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Haruki Murakami
“Beside the road cows are lazily chewing grass. They show zero interest in the runners. They're too busy eating grass to care about all these whimsical people and their nonsensical activities. And for their part the runners don't have the leisure to pay attention to what the cows are up to, either.”
Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

Junot Díaz
“Responding to a moderator at the Sydney Writers Festival in 2008 (video), about the Spanish words in his book:

When all of us are communicating and talking when we’re out in the world, we’ll be lucky if we can understand 20 percent of what people say to us. A whole range of clues, of words, of languages escape us. I mean we’re not perfect, we’re not gods. But on top of that people mis-speak, sometimes you mis-hear, sometimes you don’t have attention, sometimes people use words you don’t know. Sometimes people use languages you don’t know. On a daily basis, human beings are very comfortable with a large component of communication, which is incomprehensibility, incomprehension. We tend to be comfortable with it. But for an immigrant, it becomes very different. What most of us consider normative comprehension an immigrant fears that they’re not getting it because of their lack of mastery in the language.

And what’s a normal component in communication, incomprehension, in some ways for an immigrant becomes a source of deep anxiety because you’re not sure if it’s just incomprehension or your own failures. My sense of writing a book where there is an enormous amount of language that perhaps everyone doesn’t have access to was less to communicate the experience of the immigrant than to communicate the experience that for an immigrant causes much discomfort but that is normative for people. which is that we tend to not understand, not grasp a large part of the language around us. What’s funny is, will Ramona accept incomprehension in our everyday lives and will greet that in a book with enormous fury. In other words what we’re comfortable with out in the outside world, we do not want to encounter in our books.

So I’m constantly, people have come to me and asked me… is this, are you trying to lock out your non-Dominican reader, you know? And I’m like, no? I assume any gaps in a story and words people don’t understand, whether it’s the nerdish stuff, whether it’s the Elvish, whether it’s the character going on about Dungeons and Dragons, whether it’s the Dominican Spanish, whether it’s the sort of high level graduate language, I assume if people don’t get it that this is not an attempt for the writer to be aggressive. This is an attempt for the writer to encourage the reader to build community, to go out and ask somebody else. For me, words that you can’t understand in a book aren’t there to torture or remind people that they don’t know. I always felt they were to remind people that part of the experience of reading has always been collective. You learn to read with someone else. Yeah you may currently practice it in a solitary fashion, but reading is a collective enterprise. And what the unintelligible in a book does is to remind you how our whole, lives we’ve always needed someone else to help us with reading.”
Junot Diaz

Junot Díaz
“You see, in my view a writer is a writer not because she writes well and easily, because she has amazing talent, because everything she does is golden. In my view a writer is a writer because even when there is no hope, even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise, you keep writing anyway."

[Becoming a Writer/ The List, O Magazine, November 2009]”
Junot Diaz

Abraham Lincoln
“Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new after all.”
Abraham Lincoln

Evie Wyld
“I'm out of knives for the time being”
Evie Wyld, All the Birds, Singing

3183 Tournament of Books — 2260 members — last activity Sep 28, 2024 01:48PM
This book group was established for those interested in participating in The Morning News's Tournament of Books. Please do not feel the need to finish ...more
154778 Year of Cosmere — 528 members — last activity Jan 01, 2023 10:18AM
Throughout 2015, we will be hosting read-a-longs for all of Brandon Sanderson's novels, novellas, and short stories that take place within his fiction ...more
124113 L.A. Literature Enthusiasts — 85 members — last activity Sep 19, 2024 08:17PM
This is an online resource for Core Members* -- you know who you are ;-) -- of the L.A. Literature Enthusiasts Meetup Group (http://www.meetup.com/Los ...more
35919 Literary Exploration — 1571 members — last activity 23 hours, 10 min ago
Want to explore different genres? Each month we pick a different Literary book, to read and discuss. Books are picked by members via a poll.
169184 ManBookering — 1769 members — last activity May 17, 2023 10:29AM
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