Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Uniklinikum

Research Service and Forschungsimpulse

The Research Management Unit sees itself as a hub for all partners keen to make scientific advances. It is the central location for research coordination and aims to consolidate and promote an internationally competitive research culture at KL.

Given the complex and wide-ranging nature of activities, there needs to be a point of contact where ideas can take shape, framework conditions can be defined and future projects can be decided upon. The Research Management Unit promotes the interdisciplinary integration of scientific activities at all KL locations.

Research Service

KL’s Research Service provides support in all matters relating to research funding and advises on applying for third-party funded projects, from sounding out calls for proposals to project planning, application and implementation in line with the guidelines. The Research blog provides an overview of current funding opportunities.   

The Research Handbook is an annotated collection of links that provides a comprehensive overview of KL's resources in the field of research. You will find references to administrative requirements, guidelines and standards that must be observed when conducting research projects at KL. The Research Handbook is a living document continuously updated by the Research Management Unit team. Access to the Research Handbook is via OpenCampus and is only possible with a valid login. If you have any questions about your OpenCampus login, please get in touch with the Research Management Unit team. The Research Handbook is only available in German.

  • Strategic advice on the project application and any issues relating to your research project
  • Searching for suitable cooperation partners
  • Assistance with developing your ideas and proposal checking
  • Assistance with meeting the requirements of the funding guidelines and internal KL guidelines
  • Administrative support with obtaining approval for research projects from the KL rector’s office

If you intend to submit a proposal, please contact the Research Management Unit as soon as possible, at least 2 weeks before the deadline.

Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Uniklinikum, KRIS

KRIS research portal

KL Research Information System

The KRIS research portal presents the entire research output of researchers at Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences. The portal facilitates searches for research achievements, people and organisational units. Publications, research projects, awards and memberships are all presented in a clear and consistent way on KRIS. KRIS enables experts to network and ensures the visibility of public research activities.

Instructions for researchers on how to use KRIS


Forschungsimpulse, an initiative funded by the province of Lower Austria, is aimed at strengthening high-quality clinical research at KL university hospitals. Along with promoting young scientists, Forschungsimpulse is geared towards linking up clinical departments with basic research institutions and increasing cooperation and publications at an international level. 

  • It establishes the framework for an internationally recognised, competitive research landscape at KL and its university hospitals.
  • Forschungsimpulse is a showcase for scientific research in Lower Austria. It boosts the appeal of the location and enhances the reputation of the KL university hospitals.
  • At the same time, it highlights research projects and promotes careers in clinical research at international level.
Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität

Library Services

Support for open access and publishing in general, funding opportunities for open access publication costs and the visibility of your KL-affiliated publications in our publication database. 

Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Uniklinikum

Statistics Consultancy

Quality in research is a top priority for KL. KL offers its researchers statistical consultations free of charge in order guarantee such quality from the outset, from the point of formulating research questions that feed into scientific investigation design.

Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Uniklinikum

Science Skills Services

KL promotes the sustainable development of expertise for research at the university hospitals. Science Skills Services offers a comprehensive range of further training for scientific staff at KL university hospitals. 

Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Uniklinikum

Centre for Clinical Trials

The KL and the Medical Directorate created the Centre for Clinical Studies (ZKS) at St. Pölten University Hospital as part of Go! Research. The centre aims to assist researching clinicians with the administrative management of clinical research projects.

Forschungsimpulse funding instruments

Research Time Out

Research Time Out (RTO)

Research Time Out (RTO) is a KL funding instrument that frees up scientific staff for research-related activities, with the aim of stimulating research at KL university hospitals. 
Applications for the Research Time Out scheme can be submitted at any time. Applications are collated and assessed on set cut-off dates (CoDs). 
Upcoming CoDs for submissions: 

  • 26 November 2024 (CoD19)
  • 18 February 2025 (CoD20)
  • 17 June 2025 (CoD21)
  • 16 September 2025 (CoD22)
  • 25 November 2025 (CoD23)

Straightforward allocation of funds for research-related expenses up to €10,000.

This serves to finance research-related additional expenses for tendered research projects by supplementing the existing project budget with 20% extra funding, up to a maximum of €30,000.

Funding instruments

More information and application guidelines (login required)

Research Management Unit team

DI Dr. Rita Anita Litauszky

DI Dr. Rita Anita Litauszky

Member of ÖAWI, Member of the Senate, Head of
Research Management Unit

Dr. Johannes Gattringer Bakk MSc

Dr. Johannes Gattringer Bakk MSc

Research Management Unit

Mag. Afitap Derya Köprülü-Rössl PhD

Mag. Afitap Derya Köprülü-Rössl PhD

Member of Committee for Gender Equality and the Advancement
Research Management Unit

MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

Research Management Unit

Laura Heiss BSc

Laura Heiss BSc

Division of Pharmacology, Research Management Unit

Mag. Sonja Bogner

Mag. Sonja Bogner

Works Council
Research Management Unit