#ReadAllTheBooks’s Reviews > Night of the Living Deed > Status Update

#ReadAllTheBooks is 50% done
Amanda Ronconi is probably the main reason I'm still listening. Mystery is ok, but Paul is just an asshole to the point it detracts from the story. I keep hoping maybe the other ghost will hand his butt to him at some point, having come to like the heroine, but so far she's just a spiteful character who is mean to everyone but the daughter. It's like her only character trait is "mean person with eclectic taste".
Mar 27, 2023 02:25PM
Night of the Living Deed (A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery, #1)


#ReadAllTheBooks’s Previous Updates

#ReadAllTheBooks is 90% done
I forgot that the whole reason Alison has her money is because of a sexual harassment lawsuit. Funny how the book doesn't call call Maxie's harassment of Tony also sexual harassment. Sorry, I know I'm harping on this but it leaves such a gross taste in my mouth. It's sexual harassment if you don't count unwanted kisses assault.
Apr 04, 2023 05:06AM
Night of the Living Deed (A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery, #1)

#ReadAllTheBooks is 90% done
And Maxie proves again why she's a garbage person by shaving a child's eyebrows for a costume. In sure that will be great when the kids tease her tomorrow
Apr 03, 2023 03:37PM
Night of the Living Deed (A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery, #1)

#ReadAllTheBooks is 90% done
Listening to it sped up now. Also, I like teenagers trick or treating. Better that than going out and drinking at a party.
Apr 03, 2023 03:33PM
Night of the Living Deed (A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery, #1)

#ReadAllTheBooks is 76% done
Paul: Lighten up on Maxie even though she forced herself on your friend because she's having a hard time being dead. Now how's about solving this case?

I'm not letting that go. Screw Maxie. Her being dead and horny isn't an excuse.
Apr 03, 2023 02:21PM
Night of the Living Deed (A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery, #1)

#ReadAllTheBooks is 76% done
Maxie is now suspected of bashing a wall repair in. Same wall she destroyed earlier in the book. Pair that with the fact she's angry Tony didn't welcome her sexual assault (forcing a kiss on him), I can see why she's being blamed.
Mar 31, 2023 01:29PM
Night of the Living Deed (A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery, #1)

#ReadAllTheBooks is 75% done
And the kiss is just shoved to the side. Of course it was. Maxie is showing up in future books so they can't have the guy feel violated, thus making it more difficult to justify having her around. I don't know if I will continue this series.
Mar 30, 2023 06:21PM
Night of the Living Deed (A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery, #1)

#ReadAllTheBooks is 75% done
So. Maxie sexually assaulted Tony by way of a forced kiss (that he couldn't see). It's interesting that her interest on him is somewhat portrayed as comedic. If the gender were swapped it likely wouldn't have been. It's not ok if it's a guy forcing a kiss on a woman and it's not ok vice versa. Maxie is really awful.
Mar 30, 2023 06:18PM
Night of the Living Deed (A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery, #1)

#ReadAllTheBooks is 50% done
Paul is really getting on my nerves. He doesn't seem to GAF if our heroine ruins the risk of being seen as crazy or getting arrested, as long as he gets what he wants right away. I mean, she gets sort of arrested and finds a body and his response is to chew her out for not bringing home the files. Her receiving death threats isn't even a reason he's so gung ho, it's a way to manipulate her.
Mar 27, 2023 02:20PM
Night of the Living Deed (A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery, #1)

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