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Daniel Schreiber
“Der Tod stellt ein sehr reales Trauma für uns dar, das über das Bewusstsein hinausgeht, dass auch unser eigenes Leben früher oder später ein Ende nehmen wird. Er geht mit einem Einbruch des Schweigens einher, einer ganz eigenen Form der Sprachlosigkeit. Ein Mensch zu sein heißt zwar immer, sterblich zu sein und die Sterblichkeit geliebter Menschen zu bezeugen, doch es heißt nicht, diese Sterblichkeit auch zu begreifen. Unsere Psyche beschützt uns davor, den Tod geliebter Menschen zu verstehen. Sie erlaubt uns nur, im Laufe der Zeit unserem Nichtverstehen etwas näher zu kommen und es so in unser Leben zu integrieren.”
Daniel Schreiber, Die Zeit der Verluste

Rutger Bregman
“… we need a good dose of irritation, frustration and discontent to propel us forward.”
Rutger Bregman, Utopia for Realists: How We Can Build the Ideal World

Rutger Bregman
“To economists, everything revolves around scarcity - after all, even the biggest spenders can't buy everything. However, the perception of scarcity is not ubiquitous. An empty schedule feels different than a jam-packed workday. And that's not some harmless little feeling. Scarcity impinges on your mind. People behave differently when they perceive a thing to be scarce.
What that thing is doesn't much matter; whether it's too little time, money, friendship, food - it all contributes to experience a "scarcity mentality". And this has benefits. People who experience a sense of scarcity are good at managing their short-term problems. Poor people have an incredible ability - in the short term - to make ends meet, the same way that overworked CEOs can power through to close a deal.
Despite all this, the drawbacks of a "scarcity mentality" are greater than the benefits. Scarcity narrows your focus to your immediate lack, to the meeting that's starting in five minutes or the bills that need to be paid tomorrow. The long-term perspective goes out of the window. "Scarcity consumes you", Shafir explains. "You're less able to focus on other things that are also important to you."
There's a key distinction though between people with busy lives and those living in poverty: You can't take a break from poverty.”
Rutger Bregman, Utopia for Realists: How We Can Build the Ideal World

Mariana Leky
“Man konnte über Jahre in der schlechten Gesellschaft einer Frage leben, man konnte sich von ihr ausnehmen lassen, und dann verschwand sie in einer einzigen Bewegung, in einem einzigen Moment eines Hochschreckens.”
Mariana Leky, Was man von hier aus sehen kann

Rutger Bregman
“The greatest sin of the academic left is that it has become fundamentally aristocratic, writing in bizarre jargon that makes simple matters dizzyingly complex. If you can't explain your ideal to a fairly intelligent twelve-year-old, after all, it's probably you're own fault. What we need is a narrative that speaks to millions of ordinary people.”
Rutger Bregman, Utopia for Realists: How We Can Build the Ideal World

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Nadja G...
645 books | 10 friends

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