Kids' Book Choice AwardsFinalist5th to 6th Grade Book of the Year2015
Given by Every Child a Reader
Other Names: Children’s & Teen Choice Book Awards (2008-2021)
5 Works 3,961 Books 97 Reviews 4.2
What are the Kids’ Book Choice Awards and how can young readers voice their choice?
The Kids’ Book Choice Awards (previously the Children’s & Teen Choice Book Awards) are the only national show more book awards voted on solely by kids and teens. Launched in 2008 by the Children’s Book Council and Every Child a Reader, the awards provide young readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions about the books being written for them.
The program relaunched in 2021 including a new name, tagline, logo, and categories with finalists selected through nationwide long list voting. The redesign was done by SJI Associates.
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The Kids’ Book Choice Awards (previously the Children’s & Teen Choice Book Awards) are the only national show more book awards voted on solely by kids and teens. Launched in 2008 by the Children’s Book Council and Every Child a Reader, the awards provide young readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions about the books being written for them.
The program relaunched in 2021 including a new name, tagline, logo, and categories with finalists selected through nationwide long list voting. The redesign was done by SJI Associates.
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