AH’s Reviews > Burned > Status Update

AH is on page 2 of 475
I just wanted to register my excitement for this book. We've waited so long to read this and after the debacle that was Iced, I am hoping that this will be good. Book - I have a lot of expectations.
Jan 21, 2015 06:26AM
Burned (Fever, #7)


AH’s Previous Updates

AH is on page 247 of 475
"Fascinated by the perks of my new state - my own personal reality TV I'm getting all the juicy dirt!"
Jan 24, 2015 01:27PM
Burned (Fever, #7)

AH is on page 236 of 475
"I am her shield. I am her second fucking skin." -->Got to love Barrons.
Jan 24, 2015 01:25PM
Burned (Fever, #7)

AH is on page 175 of 475
"I don't make love. I fuck. That's it. Plain and simple. Fuck. Clearly defined. No strings attached. As in rut and grunt and get my rocks off. I'm the caveman. I'm the sexual barbarian." --Lor
Jan 24, 2015 01:24PM
Burned (Fever, #7)

AH is on page 143 of 475

"Don't mine for gold where there is non, Mac."

"Stay out of my head."

"Wouldn't be so easy to get in if it wasn't so empty."


I'm liking Ryodan more and more.
Jan 24, 2015 01:21PM
Burned (Fever, #7)

AH is on page 132 of 475
"Drop your blinders and raise the sewer to eye level; admit you're swimming in shit. If you don't acknowledge the turd hurtling down the drain toward you, you can't dodge it." -->Philosophy, Ryodan-style.
Jan 24, 2015 01:19PM
Burned (Fever, #7)

AH is on page 80 of 475
There are so many different POVs in this book. I'm not liking this Jada chick.
Jan 22, 2015 04:54AM
Burned (Fever, #7)

AH is on page 42 of 475
I've conveniently forgotten some details of the previous book - *cough - Dani - cough* I also forgot about the Silvers and where they took you: "In those meandering halls, you could live any reality you chose, die on the floor believing you were living a genuine, happy life somewhere real. The place is a consummate mind-fuck."
Jan 21, 2015 08:12AM
Burned (Fever, #7)

AH is on page 41 of 475
"After all we've been through together, he still calls me Ms. Lane, with one exception: when I'm in his bed. Or on the floor..."
Jan 21, 2015 08:09AM
Burned (Fever, #7)

AH is on page 8 of 475

"She called me 'bud.'

I might kill her for that alone before I'm done questioning her." Oh, Barrons - how I missed you.

Jan 21, 2015 08:07AM
Burned (Fever, #7)

AH is starting
Taking the plunge....
Jan 21, 2015 05:25AM
Burned (Fever, #7)

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