Richard Derus’s Reviews > Faro's Daughter > Status Update

Richard Derus
Richard Derus is on page 75 of 285
"It is very possible," she acknowledged. "But I do not anticipate that {your cousin's infatuation} will want within the next two months {until he is of age}. I shall be at such pains, you see, to keep it alive."
She had the satisfaction of knowing that she had succeeded in putting him in a rage...she wondered indeed if her body might be discovered in some secluded corner of the Park someday.
Jun 08, 2019 02:04PM
Faro's Daughter (Regency Romances, 5)


Richard’s Previous Updates

Richard Derus
Richard Derus is finished
Jun 09, 2019 09:00PM
Faro's Daughter (Regency Romances, 5)

Richard Derus
Richard Derus is on page 266 of 285
I can't type it here, the Spoiler Stasi would waterboard me, but Z.O.M.G. this is the outside of enough! I pity the fool who doesn't indulge in the occasional Heyer. A diet of them would be akin to steamed pudding for breakfast, Queen of Puddings for lunch, and a Pavlova for dinner, but damme they are vintage champagne with an entremet.
Jun 09, 2019 08:33PM
Faro's Daughter (Regency Romances, 5)

Richard Derus
Richard Derus is on page 252 of 285
Oh, it's almost over and I am sure that I suffer the most acute agonies as, page by perfidious page, I am led to chuckle and grin as the odium of completion grows closer and closer! Wicked book! I would command you to be twice as long had I but the proper sorcerous words.
Jun 09, 2019 06:52PM
Faro's Daughter (Regency Romances, 5)

Richard Derus
Richard Derus is on page 220 of 285
Miss Laxton's eyes brimmed over again. "You will marry {Deborah}, and I shall g-go into a nunnery, or s-something. You will soon f-forget me," she said bravely.
This frightful picture of the future made Adrian raise his head, and say forcefully: "No!"
Jun 09, 2019 06:37PM
Faro's Daughter (Regency Romances, 5)

Richard Derus
Richard Derus is on page 181 of 285
E.O. wheel:

Clearly in the roulette ancestry.
Jun 09, 2019 02:01PM
Faro's Daughter (Regency Romances, 5)

Richard Derus
Richard Derus is on page 181 of 285
Most agreeably madcap.
Now to acquaint myself with what the devil an "E.O. board" might be.
Jun 09, 2019 01:53PM
Faro's Daughter (Regency Romances, 5)

Richard Derus
Richard Derus is on page 169 of 285
"...directed the ghost of a w-bomb..."
*ghost of a retch*
Jun 09, 2019 01:20PM
Faro's Daughter (Regency Romances, 5)

Richard Derus
Richard Derus is on page 164 of 285
I sense one of Mrs. Heyer's marvelous set-pieces coming in the next chapter! I must pause to fortify myself for the gales of laughter I anticipate will animate me.
Jun 09, 2019 12:43PM
Faro's Daughter (Regency Romances, 5)

Richard Derus
Richard Derus is on page 147 of 285
"But do you suppose I am to walk into {Ravenscar's} house, or club him in the open street, darlin'?"
Miss Grantham looked rather anxious. "I don't want him to be hurt, you know. At least, not much."
Haw...little angelflower that she is, she doesn't want the man she's plotting to kidnap to be hurt much.
Jun 09, 2019 11:49AM
Faro's Daughter (Regency Romances, 5)

Richard Derus
Richard Derus is on page 135 of 285
It has been a very long time since I cared so much about fictional gambling. I'm not, and never have been, a gambler, so reading about it isn't usually very interesting to me. This chapter held my attention as firmly as any I've read in the recent past, an unusual event though one to be cherished.
Jun 09, 2019 08:26AM
Faro's Daughter (Regency Romances, 5)

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