Dear Faye’s Reviews > Pretty Girl-13 > Status Update

Dear Faye
Dear Faye is 11% done
Very interesting take! I love the twist of this story, and despite the lack of narrative (I mean, there are, but they're too little compared to what I would have liked), I'm starting to emphatize with Angela. She's been through so much horrors, that other sides of her decided to protect her at the expense of her memories. Sigh!
Jan 02, 2013 02:56AM
Pretty Girl-13


Dear Faye’s Previous Updates

Dear Faye
Dear Faye is 11% done
I think this would have been better if it was written in the first person point of view. There is not enough *again* internal narrative to make me fee for the main character :/
Jan 01, 2013 07:08PM
Pretty Girl-13

Dear Faye
Dear Faye is 6% done
How hard can it freaking be to just say, "My daughter, you were kidnapped." Is it really necessary to delay saying that and use other, meaningless words? :|
Jan 01, 2013 06:53PM
Pretty Girl-13

Dear Faye
Dear Faye is reading
Sounds like something I'd enjoy a lot. I love mysteries! *Especially* psychological mysteries. I would expect a lot of status updates from this book ;D
Jan 01, 2013 12:40PM
Pretty Girl-13

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