paige (ptsungirl)

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Make the Season B...
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""She was a grown-up, dammit, complete with a dead-end dream and a lackluster love life."" Sep 22, 2024 03:31AM

Jax Calder
“Look me in the eye when you're telling me. Not looking me in the eye makes me think you're ashamed. And you should never be ashamed of who you are.”
Jax Calder, The Unlikely Heir

Margaret  Rogerson
“She liked nothing better than being surrounded by books.”
Margaret Rogerson, Mysteries of Thorn Manor

Jax Calder
“Sometimes I want to climb into Callum's mind so I can see the world the same way he does, as something to investigate in all its technicolor glory rather than just something to conquer.”
Jax Calder, The Unlikely Heir

Margaret  Rogerson
“This was one of the things she loved best about books... she could briefly clasp hands with them across eternity, a chance meeting of souls made possible by their shared love of a story.”
Margaret Rogerson, Mysteries of Thorn Manor

Jax Calder
“There's beauty and magic in lots of small things we overlook every day. You just need to watch out for it.”
Jax Calder, The Unlikely Heir