Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2) Quotes

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Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2) Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2) by Thomm Quackenbush
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Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2) Quotes Showing 1-30 of 59
“She was not suicidal; that is what people never managed to grasp. Cutting relieved the pressure and stood as some enduring demonstration of her emotion, some way to be in control of a body that could toss her about with seizures. It was borderline artistic to mark her body, chiaroscuro designs in blood. Dying is the last thing she would want, like any healthy organism. A little pain, a small invoked sting trailing her arm, brought her much closer to grounded when she could not keep her head from racing, her thoughts from consuming her with obsession. An ounce of liquid weight loss and she could go back to being herself again. Usually.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“If I am a pawn in someone else's chess game, you better believe I am going to demand an explanation before being shoved at some rook. I'll play my part, damn it, but I want the courtesy of being asked for my consent!”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“There was a charm in being reborn into the world when one was old enough to appreciate it.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“Vampires did not avoid mirrors because they cast no reflection but because mirrors became so unflattering with the illusion of fuzzy focus wrenched away.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“He regarded Huginn as only slightly more dangerous than most pets, in that he understood why people had pets but harbored the paranoia they would one day eat their owners. True, it kept Eliot from even having a pet larger than his fist, but it also kept him from being kibble.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“To her, it was like asking a butterfly what it remembered about being a caterpillar. She could fly now and nothing could touch her when she left the cocoon of her body behind at night.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“Her rebirth stood in her mind with the clarity of a perfect diamond, the light scattering the rainbows through her body.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“Her beauty was enough to get her into most any situation she desired and her tongue—sharp and venomous—was enough to get her out again.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“You're like this...this goddess pretending to be human... And I don't know which one I love.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“Ashlei was free to spout off how much she loved her savior because Jesus was not about to rear back and tell her He did not quite feel the same way, that He had died for the sins of the world just because it was fun and did not want things to be too serious. He was only thirty-three, after all, and might want to martyr himself for other people.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“The vampire community has enough problems. We don't need to add petty backbiting to it.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“She could never understand why creatures of darkness had the slightest interest in spineless human girls.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“He's very good at chaining girls. He can make cold steel feel like silk.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“I wanted a life of adventure. I wanted to travel. I wanted to work my way up to being Somebody. I wanted to leave a mark on the Earth and be remembered.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“She had thought he was dead, or at least not totally alive, and you could not still be dating someone you believe had an autopsy, so it was not really cheating.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“It was inelegant, but what was not when taking a hostage?”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“No one should ever die alone. Rejoin the love of the goddess who made you. No longer a man, no longer a human, you must go as only your essence back to She who made you, into the womb of the Great Mother. You have again become a seed that will form into other lives in other lands.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“I was pure, before you defiled me, and don't you forget it. As though the concept of purity is anything more than the construct of selfish, competitive men stampeding toward the women to call dibs. I'll be damned if I'm not worth stampeding toward, but the prize had better be me, hymen or no hymen.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“You and me? We are never going to be just friends. The only time I'm not adoring you is when I am too busy hating you and wishing to God I never met you...”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“I don't work in places with papier-mâché and cellophane hearts.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“Do you want me because you love me or because I provide you normality drag?”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“My life edges out any sense of sanity I can have, and I come to realize there won't be a point where things can be ordinary again, or as ordinary as I would have them.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“Aw, so he used you as a penis cozy and then left? Guys are pigs.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“Roselyn lost her taste for bacon momentarily, which was as long as she was ever capable of losing it.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“Her mother admonished through closed lips, the sound a mother can make mean anything from "pick up your socks" to "we are very disappointed you have murdered those orphans.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“You kill by consent, every time you let something… pervert the balance when you have the power to stop it.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“You got a vicious animal inside you. It wants to snap, it wants to attack, but it's harmless because some woman fitted a muzzle on it. Now, how do you imagine it feels about that muzzle? How do you think it will regard the woman the moment that muzzle is off, and she is within biting distance?”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“She had not been the sort to have cared about the naming of things that existed well without it…”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“If you try to leave me like this, I will haunt you until the end of your days. I will drop out of classes and become a hobo and will leave you little garbage sculptures telling you how much I love you. Every morning. Right at front of your door. You will never be rid of me.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)
“To a vampire, there is only selfishness.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Danse Macabre (Night's Dream, #2)

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