda (10), acenturyofsleep (9), Belladonna1975 (9), BrianO (9), dgovert81 (9), Drabblers (9), drobichaud (9), Faustgeist (9), hrafnskuld (9), Jazzybabs (9), KellyinSD (9), kristiederuiter (9), ktoonen (9), Lepophagus (9), ricproctor (9), Robertowiz (9), Semichrist (9), traveldoc (9), turnerd (9), AltheaAnn (8), Ann_Louise (8), aoifeharper (8), AsYouKnow_Bob (8), auverus (8), babsji (8), barrybaker (8), bibliorex (8), carpentermt (8), ceilmary (8), chilperic (8), Chris.Cummings (8), Dannelke (8), DBev (8), DoskoiPanda (8), ErezMilgrom (8), ESchraer (8), FlatFeat (8), flying_monkeys (8), ginskye (8), Gumbywan (8), jeffagso2369 (8), jesusandrew (8), JSmith5528 (8), justgeekingby (8), kymberlie (8), leennnadine (8), maestro23 (8), maribou (8), MyriadBooks (8), nfactor13 (8), nikres (8), nsblumenfeld (8), PartTimeNinja (8), rhizome21 (8), sdmf4bls (8), seele7711 (8), Spunkypineapple (8), theodarling (8), VirtualWord (8), aabdelrahmanm (7), alo1224 (7), andyhat (7), Areopagite (7), AWahle (7), ayla.stein (7), bertilak (7), biblio-bot (7), bunnikins (7), cherryplums (7), cns1000 (7), dpeace (7), Duranfan (7), elfchild (7), ElleGato (7), GiantPanda_de (7), jennkm26 (7), johnklima (7), juan_de_onate (7), kataryna (7), KeithChaffee (7), lesindy (7), malloyd (7), metis_unhinged (7), MisterDevious (7), mordwen (7), nrthrngrl (7), Pezski (7), PokeyPuppy (7), SF4MLibrary (7), shsilver (7), Stiggy (7), suicidebybooks (7), syaffolee (7), tinymouse2 (7), Vierran (7), WonderlandGrrl (7)