2019 Reading Challenge
Participants 4,348,535
Books Pledged 282,666,505
Avg. Books Pledged 64
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Brett has read 147 of 90 books in 2019.
  • The Yugoslav Wars (2) by Nigel Thomas
  • The Yugoslav Wars (1) by Nigel Thomas
  • Ratko Mladic by Milo Yelesiyevich
  • Jefferson Davis by Robert McElroy
  • Spies, Scouts, and Raiders by Time-Life Books
  • Lee Takes Command by Time-Life Books
  • The Blockade by Time-Life Books
  • Jonny Reb & Billy Yank by Alexander Hunter
  • War on the Mississippi by Jerry Korn
  • Tenting Tonight by James I. Robertson Jr.
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message 1: by Glenda (new)

Glenda You'll make it Brett.

message 2: by Tom (new)

Tom Quinn Wow, you really read across the spectrum politically speaking. I try to read one title a year that's from a dramatically different POV than my own, my hat's off to you for sampling so diversely.

P.S. I'm curious to know how many total pages you'll have here by end of 2019.

Jonathan Introvert Mode Nice to see those Time/Life Civil War series there along with one of their WWII titles from their series as well. I have both sets along with their Third Reich set and the Vietnam series (Though I think this was eventually published by Boston Publishing). It was one of those feel good moments to acquire for my personal library the books I spent so much time checking out from the library as a kid. (Local librarian knew me by name and given that history didn't see as much demand, she allowed me to check out more books than allowed per check out after she saw my enthusiasm.) Truly wish I could remember her name, she was a wonderful lady who did much to encourage my voraciousness along with my parents.

See you're also from Charleston, where I was born and spent some of my childhood and married adult years. Small world.

From a rando on the internet, well done!!

message 5: by Brett (new)

Brett C Jonathan wrote: "Nice to see those Time/Life Civil War series there along with one of their WWII titles from their series as well. I have both sets along with their Third Reich set and the Vietnam series (Though I ..."

I had a few of the Civil War books when I was a kid. My dad ordered me a few and thy would would come in the mail once a month. I am buying them again as I find them with hopes of getting the entire collection. Small world indeed! Cheers and Happy New Year from Chuck Town!!

message 6: by Brett (new)

Brett C John wrote: "great job"

Thanks John!!

message 7: by Brett (new)

Brett C Glenda wrote: "You'll make it Brett."

Glenda wrote: "You'll make it Brett."

Thanks Glenda!!

message 8: by Brett (new)

Brett C Tom wrote: "Wow, you really read across the spectrum politically speaking. I try to read one title a year that's from a dramatically different POV than my own, my hat's off to you for sampling so diversely.


I try and vary up reading. Mostly I comes down to stumbling across something that seems interesting with hopes of learning something from the reading. Then I like to throw in some non-fiction in there to change it up!
I tallied up 69K pages, which is a personal record for me!!
Happy New Year and happy reading!

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