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by Laura Thalassa (Goodreads Author)
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Hunting Adeline
Amber is currently reading
by H.D. Carlton (Goodreads Author)
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Kiss of Darkness
Amber is currently reading
by Taylor Aston White (Goodreads Author)
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See all 4 books that Amber is reading…
Alice Sebold
“Each time I told my story, I lost a bit, the smallest drop of pain. It was that day that I knew I wanted to tell the story of my family. Because horror on Earth is real and it is every day. It is like a flower or like the sun; it cannot be contained.”
Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones

“Forgiveness has nothing to do with absolving a criminal of his crime. It has everything to do with relieving oneself of the burden of being a victim--letting go of the pain and transforming oneself from victim to survivor.”
C.R. Strahan

George Orwell
“Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull. ”
George Orwell, 1984

George Orwell
“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
George Orwell, 1984

Alice Sebold
“Because horror on Earth is real and it is every day. It is like a flower or like the sun; it cannot be contained.”
Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones

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