Puhdistus Quotes

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Puhdistus Puhdistus by Sofi Oksanen
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Puhdistus Quotes Showing 1-11 of 11
“She found it hard to believe that there would be any bold moves, because too many people had dirty flour in their bags, and people with filthy fingers are hardly enthusiastic about digging up the past.”
Sofi Oksanen, Puhdistus
“Madre patria, contigo estoy triste, sin ti lo estoy más.”
Sofi Oksanen, Puhdistus
“Selvom det var Zaras ansigt, der kunne ses på Pashas video, fortalte den ikke noget om Zara, men om Natasha, den måtte aldrig nogensinde blive en fortælling om Zara. Zaras egen historie var et helt andet sted, Natashas var på båndet.”
Sofi Oksanen, Puhdistus
“Der ville aldrig komme nogen og sige de ord til hende, stå fast ved dem og sikre, at det hun havde været igennem, aldrig ville ske igen. Hun var den eneste, der kunne tage hånd om det. Ingen andre ville nogensinde gøre det for hende.”
Sofi Oksanen, Puhdistus
“Alting gentog sig. Selvom rublen var skiftet ud med kronen, og militærflyene oven over hendes hoved var blevet færre, og officerernes koner mindre højrøstede, og selvom den estiske nationalsang dagligt lød fra højttalerne i Lange-Hermann-tårnet, ville der altid dukke en ny kernelæderstøvle op, altid en ny støvle, en, der var magen til, eller også så den anderledes ud, men måden den trådte én over halsen på, ville altid være den samme.”
Sofi Oksanen, Puhdistus
“Stupid young people, what did they expect to achieve by rummaging around like this? Those who poke around in the past will get a stick in the eye. A beam would be better, though.”
Sofi Oksanen, Puhdistus
“The Free Estonia students didn’t worry about that sort of thing. They hadn’t committed any crimes—what harm could come to them? It was only after the Soviet squads had spread out around the country that they started to fear that their future might be in danger.”
Sofi Oksanen, Purge
“Ingel said an Estonian woman never abandons her house or her animals, even if they walk in with their uniforms and guns, a whole battalion of them.”
Sofi Oksanen, Purge
“His father had been in Perm in 1936, and his epaulets had read, “NKVD” – the acronym of the state police. The joke was that it stood for Ništó Krepše Vorovskoy Druzbyt—“Nothing stronger than friendship among thieves.”
Sofi Oksanen, Purge
“Не полагалось кичиться подобными тайными дарами, ибо гордость – это конец, а смирение – начало всего, в молчании же – сила.”
Софи Оксанен, Puhdistus
“Mira, chiquilla, de la tierra de la desesperación brotan flores podridas.”
Sofi Oksanen, Purga