giulianna Marchese

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Ron Chernow
“Could the fractious tendencies engendered by years of fighting be channeled in constructive directions? The Revolution had unified sharply disparate groups. Without the bonds of wartime comradeship, would the divisive pulls of class, region, and ideology tear the new country apart?”
Ron Chernow

Nathaniel Hawthorne
“Times change, and people change; and if our hearts do not change as readily, so much the worse for us.”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Blithedale Romance

Ron Chernow
“People tended either to embrace Hamilton or to abhor him;”
Ron Chernow, Alexander Hamilton

Alena Graedon
“It’s always the scuffs in the marble that make its inner light seem to glow more brightly.”
Alena Graedon, The Word Exchange

Ron Chernow
“One story, perhaps apocryphal, claims that when Hamilton was asked why the framers omitted the word God from the Constitution, he replied, “We forgot.”
Ron Chernow, Alexander Hamilton