Lindsay’s Reviews > The Black Flamingo > Status Update

Lindsay is 31% done

I knew this wasn't going to be an all happy story or even a pleasant read from start to finish but this made me sad. Michael has just turned 16, this dude is at minimum 19. Creepy.

"I'm high on weed, about to lose my virginity in a graveyard."

Sweetie, that's just predatory. Michael is trying to numb his pain in a very vulnerable moment and this old man is taking advantage.
Feb 08, 2022 01:07PM
The Black Flamingo


Lindsay’s Previous Updates

Lindsay is 96% done
Last update for this beautiful book <3 Here is a lovely excerpt from the Epilogue.

How to Come Out as Gay
Don't come out unless you want to.
Don't come out because you think
society expects you to.
Come out for your yourself.
Feb 08, 2022 02:53PM
The Black Flamingo

Lindsay is 53% done
Feb 08, 2022 01:42PM
The Black Flamingo

Lindsay is 34% done
oh god Michael why are you a high school student on Grindr? thank you for deleting it.
Feb 08, 2022 01:09PM
The Black Flamingo

Lindsay is 28% done
I checked out both the audio & ebook from libby. I am loving the audio but I am currently reading the ebook because I am bored out of my mind in my philosophy lecture. The writing of the verses is beautiful even when visually reading over hearing.
Feb 08, 2022 12:09PM
The Black Flamingo

Lindsay is 20% done
Feb 06, 2022 08:31PM
The Black Flamingo

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