Jack Caulfield

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Leaves of Grass
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The Penguin Histo...
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Der Proceß
Jack Caulfield is currently reading
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read in July 2016
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Jack Caulfield Jack Caulfield said: " He twists mundane concerns and neuroses to the level of nightmare like no writer before or after him. Everything in the book is absurd but at the same time deeply uncomfortably real. "

  (page 80 of 304)
Oct 22, 2021 03:01PM

Eric J. Hobsbawm
“There may be a logical or historical reason why mid-Victorian English butchers should have been predominantly Conservative (a link with agriculture?) and grocers overwhelmingly Liberal (a link with overseas trade?), but none has been established, and perhaps what needs explaining is not this, but why these two omnipresent types of shopkeeper refused to share the same opinions, whatever they were.”
Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Capital, 1848–1875

Mark Greif
“Build peaks, and former highlands become flatlands--ordinary topography loses its allure. The attempt to make our lives not a waste, by seeking a few most remarkable incidents, will make the rest of our lives a waste. The concept of experience turns us into dwellers in a plateau village who hold on to a myth of the happier race of people who live on the peaks. We climb up occasionally, but only with preparation, for short expeditions. We can't stay there, and everyone is restless and unsatisfied at home.”
Mark Greif, Against Everything: Essays

Wesley Yang
“In lieu of loving the world twice as hard, I care, in the end, about expressing my obdurate singularity at any cost. I love this hard and unyielding part of myself more than any other reward the world has to offer a newly brightened and ingratiating demeanor, and I will bear any costs associated with it.”
Wesley Yang, The Souls of Yellow Folk

Virginia Woolf
“The sky is blue,’ he said, ‘the grass is green.’ Looking up, he saw that, on the contrary, the sky is like the veils which a thousand Madonnas have let fall from their hair; and the grass fleets and darkens like a flight of girls fleeing the embraces of hairy satyrs from enchanted woods.”
Virginia Woolf, Orlando

Samuel Beckett
“Elle avait un perroquet, très joli, toutes les couleurs les plus appréciées. Je le comprenais mieux que sa maîtresse. Je ne veux pas dire que je le comprenais mieux qu'elle ne le comprenait, je veux dire que je le comprenais mieux que je ne la comprenais elle. Il disait de temps en temps, Putain de conasse de merde de chiaison. Il avait dû appartenir à une personne française avant d'appartenir à Lousse. Les animaux changent souvent de propriétaire. Il ne disait pas grand'chose d'autre. Si, il disait aussi, Fuck ! Ce n’était pourtant pas une personne française qui lui avait appris à dire, Fuck ! Peut-être qu'il l'avait trouvé tout seul, ça ne m'étonnerait pas. Lousse essayait de lui faire dire, Pretty Polly ! Je crois que c'était trop tard. Il écoutait, la tête de côté, réfléchissait, puis disait, Putain de conasse de merde de chiaison. On voyait qu'il faisait un effort.”
Samuel Beckett, Molloy

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