Charlotte Huck AwardRecommended Book2019

Given by National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)

Other Names: NCTE Charlotte Huck Award
8 Works 7,318 Books 499 Reviews 4.4
The Charlotte Huck Award for Outstanding Fiction for Children, established in 2014 and organized by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), is an annual American literary award for show more children's fiction books. According to NCTE, the "award recognizes fiction that has the potential to transform children’s lives by inviting compassion, imagination, and wonder."

The award honors Charlotte Huck, a former NCTE president[2] and American author, university professor, and children's literature expert. Huck, who taught elementary school before joining the Faculty of Education at the Ohio State University, "believed that good literature should be at the heart and center of the elementary school curriculum." Given this belief, she established the university's first course in children's literature and eventually "develop[ed] master's and doctoral programs in children's literature."

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