Tum Dunya Tek Millet Quotes

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Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth by Abhijit Naskar
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Tum Dunya Tek Millet Quotes Showing 1-30 of 100
“In one of my early works I once wrote, "America is a great country, built by great people". And it took me some time to look through the fallacy of this statement. I could still justify it by saying, it depends on the context - which would be technically true. But my dignity, my conscience, my morality - everything that is civilized in me, has been eating me alive for some time now over this one statement. Because if we throw away all technicality and look from a simple, everyday human perspective - nothing about the the birth of America is great - America is a terrorist nation, built by terrorists who invaded other people's land, stripped them of their homes, and built a spin-off of the ruthless British empire over their blood and bones. You think America's homeless problem is something new! It's not - America has been making people homeless ever since the pilgrims set foot in Plymouth Rock. The pilgrims were not pioneers, they were terrorists.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“The perfect country doesn't exist, the perfect consciousness doesn't exist, the perfect cosmos doesn't exist.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“The world of justice looks very different depending on which side of disparity you belong to. For the everyday commoner, struggle for human rights is the natural way of life, whereas for privileged egomaniacs, activism is a publicity stunt.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Faith tethered solely to books and not the heart, inadvertently becomes a breeding ground of superstition, bigotry and prejudice.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Unspoken Truths (The Sonnet)

Democracy is people-approved dictatorship,
Military is people-approved genocide.
Atom bombs are people-approved armageddon,
In conscience-court all guilty of homicide.

There is no time left, for there never was time,
Time begins with the beginning of civilization.
And civilization is something we are yet to find,
Hence, there is no question of clock progression.

Nationalist chimps sell war in the name of security,
Stoneage civilians rush to bulk-buy graveyard plots.
Merchant of murder, you, yell about peacekeeping,
While you feast on nationalism like wet little cods!

When cavemen take pride in their national glory of death,
Sanctuary becomes asylum for the lunatic walking dead!”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Democracy is people-approved dictatorship,
Military is people-approved genocide.
Atom bombs are people-approved armageddon,
In conscience-court all guilty of homicide.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Naskar doesn't write for the white or colored, Naskar doesn't write for the believer or nonbeliever - Naskar doesn't write for the capitalist or socialist - Naskar only writes for the human - because Naskar is human - a whole human.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“There is no star spangled banner, there is only blood stained banner.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“We are humans, and humanity is our supreme nationality - or better yet - humanity is our only nationality.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Abandon all antiquated atrocities of superstitious stupidity, as well as newage intellectual puerility - only then you shall develop the wholesome insight into what's right and what's wrong - or better yet - what's kind, what's not.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“You don't need to be left wing to recognize the inhumanities of the right, just like you don't need to be a woman to recognize the atrocities of patriarchy.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“This earth is my home,
This earth is my dream.
Born in this earth's soil,
To no sect I'll ever give in.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Идеалната държава не съществува, идеалното съзнание не съществува, идеалната вселена не съществува.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Nothing about the the birth of America is great - America is a terrorist nation, built by terrorists who invaded other people's land, stripped them of their homes, and built a spin-off of the ruthless British empire over their blood and bones.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Keep struggling, o brave soldier - keep struggling till politicians become an extinct species and politics an extinct profession.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“You don't need to be an activist to be good people, particularly when most activists of today are just attention-craving hypocrites.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“This is why true insight is so inconvenient - it destroys all your bubbles.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Naskar doesn't write for the white or colored, for the believer or nonbeliever, for the capitalist or socialist - Naskar only writes for the human - because Naskar is human - a whole human.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Government is an outdated concept, and partisan government is downright prehistoric.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Whenever a politician secretly dreams of autocracy, you'll hear them shout a lot about preserving the culture and tradition.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Khalsa means freedom from hate,
Khalistan means nationalizing hate.
Christ stands for love and compassion,
Chistian nationalism is Christ's death.
Sanatana Dharma is advaita sanskriti,
that is, a culture of nonsectarianism,
Hindutva means mindless saffronization.
Islam means working for peace and welfare,
Islamism is the ruin of synchronization.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Nationalist chimps sell war in the name of security,
Stoneage civilians rush to bulk-buy graveyard plots.
Merchant of murder, you, yell about peacekeeping,
While you feast on nationalism like wet little cods!”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“Body cannot survive in the vacuum of space,
Mind cannot survive in the vacuum of time.
Brain cannot survive in the vacuum of skull,
So it floats about in the fluid of spine.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“My dream is one world family, not one world government – my dream is a world where civilians bear the responsibility for the affairs of their society according to their capacity and expertise, not some halfwit political overlords. The mission is to build a nonpartisan world, not to delegate all social responsibilities from countless little puny political nitwits to one giant global git.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“North, South, East, West,
Get rid of this nonsense.
Spend some time at the ISS,
You shall foster unified sense.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“You are the captain,
You are the coxswain,
You are the world's oar!
You are the catalyst,
You are the analyst,
You are the tether to shore!”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth
“You are the time, you are the tide.
You are the vessel of love and light!
You are the space, you are the ship.
You are in a brain, light-years of sight!”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth

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