“The only difference between revolutionary dictatorship and the state is in external appearances. Essentially, they both represent the same government of the majority by a minority in the name of the presumed stupidity of the one and the presumed intelligence of the other.”
― Statism and Anarchy
― Statism and Anarchy
“If there is a state, then necessarily there is domination and consequently slavery. A state without slavery, open or camouflaged, is inconceivable—that is why we are enemies of the state.”
― Statism and Anarchy
― Statism and Anarchy
“For the people, the church is a kind of celestial tavern, just as the tavern is a sort of celestial church on earth. In church and tavern alike they forget, at least momentarily, their hunger, their oppression, and their humiliation, and they try to dull the memory of their daily afflictions, in the one with mindless faith and in the other with wine. One form of intoxication is as good as the other.”
― Statism and Anarchy
― Statism and Anarchy
“A man is wise only on condition of living in a world full of fools.”
― The Art of Controversy
― The Art of Controversy
“That is because no state, not even the most republican and democratic, not even the pseudo-popular state contemplated by Marx, in essence represents anything but government of the masses from above downward, by an educated and thereby privileged minority which supposedly understands the real interests of the people better than the people themselves.”
― Statism and Anarchy
― Statism and Anarchy
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