More Than Words Can Say Quotes

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More Than Words Can Say (Patchwork Family, #2) More Than Words Can Say by Karen Witemeyer
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More Than Words Can Say Quotes Showing 1-28 of 28
“Choosing a husband was much like choosing a good baguette. One looked for a strong outer shell, a tender interior, and most importantly, a tractability of dough to hold whatever shape the baker deemed appropriate. Abigail needed a good baguette by the end of the weeek”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“God always provides other options for His people when they are tempted to take an unrighteous path. But if we depend only on ourselves to solve our problems, we narrow our vision and see none of those options.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“I had a long talk with my husband last night. And he made me realize that I have to choose which voices to believe. I can believe the ones that tell me I'm not good enough or brave enough or pretty enough and let them skew my perception of events, or I can push aside that clamor and seek out the voice that tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“If he'd learned one thing from raising Evie, it was that females felt better when they talked a problem to death.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“He didn't see women as lesser beings. He respected their abilities and would defend them like a hero of old.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Wooing one’s wife might require more effort than he’d originally anticipated, but the hunt invigorated him. He might have to continue the abduction tradition even after she was fully his. Keep things interesting.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“How had he managed to hitch himself to the one woman in all of creation who not only understood his past but stood ready to fight for his future? The miracle of it made his head spin. All he could do was thank God for antiquated laws and prejudiced council members.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Helping a woman make biscuits should not make a fellow this happy. But when the woman was the fellow’s wife, and she smiled at him as if he were the noblest hero of her acquaintance—well, it couldn’t be helped.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“He hated the their first kiss was up for public consumption, but if she expected him to give her a polite buss on the cheek, she was fixin' to be disappointed. He wanted no doubt in anyone's mind, especially his new wife's, that this marriage was real.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“We can't change the past," he said, stroking the side of her face. "All we can do is strive not to make the same mistakes in the future.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Have you forgiven yourself?" The quiet question slipped between his ribs to stagger his breath. "Abby squeezed his hand. "That's the hardest part, I've found." A thickness crept up Zach's throat. "How do you manage it?" "Little by little. I take comfort in the scriptures that talk about how God removes our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west, how He will remember our sins no more, how He urges us to cast our cares on Him.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“He was no good at making pretty words. The more he opened his mouth, the greater his chances of mucking things up.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Just because they'd lost didn't mean the battle hadn't been worth waging.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Was that love? If so, he couldn't fathom why poets waxed on about it being such a blissful state. As far as he could tell, it was about as blissful as riding an unbroke horse, a bone-rattling endeavor where one held on for dear life, unable to recognize if he was making progress until either the horse quit buckin' or the ground smacked him in the face.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“The best way to take our minds off our own troubles is to help someone else with theirs.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Guilt leads us to confession and repentance, she told me, but after we take it to the cross, we're suppose to leave it there, not carry it around with us. Jesus's burden is light. Guilt is heavy. Satan is the one who wants to increase our burden, to weigh us down with shame and despair, to steal our joy and the strength of the Lord that goes with it. Believing his lies instead of God's truth makes us weak. Made me a hypocrite.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“How often had he wanted to believe that he was created for some higher purpose?”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Abigail's pulse hiccuped as Zach lowered his face towards hers, and when their lips touched--mercy, but her knees nearly buckled. He was kissing her. Honest-to-goodness kissing, As if he meant it. As if this marriage were something more than a business arrangement. As if he actually had feelings for her.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“A man did what was right even when the odds were stacked against him.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Perhaps he felt a touch of gratitude too for the fact that they had each other, for better or worse. They might be facing the worse right now, but the fact that they could lean on each other in the midst of it moved it into the better category.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Tremors hit, quaking her hard enough for him to feel them. He wrapped his arms around her and bent his face close to hers. He might not understand what was going on in her head, but a mighty squall was battering her hull, and if he couldn't figure out how to shelter her from it, he aimed to be her anchor until it passed.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Does this mean I'll hear you sing at prayer meeting tonight?"
"Yes, ma'am. Though I gotta warn you, the bucket I carry my tunes in is pretty rusty. Probably has a few holes in it too."
"Then you'll fit right in with the rest of us. there's a reason God told his people to make a joyful noise, you know. Musical prowess is not a requirement, just an engaged heart.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“I've chosen fear over fear over faith more times then I can count. And every time I did, I ended up with regrets. When I chose faith, I didn't always get the outcome I wanted, but I never regretted my choice because I felt God beside me, holding my hand and lending me strength.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Love made a man vulnerable in a world that required armor and a shield to survive.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“Helping a woman make biscuits should not make a fellow this happy. But when the woman was the fellow's wife, and she smiled at him as if he were the noblest hero of her acquaintance--well, it couldn't be helped.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“I had a long talk with my husband last night,' Abigail explained, 'and he made me realize that I have to choose which voices to believe. I can believe the ones that tell me I'm not good enough or brave enough or pretty enough and let them skew my perception of events, or I can push aside that clamor and seek out the voice that tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“I've chosen fear over faith more times than I can count,' she admitted. 'And every time I did, I ended up with regrets.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say
“If I am the cornerstone, whatever you build will stand firm.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say