Wanderlust Challenges discussion

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message 1: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Lucky Charms
3 Months from Start

St. Patrick's Day is almost here, but luck isn't just for the Irish. Let's take a look at charms and talismans that are considered lucky around the world.

The fact that "lucky charms" have been found in every culture through time shows how much luck and superstition is embedded into our human nature. Many stem from faith and religion, while others from tradition, folklore and legend. These cultural symbols can both educate and enchant us. They can also be a tangible reminder of a culture visited, or of a trip dreamed of before, during, and long after it happens.

Complete 9 tasks.

Challenge Rules: All forms of books are accepted as long as they are 100 pages or more. When posting updates of completed books, please include a link to the title and author’s name, along with the date you finished reading the book. Please post cover if it is task appropriate. When you have completed the challenge, please copy and paste your entire challenge and re-post in a new message, letting us know it is completed.


1. Four-Leaf Clover
Four-leaf clovers are an ancient Irish symbol of luck. Among the Celtic, it was a common belief that finding one would help people see fairies and avoid their mischief, a common source of bad luck. Though the odds of finding a four-leaf clover is allegedly 1 in 10,000, which is probably why it’s considered so lucky. Some legends attribute the four leaves to faith, hope, love, and luck; while others say they'll bring fame, wealth, health, and faithful love. According to Irish Catholic tradition, the shamrock leaves represent the holy trinity. One for the father, one for the son, one for the holy spirit and the fourth for god’s grace.

🍀 Read a series book #4 OR read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover).

2. Horseshoe
Horseshoes have various legends from different cultures attributing lucky powers to them. They can even be found in Islamic art and Egyptian iconography. But the most notable legend attributes lucky horseshoes to Saint Dunstan, a English bishop from the 10th century. Dunstan was said to have nailed a horseshoe to the Devil's foot when he was asked to re-shoe the Devil's cloven hoof. This caused the Devil great pain, and Dunstan only agreed to remove the shoe and release the Devil after he promised never to enter a place where a horseshoe is nailed over the door.

🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S) OR read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).

3. Hamsa
The Hamsa Hand is common in both Jewish and Muslim communities in the Middle East. It is a sign of good luck and protection against negative energy. Depending on the culture, the symbol of the hand bears different meanings. The word “hamsa” references the number five in Hebrew and is said to symbolize the five books of the Torah. In Islam, the five fingers are associated with the Five Pillars of Islam. The eye on the hand represents an eye that sees everything and watches out for the beholder.

🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) OR read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).

4. Nazar
The Nazar, or evil eye, is an amulet for protection against those without good intentions. The origin of the Nazar hails from Turkey and its neighboring countries. It is usually a beaded, blue jewel that is worn or used on personal items for protection. Unlike the Hamsa, the Nazar has no religious significance. Because of this, it has become popular in countries all over the world.

🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover) OR read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).

5. Cornicello
Italy has their own ancient charm to protect against the "evil eye" and bad luck in general. It is an Italian horn known as a cornicello. It is a common good luck symbol and also believed to promote fertility, virility and to maintain happiness in marriage. Historians differ on the inspiration for the horn shape, most pointing to the African eland horn. It is also linked to Greek and Roman mythology as a symbol of fertility and the earth after Zeus broke a horn from a goat. Over time, the cornicello has become very stylized and is often worn as jewelry made of gold, silver, bone, or red coral. Many are topped with a crown that signifies wealth.

🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) OR read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.

6. Dreamcatcher
Dreamcatchers come from Native American lore. Looking like a web or net stretched over a loop and decorated with bright beads and feathers, they are meant to catch bad dreams as they enter a household. By capturing these disturbing dreams, they make the owner happier, more balanced, and luckier. Legend has it that when the sun rises, the bad dreams caught in the dream catcher dissolve, as they cannot survive daylight. The Chippewa, or Ojibwa, Native Americans originally designed these dream catchers to help protect their children and is associated with the Asibikaashi, or Spider Woman. She was the caretaker of all children in Ojibwa legend.

🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American OR read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which).

7. Dala Horse
The Dala Horse of Sweden is hugely significant in Swedish culture
and identity. Known in Swedish as Dalahäst, it embodies a shared history of man and beast in the Scandinavian landscape that has endured for more than two millennia. Horses were considered a holy animal, worshiped by pagan cults and considered a prestigious partner by medieval knights. These talismans were names for the Swedish province of Dalarna, where the first horse statuette was crafted. Today, these beautiful horses are a symbol of good luck and thought to bring strength and dignity. It is also recognized as the unofficial symbol of Sweden.

🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).

8. Rabbit Foot
A rabbit’s foot is known worldwide as a good luck symbol. Countries such as England, Spain, China and the US are among the many that recognize this global talisman. Numerous websites trace the belief to ancient Celts who believed rabbits, being creatures that burrow into the Earth, could communicate directly with gods and spirits. Others attribute the charm to “African American magical traditions” and the witty character of B’rer Rabbit, known to use his brain to overcome adversity. Rabbits are legendary for their good luck vibe. Many in Britain and North America are known to speak the words "rabbit, rabbit" aloud upon waking on the first day of a month, to ensure good luck for the remaining days.

🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same OR read book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).

9. Other Lucky Animals
Animals are a common good luck symbol across many cultures. The famous Maneki Neko cat statue of Japan, characterized by its waving or "beckoning" paw, is believed to bring prosperity to shop owners and households. The Chinese Jin Chan, or “Money Toad”, sits on a pile of money and brings with it success, wealth and prosperity. In Germany, pigs are considered lucky and are given as tokens to wish friends and family a happy and lucky New Year. Elephants are a common good luck symbol across Asia, symbolizing wisdom, power, strength, and stability. Even insects have their lucky co-partners. Crickets, ladybugs and scarabs have been considered lucky for centuries.

🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how).

message 2: by Jan, Moderator (last edited Sep 25, 2024 11:42AM) (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Participants

Beth ~ Completed
Bev(baglady) ~ Completed
Book Concierge ~ Completed
Catsalive ~ Completed
ChrisGA ~ Completed
Denise ~ Completed
Ed ~ Completed
Frankie ~ Completed
Jan ~ Completed
Jonquil ~ Completed
Karen ♐ ~ Completed
Meg ~ Completed
Olivermagnus ~ Completed
Patrizia ~ Completed
Ruth ~ Completed
Sarah ~ Completed
Shan ~A~
Tari ~ Completed
Teri-k ~ Completed
Trish ~ Completed

message 3: by Jan, Moderator (last edited Jun 28, 2023 09:09AM) (new)

Jan | 18762 comments My Spot

Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a series book #4. The Cold Killer | Ross Greenwood 3/5/23****
The Cold Killer (DI Barton #4) by Ross Greenwood

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S). Devil's Food | Kerry Greenwood 3/22/23**** (3.5)
Devil's Food (Corinna Chapman, #3) by Kerry Greenwood

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (Merrily, the MC is a priest in the Anglican Church): The Lamp of the Wicked | Phil Rickman 6/23/23***
The Lamp of the Wicked (Merrily Watkins, #5) by Phil Rickman

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover). Throttled author:Stella Bixby|17649323] 4/10/23**
Throttled (Rylie Cooper Mysteries #3) by Stella Bixby

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO. The Long Cold Winter | Colin Conway 3/9/23***
The Long Cold Winter (The 509 Crime Stories, #2) by Colin Conway

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American (MC - Kate) . A Cold Day for Murder | Dana Stabenow 3/16/23****
A Cold Day for Murder (Kate Shugak #1) by Dana Stabenow

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (Georgina is a crafts person who owns a crafts stors). Steps from Death | Stacey Alabaster 5/7/23***
Steps from Death (Craft Circle Mystery #1) by Stacey Alabaster

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book originally published on the first day of any month (August 1, 2017). Enchanted Isle | Melanie Dobson 3/18/23**
Enchanted Isle by Melanie Dobson

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage. Endangered | Pamela Beason 4/21/23***
Endangered (Sam Westin Mysteries, #1) by Pamela Beason


message 4: by Patrizia, Contributor (last edited Mar 18, 2023 03:32AM) (new)

Patrizia | 1271 comments Lucky Charms
March 01 - May 31, 2023


1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a series book #4 OR read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover).
Murder in an Irish Bookshop by Carlene O'Connor 8 March; 4 1/2☆
Murder in an Irish Bookshop (Irish Village Mystery, #7) by Carlene O'Connor

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S) OR read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).
"... enveloping arms of the HORSESHOE pavillion..." (77% kindle)- Murder at Crossways by Alyssa Maxwell 2 March; 4 1/2☆
Murder at Crossways (Gilded Newport Mysteries #7) by Alyssa Maxwell

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) OR read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover) OR read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).
male MC is an assistant DA and someone want to kill him- Protection Detail: A Christian Romantic Suspense by Laura Scott 14 March; 4 1/2☆
Protection Detail A Christian Romantic Suspense (Finnegan First Responders Book 3) by Laura Scott

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) OR read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.
Brooklyn and Derek- The Book Supremacy by Kate Carlisle 10 March; 5☆
The Book Supremacy (Bibliophile Mystery, #13) by Kate Carlisle

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American OR read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which).
Kate (female MC)- Rescue Mission by Lynette Eason 11 March; 4 1/2☆
Rescue Mission (Rocky Mountain K-9 Unit Book 8) by Lynette Eason

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).
MC is a quilter so she is a crafts person and, for me, an artist- A Quilt of a Different Color by Arlene Sachitano 4 March; 4☆
A Quilt of a Different Color (A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery Book 13) by Arlene Sachitano

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same OR read book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).
Murder on the Hoof by Kathryn O'Sullivan 13 March; 4☆
Murder on the Hoof (Colleen McCabe, #2) by Kathryn O'Sullivan

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how)
Echo is a K-9 official and helps the MCs- Explosive Revenge by Maggie K. Black 6 March; 4 1/2☆
Explosive Revenge (Rocky Mountain K-9 Unit #7) by Maggie K. Black

message 5: by Denise (last edited Mar 22, 2023 01:06PM) (new)

Denise | 2774 comments Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023

√1. Four-Leaf Clover
Four-leaf clovers are an ancient Irish symbol of luck. Among the Celtic, it was a common belief that finding one would help people see fairies and avoid their mischief, a common source of bad luck. Though the odds of finding a four-leaf clover is allegedly 1 in 10,000, which is probably why it’s considered so lucky. Some legends attribute the four leaves to faith, hope, love, and luck; while others say they'll bring fame, wealth, health, and faithful love. According to Irish Catholic tradition, the shamrock leaves represent the holy trinity. One for the father, one for the son, one for the holy spirit and the fourth for god’s grace.

√🍀 Read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover). Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng by Celeste Ng 3.2.23

√2. Horseshoe
Horseshoes have various legends from different cultures attributing lucky powers to them. They can even be found in Islamic art and Egyptian iconography. But the most notable legend attributes lucky horseshoes to Saint Dunstan, a English bishop from the 10th century. Dunstan was said to have nailed a horseshoe to the Devil's foot when he was asked to re-shoe the Devil's cloven hoof. This caused the Devil great pain, and Dunstan only agreed to remove the shoe and release the Devil after he promised never to enter a place where a horseshoe is nailed over the door.

√🍀 Read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text). "some owners liked gold fittings, or horseshoe embellishments" p. 61 This Time Next Year We'll Be Laughing: A Memoir by Jacqueline Winspear 3.10.23

√3. Hamsa
The Hamsa Hand is common in both Jewish and Muslim communities in the Middle East. It is a sign of good luck and protection against negative energy. Depending on the culture, the symbol of the hand bears different meanings. The word “hamsa” references the number five in Hebrew and is said to symbolize the five books of the Torah. In Islam, the five fingers are associated with the Five Pillars of Islam. The eye on the hand represents an eye that sees everything and watches out for the beholder.

√🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) Judaism is the entire reason people are persecuted by the Germans (Ukranians, Poles, etc.) in The War Girls by V.S. Alexander 3.19.23, put into a ghetto in Warsaw and all killed either by transportation to sites where they are gassed or killed in the ghetto. Also, because of the confines of religion, Hanna leaves her family before the war and during the war is able to join the secret services and join the resistance in Poland and rescue part of her family.

√4. Nazar
The Nazar, or evil eye, is an amulet for protection against those without good intentions. The origin of the Nazar hails from Turkey and its neighboring countries. It is usually a beaded, blue jewel that is worn or used on personal items for protection. Unlike the Hamsa, the Nazar has no religious significance. Because of this, it has become popular in countries all over the world.

√🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover Stagestruck (Peter Diamond, #11) by Peter Lovesey by Peter Lovesey 3.16.23

5. Cornicello
Italy has their own ancient charm to protect against the "evil eye" and bad luck in general. It is an Italian horn known as a cornicello. It is a common good luck symbol and also believed to promote fertility, virility and to maintain happiness in marriage. Historians differ on the inspiration for the horn shape, most pointing to the African eland horn. It is also linked to Greek and Roman mythology as a symbol of fertility and the earth after Zeus broke a horn from a goat. Over time, the cornicello has become very stylized and is often worn as jewelry made of gold, silver, bone, or red coral. Many are topped with a crown that signifies wealth.

🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) OR read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.

√6. Dreamcatcher
Dreamcatchers come from Native American lore. Looking like a web or net stretched over a loop and decorated with bright beads and feathers, they are meant to catch bad dreams as they enter a household. By capturing these disturbing dreams, they make the owner happier, more balanced, and luckier. Legend has it that when the sun rises, the bad dreams caught in the dream catcher dissolve, as they cannot survive daylight. The Chippewa, or Ojibwa, Native Americans originally designed these dream catchers to help protect their children and is associated with the Asibikaashi, or Spider Woman. She was the caretaker of all children in Ojibwa legend.

√🍀 Read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which). The MC,, Ian Rutledge, suffers shell shock as a veteran of WWI which impairs his sleeps and causes nightmares in A Game of Fear by Charles Todd 3.6.23

7. Dala Horse
The Dala Horse of Sweden is hugely significant in Swedish culture and identity. Known in Swedish as Dalahäst, it embodies a shared history of man and beast in the Scandinavian landscape that has endured for more than two millennia. Horses were considered a holy animal, worshiped by pagan cults and considered a prestigious partner by medieval knights. These talismans were names for the Swedish province of Dalarna, where the first horse statuette was crafted. Today, these beautiful horses are a symbol of good luck and thought to bring strength and dignity. It is also recognized as the unofficial symbol of Sweden.

🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).

8. Rabbit Foot
A rabbit’s foot is known worldwide as a good luck symbol. Countries such as England, Spain, China and the US are among the many that recognize this global talisman. Numerous websites trace the belief to ancient Celts who believed rabbits, being creatures that burrow into the Earth, could communicate directly with gods and spirits. Others attribute the charm to “African American magical traditions” and the witty character of B’rer Rabbit, known to use his brain to overcome adversity. Rabbits are legendary for their good luck vibe. Many in Britain and North America are known to speak the words "rabbit, rabbit" aloud upon waking on the first day of a month, to ensure good luck for the remaining days.

√🍀 Read a book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date). Publication Date January 1, 1985 book:Eight Black Horses|37951] by Ed McBain 3.5.23

9. Other Lucky Animals
Animals are a common good luck symbol across many cultures. The famous Maneki Neko cat statue of Japan, characterized by its waving or "beckoning" paw, is believed to bring prosperity to shop owners and households. The Chinese Jin Chan, or “Money Toad”, sits on a pile of money and brings with it success, wealth and prosperity. In Germany, pigs are considered lucky and are given as tokens to wish friends and family a happy and lucky New Year. Elephants are a common good luck symbol across Asia, symbolizing wisdom, power, strength, and stability. Even insects have their lucky co-partners. Crickets, ladybugs and scarabs have been considered lucky for centuries.

√🍀 Read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how). The MC's dog, Flip, unfortunately dies in the story - but after she takes his collar off they find a key they have been looking for duct taped to the inside of the collar - a key to the story.

message 6: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Welcome Patrizia & Denise!

message 7: by [deleted user] (last edited Apr 13, 2023 11:49AM) (new)

Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
Four-leaf clovers are an ancient Irish symbol of luck. Among the Celtic, it was a common belief that finding one would help people see fairies and avoid their mischief, a common source of bad luck. Though the odds of finding a four-leaf clover is allegedly 1 in 10,000, which is probably why it’s considered so lucky. Some legends attribute the four leaves to faith, hope, love, and luck; while others say they'll bring fame, wealth, health, and faithful love. According to Irish Catholic tradition, the shamrock leaves represent the holy trinity. One for the father, one for the son, one for the holy spirit and the fourth for god’s grace.

🍀OR read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover).

2. Horseshoe
Horseshoes have various legends from different cultures attributing lucky powers to them. They can even be found in Islamic art and Egyptian iconography. But the most notable legend attributes lucky horseshoes to Saint Dunstan, a English bishop from the 10th century. Dunstan was said to have nailed a horseshoe to the Devil's foot when he was asked to re-shoe the Devil's cloven hoof. This caused the Devil great pain, and Dunstan only agreed to remove the shoe and release the Devil after he promised never to enter a place where a horseshoe is nailed over the door.

🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S) OR read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).

3. Hamsa
The Hamsa Hand is common in both Jewish and Muslim communities in the Middle East. It is a sign of good luck and protection against negative energy. Depending on the culture, the symbol of the hand bears different meanings. The word “hamsa” references the number five in Hebrew and is said to symbolize the five books of the Torah. In Islam, the five fingers are associated with the Five Pillars of Islam. The eye on the hand represents an eye that sees everything and watches out for the beholder.

🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) OR read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).

4. Nazar
The Nazar, or evil eye, is an amulet for protection against those without good intentions. The origin of the Nazar hails from Turkey and its neighboring countries. It is usually a beaded, blue jewel that is worn or used on personal items for protection. Unlike the Hamsa, the Nazar has no religious significance. Because of this, it has become popular in countries all over the world.

🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover) OR read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).

5. Cornicello
Italy has their own ancient charm to protect against the "evil eye" and bad luck in general. It is an Italian horn known as a cornicello. It is a common good luck symbol and also believed to promote fertility, virility and to maintain happiness in marriage. Historians differ on the inspiration for the horn shape, most pointing to the African eland horn. It is also linked to Greek and Roman mythology as a symbol of fertility and the earth after Zeus broke a horn from a goat. Over time, the cornicello has become very stylized and is often worn as jewelry made of gold, silver, bone, or red coral. Many are topped with a crown that signifies wealth.

🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) OR read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.

6. Dreamcatcher
Dreamcatchers come from Native American lore. Looking like a web or net stretched over a loop and decorated with bright beads and feathers, they are meant to catch bad dreams as they enter a household. By capturing these disturbing dreams, they make the owner happier, more balanced, and luckier. Legend has it that when the sun rises, the bad dreams caught in the dream catcher dissolve, as they cannot survive daylight. The Chippewa, or Ojibwa, Native Americans originally designed these dream catchers to help protect their children and is associated with the Asibikaashi, or Spider Woman. She was the caretaker of all children in Ojibwa legend.

🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American OR read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which).

7. Dala Horse
The Dala Horse of Sweden is hugely significant in Swedish culture and identity. Known in Swedish as Dalahäst, it embodies a shared history of man and beast in the Scandinavian landscape that has endured for more than two millennia. Horses were considered a holy animal, worshiped by pagan cults and considered a prestigious partner by medieval knights. These talismans were names for the Swedish province of Dalarna, where the first horse statuette was crafted. Today, these beautiful horses are a symbol of good luck and thought to bring strength and dignity. It is also recognized as the unofficial symbol of Sweden.

🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).

8. Rabbit Foot
A rabbit’s foot is known worldwide as a good luck symbol. Countries such as England, Spain, China and the US are among the many that recognize this global talisman. Numerous websites trace the belief to ancient Celts who believed rabbits, being creatures that burrow into the Earth, could communicate directly with gods and spirits. Others attribute the charm to “African American magical traditions” and the witty character of B’rer Rabbit, known to use his brain to overcome adversity. Rabbits are legendary for their good luck vibe. Many in Britain and North America are known to speak the words "rabbit, rabbit" aloud upon waking on the first day of a month, to ensure good luck for the remaining days.

🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same OR read book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).

9. Other Lucky Animals
Animals are a common good luck symbol across many cultures. The famous Maneki Neko cat statue of Japan, characterized by its waving or "beckoning" paw, is believed to bring prosperity to shop owners and households. The Chinese Jin Chan, or “Money Toad”, sits on a pile of money and brings with it success, wealth and prosperity. In Germany, pigs are considered lucky and are given as tokens to wish friends and family a happy and lucky New Year. Elephants are a common good luck symbol across Asia, symbolizing wisdom, power, strength, and stability. Even insects have their lucky co-partners. Crickets, ladybugs and scarabs have been considered lucky for centuries.

🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how)

message 8: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Nice to see you Tia! Have fun :)

message 9: by Jonquil (last edited May 26, 2023 11:35AM) (new)

Jonquil | 543 comments Lucky Charms
March 1 - May 31, 2023

9/9 DONE

1. Four-Leaf Clover
✱cover mostly green Stephen Spotswood 5/6
Secrets Typed in Blood (Pentecost & Parker #3) by Stephen Spotswood
2 Horseshoe
🍀 title includes DEVIL Devil and the Deep Julie Ann Walker 4/7
3 Hamsa
🍀 religion is an important part of the story -- an apparition of the Virgin Mary appeared at a Catholic Church Holy Ghost John Sandford 4/23
4 Nazar
🍀 MC needs protection Finding Lexie Susan Stoker 3/31
5 Cornicello
🍀 married couple as MCs Mr. & Mrs. Witch Gwenda Bond 4/17
6 Dreamcatcher
🍀 important character that is Native American == MC Renee Cash Blackbear Murder on the Red River Marcie R. Rendon 3/9
7 Dala Horse
🍀 MC who in an artist or crafts person - she creates fairy gardens A Flicker of a Doubt Daryl Wood Gerber 5/4
8 Rabbit Foot
🍀 title includes a double OO Doon Carey Corp 3/12
9 Other Lucky Animals
🍀 tagged ANIMALS on Homepage Whisker of Evil Rita Mae Brown 4/23

message 10: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Welcome Jonquil :)

message 11: by Emeli (last edited Mar 12, 2023 11:17PM) (new)

Emeli Webb | 21 comments My spot
Lucky Charms
03/01/2023 - 05/31/2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a series book #4 OR read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover).
Pacey And His Unicorn Professor (Shifterly Ever After #2) by Lorelei M. Hart
Finished 13/3

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S) OR read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) OR read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover) OR read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) OR read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American OR read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which).

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).

8. Rabbit Foot ,/u>
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same OR read book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how)

message 12: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Thanks for joining Emeli!

message 13: by Catsalive (last edited Mar 13, 2023 04:03PM) (new)

Catsalive | 741 comments Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read book with cover that is mostly green
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde 1/3 4★
The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next, #1) by Jasper Fforde

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL
A Lady's Guide to Gossip and Murder by Dianne Freeman 3/3 2★
-What the devil happened here? p.271

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story - based around the Catholic Church magdalenes
Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan 4/3 4★

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book where the MC needs protection - because she is simpleminded & a danger to herself
Obedience by Jacqueline Yallop 13/3 2★

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters - Pierre & Anna Arthens
Gourmet Rhapsody by Muriel Barbery 13/3 1.5★

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares - Ailee has nightmares
The Doctor's Gift by Fiona McArthur 6/3 3.5★

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person - Natalie is an artist, Mary Alice a craftwoman
Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn 6/3 3.5★

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book originally published on the first day of any month - 1/1/11
The Unquiet by J.D. Robb 2/3 3★

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line - Belgarath's alter-ego/shape is the wolf
Belgarath the Sorcerer by David Eddings 10/3/23 4★

The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next, #1) by Jasper Fforde A Lady's Guide to Gossip and Murder (A Countess of Harleigh Mystery, #2) by Dianne Freeman Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan Obedience by Jacqueline Yallop Gourmet Rhapsody by Muriel Barbery The Doctor's Gift by Fiona McArthur Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn The Unquiet by J.D. Robb Belgarath the Sorcerer (Belgarian Prequels) by David Eddings

message 14: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Welcome Kylie!!

message 15: by Meg, Contributor (last edited May 05, 2023 11:14AM) (new)

Meg (makeli2) | 819 comments Lucky Charms
March 01 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a book with cover that is mostly green.
Something Fresh (Blandings Castle, #1) by P.G. Wodehouse Something Fresh, P.G. Wodehouse 03/08

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text ==> "A large diamond mounted inside a gold horseshoe glinted from his left ring finger..."
Since You're Leaving Anyway, Take Out the Trash (Domestic Equalizers Book 1) by Dixie Cash Since You're Leaving Anyway, Take Out the Trash, Dixie Cash 03/10

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story ==> plot revolves around Catholic Sisters' Advent retreat
Peril & Prayer (A Sister Lou Mystery #2) by Olivia Matthews Peril & Prayer, Olivia Matthews 04/23

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover
Blackmail and Bibingka (Tita Rosie's Kitchen Mystery, #3) by Mia P. Manansala Blackmail and Bibingka, Mia P. Manansala 03/01

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters ==> Tommy & Evelyn Christie
Murder at the Village Fete (Tommy & Evelyn Christie, #2) by Catherine Coles Murder at the Village Fete, Catherine Coles 03/04

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares.
Hot Sun Cold Killer (Murder on Maui #4) by Robert W. Stephens Hot Sun Cold Killer, Robert W. Stephens 03/03

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author, that takes place in Sweden -- partially.
The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared (The Hundred-Year-Old Man, #1) by Jonas Jonasson The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, Jonas Jonasson 03/20

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same
Sinister Snickerdoodles (Danger Cove #12, Bakery #2) by Janel Gradowski Sinister Snickerdoodles, Janel Gradowski 03/10

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage
Classified as Murder (Cat in the Stacks Mystery, #2) by Miranda James Classified as Murder, Miranda James 03/21

message 16: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Thanks for joining Meg!

message 17: by Karen ♐ (last edited Jun 20, 2023 08:50AM) (new)

Karen ♐ (kmk1214) | 1180 comments Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a \book with cover that is mostly green (post cover). - The Son & His Hope (The Ribbon Duet, #3) by Pepper Winters Pepper Winters - 3/3/23

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S) - Devil’s Lair Anna Zaires - 4/25/23

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) - MC is the pastor's daughter and is very involved in the church. - Wicked Ever After Shayla Black - 4/4/23

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why). - MC's grandmother asked other MC to protect her and he needs to figure out why - The Boss Vol. 6 Cari Quinn - 3/9/23

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) - Dale & Ashley - Freed Helen Hardt - 3/25/23

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which). - Nightmares - The Vixen and the Vet Katy Regnery - 3/2/23

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which). - artist - Only Him Melanie Harlow - 4/12/23

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date). - Pub 11/1/1999 - The House on Olive Street Robyn Carr - 5/4/23

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how). - Noah has lost his mother and has cerebral palsy. Romeo (a Great Dane) helps him recover and enjoy life again - The Country Guesthouse Robyn Carr - 6/19/23

message 18: by Ruth (new)

Ruth (ruthie1) | 470 comments Exploring Cultures and Holidays

Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a series book #4 OR read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover).

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S) OR read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) OR read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover) OR read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) OR read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American OR read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which).

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same OR read book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how)

message 19: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Welcome Karen & Ruth!

message 20: by Tari (last edited Feb 06, 2024 08:11AM) (new)

Tari (thann) | 829 comments Lucky Charms
March 01 - May 31, 2023


1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a series book #4 OR read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover).
A Case of Senior Scandals (Willow Cove Mysteries #2) by Lily Rose Lane Lily Rose Lane 3/2/23

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S) OR read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).
loc 1926 “No, the horseshoe isn’t what makes the pies lucky.” A Pie to Die For Gretchen Rue 2/6/24

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how)
OR read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).
Lyndsay and her family were devout Catholics who prayed before opening the shop every day and sometimes had an evening prayer Hard Dough Homicide Olivia Matthews 5/25/23

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover) OR read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).
Books & Bribes Lucinda Race 3/1/23 From a killer who’d threatened her—since she’s a witch she can do a protection spell

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who)
OR read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.
Ruby and Esteban Delgado-Bells & the Bandit Leona Fox 3/5/23

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American
OR read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which).
Michelle Blackhoof, owner of the newspaper Duck Duck Danger Max Parrott 3/14/23

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR <read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).
Trevor's a metal sculpture artist-Peril in Little Leaf Creek Cindy Bell 3/17/23

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same OR read book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).
Where There's a Witch, There's a Way Victoria DeLuis 3/13/23

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how).
The community cat was elected mayor-Best Slayed Plans Lucinda Harrison 3/7/23

message 21: by Olivermagnus (last edited May 25, 2023 08:36AM) (new)

 Olivermagnus (lynda11282) | 943 comments Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023

of 9 Complete

🍀 1. Four-Leaf Clover
Read a series book #4.
Sea Castle - Andrew Mayne - 3/12/23 - 4 Underwater Invetigation Unit

🍀 2. Horseshoe
Read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).
The Cinderella Murder - Mary Higgins Clark - 4/17/23 - page 16 - "It was gold, with the sweetest little horseshoe pendant".

🍀 3. Hamsa
Read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).
A Master of Djinn - P. Djèlí Clark - 4/24/23 - set in Egypt

🍀 4. Nazar
Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover)
The Jackal - J.R. Ward - 3/3/23
The Jackal (Black Dagger Brotherhood Prison Camp #1) by J.R. Ward

🍀 5. Cornicello
Read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.
Unleashed - Cherrie Lynn - 3/24/23 - CL

🍀 6. Dreamcatcher
Read a book with an important character that is Native American.
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI - David Grann - 3/15/23

🍀 7. Dala Horse
Read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).
The Henna Artist - Alka Joshi - 3/2/23 - Artist

🍀 8. Rabbit Foot
Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same.
The Librarian of Burned Books - Brianna Labuskes - 4/12/23

🍀 9. Other Lucky Animals
Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage.
Survival Instinct - Fiona Quinn - 3/23/23

message 22: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Thanks for joining Tari & Lynda!

message 23: by ChrisGA (last edited May 13, 2023 03:40PM) (new)

ChrisGA | 270 comments ❎1. Four-Leaf Clover
Read a series book #4 Chasing SecretsLynette Eason 3/3/23

❎❎2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('s.Devil’s DelightM.C. Beaton5/13/23

❎3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) This is Christian suspense. Faith struggles and prayer throughout the book. ALSO..Saudi Arabia and Israel play important roles. DigitalisRonie Kendig 5/8/23

❎4. Nazar
Read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why). (view spoiler) Without Warning Lynette Eason3/1/23

❎5. Cornicello
Read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO. Pekoe Most PoisonLaura Childs3/18/23

❎6. Dreamcatcher
Read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which). Maddie and Quinn have PTSD.Moving TargetLynette Eason3/2/23

❎7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book with an MC who in an crafts person (tell us which).Josie A Knit before DyingSadie Hartwell4/11/23

❎8. Rabbit Foot
Read a book with a title that includes a double OO. The Girl Who Drank the MoonKelly Barnhill 3/10/23

❎9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how) Milo barked into open phone line to alert listener to danger MC was in.Inn SightElizabeth Berry 3/13/23

message 24: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Welcome Chris!

message 25: by Beth (last edited May 08, 2023 09:23AM) (new)

Beth | 111 comments Lucky Charms
March - May 2023

9/9 completed

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a series book #4 OR read a book with cover that is mostly green.
The Puppet Masters by Robert A. Heinlein - 3/5 ★★★★
The Puppet Masters by Robert A. Heinlein

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S) OR read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).
Murder at the Castle by Jeanne M. Dams - 3/28 ★★★
Page 28: "Nigel drove us over something called Horseshoe Pass"

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) OR read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).
Counter-Clock World by Philip K. Dick (the plot centers on a religious figure returned to life) - 3/7 ★★★★

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover) OR read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi (MC needs protection from the world's creatures) - 3/2 ★★★★

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) OR read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.
Farewell, My Lovely by Raymond Chandler - 3/16 ★★★

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American OR read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which).
The Sun Does Shine by Anthony Ray Hinton (trouble sleeping in prison) - 4/13 ★★★

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).
Factfulness by Hans Rosling (Swedish author) - 5/7 ★★★★★

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same OR read book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).
Poor White by Sherwood Anderson - 3/15 ★★★★★

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how)
The Evil That Men Do by Jeanne M. Dams (Watson the dog adopts Dorothy and Alan) - 3/12 ★★★

message 26: by Teri-K (last edited Apr 10, 2023 03:59PM) (new)

Teri-K | 1035 comments Lucky Charms
March 01 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a series book #4
I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett 3/16
Tiffany Aching #4

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).
Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather 3/19
"there was a new cabinet screwed to the wall, full of brilliant seashells, starfish, and horseshoe crabs..."

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how)
The Year of Lear: Shakespeare in 1606 by James Shapiro 3/4
Catholic vs Protestant vs Church of England conflicts form a large part of the book.

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).
Death in Cyprus by M.M. Kaye 3/3
Someone tries to kill her - at least three times!

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who)
Lady Windermere's Fan by Oscar Wilde 3/5
Lord and Lady Windemere

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American
The Red Convertible: Selected and New Stories, 1978-2008 by Louise Erdrich 3/20
Native American

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).
The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary by Simon Winchester 3/22
Dr. Minor is a talentd artist.

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).
Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope 3/20
Jan. 1, 1857

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage AND read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how)
Winnie The Pooh by A.A. Milne 4/8

I Shall Wear Midnight (Discworld, #38) by Terry Pratchett Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather The Year of Lear Shakespeare in 1606 by James Shapiro Death in Cyprus by M.M. Kaye Lady Windermere's Fan by Oscar Wilde The Red Convertible Selected and New Stories, 1978-2008 by Louise Erdrich The Professor and the Madman A Tale of Murder, Insanity and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary by Simon Winchester Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope Winnie The Pooh by A.A. Milne

message 27: by August (last edited May 25, 2023 01:27PM) (new)

August (sarath595) | 297 comments Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023


Progress: 9/9

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover).
Archimedes: The Father of Mathematics by Heather Hasan 3/27/23
Archimedes The Father of Mathematics by Heather Hasan

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).
Retribution Rails by Erin Bowman 5/25/23 (I was listening on audiobook so I don't have the exact line, but a character threw a horseshoe at someone who was attacking them)

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how)
The Liberators: America's Witnesses to the Holocaust by Michael Hirsh 3/23/23 (book talks a lot about how the faith of soldiers was affected by seeing concentration camps)

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).
The Marquess and the Runaway Lady by Samantha Hastings 4/24/23 (MC's aunt and uncle are trying to take advantage of her for her fortune)

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who)
Vicar's Daughter to Viscount's Lady by Louise Allen 5/5/23 (Elliot and Arabella)

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which).
The Bird's Nest by Shirley Jackson 4/10/23 (MC has insomnia)

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).
Girl with a Camera: Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer: A Novel by Carolyn Meyer 3/23/23 (MC is a photographer)

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).
How to Talk Dirty and Influence People by Lenny Bruce 4/11/23 (Pub. Jan 1, 1965)

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how)
The Silver Chair

message 28: by Ed (last edited Mar 07, 2024 07:58AM) (new)

Ed Lehman | 648 comments *****COMPLETED 2/29/24*****

Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
Four-leaf clovers are an ancient Irish symbol of luck. Among the Celtic, it was a common belief that finding one would help people see fairies and avoid their mischief, a common source of bad luck. Though the odds of finding a four-leaf clover is allegedly 1 in 10,000, which is probably why it’s considered so lucky. Some legends attribute the four leaves to faith, hope, love, and luck; while others say they'll bring fame, wealth, health, and faithful love. According to Irish Catholic tradition, the shamrock leaves represent the holy trinity. One for the father, one for the son, one for the holy spirit and the fourth for god’s grace.

🍀 Read a series book #4 OR read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover).- Territorial Rights by Muriel Spark-3/15/23- Territorial Rights by Muriel Spark

2. Horseshoe
Horseshoes have various legends from different cultures attributing lucky powers to them. They can even be found in Islamic art and Egyptian iconography. But the most notable legend attributes lucky horseshoes to Saint Dunstan, a English bishop from the 10th century. Dunstan was said to have nailed a horseshoe to the Devil's foot when he was asked to re-shoe the Devil's cloven hoof. This caused the Devil great pain, and Dunstan only agreed to remove the shoe and release the Devil after he promised never to enter a place where a horseshoe is nailed over the door.

🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S) OR read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).- p.80-King Solomon's Mines-"...and a curious horseshoe shaped hill..." 7/7/23

3. Hamsa
The Hamsa Hand is common in both Jewish and Muslim communities in the Middle East. It is a sign of good luck and protection against negative energy. Depending on the culture, the symbol of the hand bears different meanings. The word “hamsa” references the number five in Hebrew and is said to symbolize the five books of the Torah. In Islam, the five fingers are associated with the Five Pillars of Islam. The eye on the hand represents an eye that sees everything and watches out for the beholder.

🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how)- the novel's plot is about the conflicts between Catholics and heretics in The Albigenses, a Romance: Volume IV by Charles Maturin-5/12/23-
OR read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).

4. Nazar
The Nazar, or evil eye, is an amulet for protection against those without good intentions. The origin of the Nazar hails from Turkey and its neighboring countries. It is usually a beaded, blue jewel that is worn or used on personal items for protection. Unlike the Hamsa, the Nazar has no religious significance. Because of this, it has become popular in countries all over the world.

🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover) OR read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).-The MC, Will Darling, doesn't feel he needs protection...but he saved by others at least twice because two competing groups believe he has a document they want in Slippery Creatures by K.J. Charles-3/2/23

5. Cornicello
Italy has their own ancient charm to protect against the "evil eye" and bad luck in general. It is an Italian horn known as a cornicello. It is a common good luck symbol and also believed to promote fertility, virility and to maintain happiness in marriage. Historians differ on the inspiration for the horn shape, most pointing to the African eland horn. It is also linked to Greek and Roman mythology as a symbol of fertility and the earth after Zeus broke a horn from a goat. Over time, the cornicello has become very stylized and is often worn as jewelry made of gold, silver, bone, or red coral. Many are topped with a crown that signifies wealth.

🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) OR read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.- The Coroner's Lunch by Colin Cotterill-2/29/24

6. Dreamcatcher
Dreamcatchers come from Native American lore. Looking like a web or net stretched over a loop and decorated with bright beads and feathers, they are meant to catch bad dreams as they enter a household. By capturing these disturbing dreams, they make the owner happier, more balanced, and luckier. Legend has it that when the sun rises, the bad dreams caught in the dream catcher dissolve, as they cannot survive daylight. The Chippewa, or Ojibwa, Native Americans originally designed these dream catchers to help protect their children and is associated with the Asibikaashi, or Spider Woman. She was the caretaker of all children in Ojibwa legend.

🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American OR read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which). Serge Storms has nightmares, hallucinations in Triggerfish Twist by Tim Dorsey-7/21/23

7. Dala Horse
The Dala Horse of Sweden is hugely significant in Swedish culture and identity. Known in Swedish as Dalahäst, it embodies a shared history of man and beast in the Scandinavian landscape that has endured for more than two millennia. Horses were considered a holy animal, worshiped by pagan cults and considered a prestigious partner by medieval knights. These talismans were names for the Swedish province of Dalarna, where the first horse statuette was crafted. Today, these beautiful horses are a symbol of good luck and thought to bring strength and dignity. It is also recognized as the unofficial symbol of Sweden.

🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).- The MC, also the author, is a filmmaker in Have You Eaten Yet? Stories from Chinese Restaurants Around the World by Cheuk Kwan- 12/19/23-

8. Rabbit Foot
A rabbit’s foot is known worldwide as a good luck symbol. Countries such as England, Spain, China and the US are among the many that recognize this global talisman. Numerous websites trace the belief to ancient Celts who believed rabbits, being creatures that burrow into the Earth, could communicate directly with gods and spirits. Others attribute the charm to “African American magical traditions” and the witty character of B’rer Rabbit, known to use his brain to overcome adversity. Rabbits are legendary for their good luck vibe. Many in Britain and North America are known to speak the words "rabbit, rabbit" aloud upon waking on the first day of a month, to ensure good luck for the remaining days.

🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same OR read book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).=-pub. 6/1/2002-Murder in Montparnasse by Kerry Greenwood-3/13/23-

9. Other Lucky Animals
Animals are a common good luck symbol across many cultures. The famous Maneki Neko cat statue of Japan, characterized by its waving or "beckoning" paw, is believed to bring prosperity to shop owners and households. The Chinese Jin Chan, or “Money Toad”, sits on a pile of money and brings with it success, wealth and prosperity. In Germany, pigs are considered lucky and are given as tokens to wish friends and family a happy and lucky New Year. Elephants are a common good luck symbol across Asia, symbolizing wisdom, power, strength, and stability. Even insects have their lucky co-partners. Crickets, ladybugs and scarabs have been considered lucky for centuries.

🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how).- The title characters lives and communicates with a family of wolves in Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George-7/27-23

message 29: by Book Concierge (last edited Aug 03, 2023 01:04PM) (new)

Book Concierge (tessabookconcierge) | 1711 comments LUCKY CHARMS
Begins: 01Mar23 / Ends: 31May23

9 / 9 completed

1. Four-Leaf Clover 🍀 Cover is mostly green - The Postscript Murders (Harbinder Kaur, #2) by Elly Griffiths ✔ – 27Mar23

2. Horseshoe 🍀 Read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text - pg 221 - "…ring of horseshoes on asphalt." - Horse ✔ – 08Apr23

3. Hamsa 🍀 Read a book that takes place in the Middle East - Saudi Arabia - Finding Nouf ✔ – 28Apr23

4. Nazar 🍀 Read a book where the MC needs protection - Katie needs protection because someone is trying to kill her in Yule Be Dead ✔ – 06Apr23

5. Cornicello 🍀 Read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO - R O - Richard Osman / The Thursday Murder Club ✔ – 30Apr23

6. Dreamcatcher 🍀 Read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares - RAY can't sleep during race riots and other worries - Harlem Shuffle ✔ – 03Mar23

7. Dala Horse🍀 Read a book with an MC who in an artist - Leonardo da Vinci in an MC in The Stolen Lady ✔ – 23July23

8. Rabbit Foot 🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO - pOOl - The Diving Pool ✔ – 02Apr23

9. Other Lucky Animals 🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage - The Cat Who Saved Books ✔ – 04Mar23

message 30: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Welcome Beth, Teri, Sarah, Ed & BC!

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 228 comments Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
Four-leaf clovers are an ancient Irish symbol of luck. Among the Celtic, it was a common belief that finding one would help people see fairies and avoid their mischief, a common source of bad luck. Though the odds of finding a four-leaf clover is allegedly 1 in 10,000, which is probably why it’s considered so lucky. Some legends attribute the four leaves to faith, hope, love, and luck; while others say they'll bring fame, wealth, health, and faithful love. According to Irish Catholic tradition, the shamrock leaves represent the holy trinity. One for the father, one for the son, one for the holy spirit and the fourth for god’s grace.

🍀 Read a series book #4 OR read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover).

2. Horseshoe
Horseshoes have various legends from different cultures attributing lucky powers to them. They can even be found in Islamic art and Egyptian iconography. But the most notable legend attributes lucky horseshoes to Saint Dunstan, a English bishop from the 10th century. Dunstan was said to have nailed a horseshoe to the Devil's foot when he was asked to re-shoe the Devil's cloven hoof. This caused the Devil great pain, and Dunstan only agreed to remove the shoe and release the Devil after he promised never to enter a place where a horseshoe is nailed over the door.

🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S) OR read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).

3. Hamsa
The Hamsa Hand is common in both Jewish and Muslim communities in the Middle East. It is a sign of good luck and protection against negative energy. Depending on the culture, the symbol of the hand bears different meanings. The word “hamsa” references the number five in Hebrew and is said to symbolize the five books of the Torah. In Islam, the five fingers are associated with the Five Pillars of Islam. The eye on the hand represents an eye that sees everything and watches out for the beholder.

🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) OR read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).

4. Nazar
The Nazar, or evil eye, is an amulet for protection against those without good intentions. The origin of the Nazar hails from Turkey and its neighboring countries. It is usually a beaded, blue jewel that is worn or used on personal items for protection. Unlike the Hamsa, the Nazar has no religious significance. Because of this, it has become popular in countries all over the world.

🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover) OR read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).

5. Cornicello
Italy has their own ancient charm to protect against the "evil eye" and bad luck in general. It is an Italian horn known as a cornicello. It is a common good luck symbol and also believed to promote fertility, virility and to maintain happiness in marriage. Historians differ on the inspiration for the horn shape, most pointing to the African eland horn. It is also linked to Greek and Roman mythology as a symbol of fertility and the earth after Zeus broke a horn from a goat. Over time, the cornicello has become very stylized and is often worn as jewelry made of gold, silver, bone, or red coral. Many are topped with a crown that signifies wealth.

🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) OR read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.

6. Dreamcatcher
Dreamcatchers come from Native American lore. Looking like a web or net stretched over a loop and decorated with bright beads and feathers, they are meant to catch bad dreams as they enter a household. By capturing these disturbing dreams, they make the owner happier, more balanced, and luckier. Legend has it that when the sun rises, the bad dreams caught in the dream catcher dissolve, as they cannot survive daylight. The Chippewa, or Ojibwa, Native Americans originally designed these dream catchers to help protect their children and is associated with the Asibikaashi, or Spider Woman. She was the caretaker of all children in Ojibwa legend.

🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American OR read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which).

7. Dala Horse
The Dala Horse of Sweden is hugely significant in Swedish culture and identity. Known in Swedish as Dalahäst, it embodies a shared history of man and beast in the Scandinavian landscape that has endured for more than two millennia. Horses were considered a holy animal, worshiped by pagan cults and considered a prestigious partner by medieval knights. These talismans were names for the Swedish province of Dalarna, where the first horse statuette was crafted. Today, these beautiful horses are a symbol of good luck and thought to bring strength and dignity. It is also recognized as the unofficial symbol of Sweden.

🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).

8. Rabbit Foot
A rabbit’s foot is known worldwide as a good luck symbol. Countries such as England, Spain, China and the US are among the many that recognize this global talisman. Numerous websites trace the belief to ancient Celts who believed rabbits, being creatures that burrow into the Earth, could communicate directly with gods and spirits. Others attribute the charm to “African American magical traditions” and the witty character of B’rer Rabbit, known to use his brain to overcome adversity. Rabbits are legendary for their good luck vibe. Many in Britain and North America are known to speak the words "rabbit, rabbit" aloud upon waking on the first day of a month, to ensure good luck for the remaining days.

🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same OR read book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).

9. Other Lucky Animals
Animals are a common good luck symbol across many cultures. The famous Maneki Neko cat statue of Japan, characterized by its waving or "beckoning" paw, is believed to bring prosperity to shop owners and households. The Chinese Jin Chan, or “Money Toad”, sits on a pile of money and brings with it success, wealth and prosperity. In Germany, pigs are considered lucky and are given as tokens to wish friends and family a happy and lucky New Year. Elephants are a common good luck symbol across Asia, symbolizing wisdom, power, strength, and stability. Even insects have their lucky co-partners. Crickets, ladybugs and scarabs have been considered lucky for centuries.

🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how).


message 32: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Thanks for joining Sallie!

message 33: by Bev(baglady) (last edited Sep 25, 2024 10:35AM) (new)

Bev(baglady) (blbaglady) | 476 comments Lucky Charms
03/01/2023 - 05/31/2023

U>1. Four-Leaf Clover,/u>
🍀 Read a series book #4 OR read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover).
Sky Woman Falling (Parker & Turnipseed #4) by Kirk Mitchell Kirk Mitchell 11/16/2023

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S)
A Merciful Death (Mercy Kilpatrick, #1) by Kendra Elliot Kendra Elliot 03/13/2023 Page 75 - “Maybe he’s a gambler.” Mercy played the devil’s advocate. “Maybe he spends all his money

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) OR read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).
Fire in the Night (Lancaster Burning, #1) by Linda Byler Linda Byler 01/04/2024

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover) OR read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).
Poor Unfortunate Soul (Villains, #3) by Serena Valentino Serena Valentino 04/30/2024

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.
Five Total Strangers by Natalie D. Richards Natalie D. Richards 03/26/2023

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American.
Empire of the Summer Moon by S.C. Gwynne S.C. Gwynne 04/26/2023

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).
The Tale of Halcyon Crane Wendy Webb 07/31/2024

8. Rabbit Foot ,/u>
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same OR read book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).
Why Meadow Died The People and Policies That Created The Parkland Shooter and Endanger America's Students by Andrew Pollack Andrew Pollack 06/26/2023

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how).
Killing Trail (Timber Creek K-9 Mystery, #1) by Margaret Mizushima Margaret Mizushima 11/21/2023

message 34: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments You're all set Bev!

message 35: by Catsalive (new)

Catsalive | 741 comments Completed

Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read book with cover that is mostly green
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde 1/3 4★
The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next, #1) by Jasper Fforde

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL
A Lady's Guide to Gossip and Murder by Dianne Freeman 3/3 2★
-What the devil happened here? p.271

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story - based around the Catholic Church magdalenes
Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan 4/3 4★

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book where the MC needs protection - because she is simpleminded & a danger to herself
Obedience by Jacqueline Yallop 13/3 2★

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters - Pierre & Anna Arthens
Gourmet Rhapsody by Muriel Barbery 13/3 1.5★

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares - Ailee has nightmares
The Doctor's Gift by Fiona McArthur 6/3 3.5★

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person - Natalie is an artist, Mary Alice a craftwoman
Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn 6/3 3.5★

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book originally published on the first day of any month - 1/1/11
The Unquiet by J.D. Robb 2/3 3★

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line - Belgarath's alter-ego/shape is the wolf
Belgarath the Sorcerer by David Eddings 10/3/23 4★

The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next, #1) by Jasper Fforde A Lady's Guide to Gossip and Murder (A Countess of Harleigh Mystery, #2) by Dianne Freeman Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan Obedience by Jacqueline Yallop Gourmet Rhapsody by Muriel Barbery The Doctor's Gift by Fiona McArthur Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn The Unquiet by J.D. Robb Belgarath the Sorcerer (Belgarian Prequels) by David Eddings

message 36: by Jan, Moderator (last edited Mar 13, 2023 05:26PM) (new)

Jan | 18762 comments First done!! Fantastic job Kylie!! You must have had some luck on your side ;)

message 37: by Patrizia, Contributor (new)

Patrizia | 1271 comments I think I finished this one...

Lucky Charms
March 01 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a series book #4 OR read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover).
Murder in an Irish Bookshop by Carlene O'Connor 8 March; 4 1/2☆
Murder in an Irish Bookshop (Irish Village Mystery, #7) by Carlene O'Connor

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes the word DEVIL('S) OR read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).
"... enveloping arms of the HORSESHOE pavillion..." (77% kindle)- Murder at Crossways by Alyssa Maxwell 2 March; 4 1/2☆
Murder at Crossways (Gilded Newport Mysteries #7) by Alyssa Maxwell

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) OR read a book that takes place in the Middle East (tell us where).
at the center of the mystery is a group of neo-pagans, who follow old pagan rituals- Holy Island by L.J. Ross 24 March; 4☆
Holy Island (DCI Ryan Mysteries, #1) by L.J. Ross

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover (post cover) OR read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).
male MC is an assistant DA and someone want to kill him- Protection Detail: A Christian Romantic Suspense by Laura Scott 14 March; 4 1/2☆
Protection Detail A Christian Romantic Suspense (Finnegan First Responders Book 3) by Laura Scott

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) OR read a book by an author whose first and last initial can be found in CORNICELLO.
Brooklyn and Derek- The Book Supremacy by Kate Carlisle 10 March; 5☆
The Book Supremacy (Bibliophile Mystery, #13) by Kate Carlisle

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American OR read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which).
Kate (female MC)- Rescue Mission by Lynette Eason 11 March; 4 1/2☆
Rescue Mission (Rocky Mountain K-9 Unit Book 8) by Lynette Eason

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden OR read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).
MC is a quilter so she is a crafts person and, for me, an artist- A Quilt of a Different Color by Arlene Sachitano 4 March; 4☆
A Quilt of a Different Color (A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery Book 13) by Arlene Sachitano

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same OR read book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).
Murder on the Hoof by Kathryn O'Sullivan 13 March; 4☆
Murder on the Hoof (Colleen McCabe, #2) by Kathryn O'Sullivan

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage OR read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how)
Echo is a K-9 official and helps the MCs- Explosive Revenge by Maggie K. Black 6 March; 4 1/2☆
Explosive Revenge (Rocky Mountain K-9 Unit #7) by Maggie K. Black

message 38: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Way to go Patrizia!!

message 39: by Denise (last edited Apr 05, 2023 12:16PM) (new)

Denise | 2774 comments Complete

Lucky Charms
March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023

√1. Four-Leaf Clover
Four-leaf clovers are an ancient Irish symbol of luck. Among the Celtic, it was a common belief that finding one would help people see fairies and avoid their mischief, a common source of bad luck. Though the odds of finding a four-leaf clover is allegedly 1 in 10,000, which is probably why it’s considered so lucky. Some legends attribute the four leaves to faith, hope, love, and luck; while others say they'll bring fame, wealth, health, and faithful love. According to Irish Catholic tradition, the shamrock leaves represent the holy trinity. One for the father, one for the son, one for the holy spirit and the fourth for god’s grace.

√🍀 Read a book with cover that is mostly green (post cover). Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng by Celeste Ng 3.2.23

√2. Horseshoe
Horseshoes have various legends from different cultures attributing lucky powers to them. They can even be found in Islamic art and Egyptian iconography. But the most notable legend attributes lucky horseshoes to Saint Dunstan, a English bishop from the 10th century. Dunstan was said to have nailed a horseshoe to the Devil's foot when he was asked to re-shoe the Devil's cloven hoof. This caused the Devil great pain, and Dunstan only agreed to remove the shoe and release the Devil after he promised never to enter a place where a horseshoe is nailed over the door.

√🍀 Read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text). "some owners liked gold fittings, or horseshoe embellishments" p. 61 This Time Next Year We'll Be Laughing: A Memoir by Jacqueline Winspear 3.10.23

√3. Hamsa
The Hamsa Hand is common in both Jewish and Muslim communities in the Middle East. It is a sign of good luck and protection against negative energy. Depending on the culture, the symbol of the hand bears different meanings. The word “hamsa” references the number five in Hebrew and is said to symbolize the five books of the Torah. In Islam, the five fingers are associated with the Five Pillars of Islam. The eye on the hand represents an eye that sees everything and watches out for the beholder.

√🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how) Judaism is the entire reason people are persecuted by the Germans (Ukranians, Poles, etc.) in The War Girls by V.S. Alexander 3.19.23, put into a ghetto in Warsaw and all killed either by transportation to sites where they are gassed or killed in the ghetto. Also, because of the confines of religion, Hanna leaves her family before the war and during the war is able to join the secret services and join the resistance in Poland and rescue part of her family.

√4. Nazar
The Nazar, or evil eye, is an amulet for protection against those without good intentions. The origin of the Nazar hails from Turkey and its neighboring countries. It is usually a beaded, blue jewel that is worn or used on personal items for protection. Unlike the Hamsa, the Nazar has no religious significance. Because of this, it has become popular in countries all over the world.

√🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover Stagestruck (Peter Diamond, #11) by Peter Lovesey by Peter Lovesey 3.16.23

5. Cornicello
Italy has their own ancient charm to protect against the "evil eye" and bad luck in general. It is an Italian horn known as a cornicello. It is a common good luck symbol and also believed to promote fertility, virility and to maintain happiness in marriage. Historians differ on the inspiration for the horn shape, most pointing to the African eland horn. It is also linked to Greek and Roman mythology as a symbol of fertility and the earth after Zeus broke a horn from a goat. Over time, the cornicello has become very stylized and is often worn as jewelry made of gold, silver, bone, or red coral. Many are topped with a crown that signifies wealth.

√🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who) Lady Jane Lenox and Charles Lenox are the main characters and a married couple in A Death in the Small Hours by Charles Finch 3.29.23

√6. Dreamcatcher
Dreamcatchers come from Native American lore. Looking like a web or net stretched over a loop and decorated with bright beads and feathers, they are meant to catch bad dreams as they enter a household. By capturing these disturbing dreams, they make the owner happier, more balanced, and luckier. Legend has it that when the sun rises, the bad dreams caught in the dream catcher dissolve, as they cannot survive daylight. The Chippewa, or Ojibwa, Native Americans originally designed these dream catchers to help protect their children and is associated with the Asibikaashi, or Spider Woman. She was the caretaker of all children in Ojibwa legend.

√🍀 Read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares (tell us which). The MC,, Ian Rutledge, suffers shell shock as a veteran of WWI which impairs his sleeps and causes nightmares in A Game of Fear by Charles Todd 3.6.23

7. Dala Horse
The Dala Horse of Sweden is hugely significant in Swedish culture and identity. Known in Swedish as Dalahäst, it embodies a shared history of man and beast in the Scandinavian landscape that has endured for more than two millennia. Horses were considered a holy animal, worshiped by pagan cults and considered a prestigious partner by medieval knights. These talismans were names for the Swedish province of Dalarna, where the first horse statuette was crafted. Today, these beautiful horses are a symbol of good luck and thought to bring strength and dignity. It is also recognized as the unofficial symbol of Sweden.

√🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author or that takes place in Sweden An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good by Helene Tursten 4.4.23 by Swedish author and takes place in Sweden

8. Rabbit Foot
A rabbit’s foot is known worldwide as a good luck symbol. Countries such as England, Spain, China and the US are among the many that recognize this global talisman. Numerous websites trace the belief to ancient Celts who believed rabbits, being creatures that burrow into the Earth, could communicate directly with gods and spirits. Others attribute the charm to “African American magical traditions” and the witty character of B’rer Rabbit, known to use his brain to overcome adversity. Rabbits are legendary for their good luck vibe. Many in Britain and North America are known to speak the words "rabbit, rabbit" aloud upon waking on the first day of a month, to ensure good luck for the remaining days.

√🍀 Read a book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date). Publication Date January 1, 1985 book:Eight Black Horses|37951] by Ed McBain 3.5.23

9. Other Lucky Animals
Animals are a common good luck symbol across many cultures. The famous Maneki Neko cat statue of Japan, characterized by its waving or "beckoning" paw, is believed to bring prosperity to shop owners and households. The Chinese Jin Chan, or “Money Toad”, sits on a pile of money and brings with it success, wealth and prosperity. In Germany, pigs are considered lucky and are given as tokens to wish friends and family a happy and lucky New Year. Elephants are a common good luck symbol across Asia, symbolizing wisdom, power, strength, and stability. Even insects have their lucky co-partners. Crickets, ladybugs and scarabs have been considered lucky for centuries.

√🍀 Read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how). The MC's dog, Flip, unfortunately dies in the story - but after she takes his collar off they find a key they have been looking for duct taped to the inside of the collar - a key to the story. The History Teacher by Susan Bacon 3.23.23

message 40: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Fantastic job Denise!! Though you didn't include your book info for #9. Would you add that for me, please!

message 41: by Denise (new)

Denise | 2774 comments Jan wrote: "Fantastic job Denise!! Though you didn't include your book info for #9. Would you add that for me, please!"

Done! whew it took me a while to remember which book it was!

message 42: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments LOL!! Thanks Denise!

message 43: by Teri-K (new)

Teri-K | 1035 comments Me again. I found "horseshoe" but it's related to the crab, not the horse. Does that matter?

message 44: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments It doesn't matter Teri!! Just looking for the word ;)

message 45: by Teri-K (new)

Teri-K | 1035 comments Jan wrote: "It doesn't matter Teri!! Just looking for the word ;)"

OK. Thanks!

message 46: by Teri-K (last edited Apr 10, 2023 04:01PM) (new)

Teri-K | 1035 comments I finished this. Again, lots of good books here.

Lucky Charms
March 01 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a series book #4
I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett 3/16
Tiffany Aching #4

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text (share text).
Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather 3/19
"there was a new cabinet screwed to the wall, full of brilliant seashells, starfish, and horseshoe crabs..."

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story (share how)
The Year of Lear: Shakespeare in 1606 by James Shapiro 3/4
Catholic vs Protestant vs Church of England conflicts form a large part of the book.

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book where the MC needs protection (tell us why).
Death in Cyprus by M.M. Kaye 3/3
Someone tries to kill her - at least three times!

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters (tell us who)
Lady Windermere's Fan by Oscar Wilde 3/5
Lord and Lady Windemere

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book with an important character that is Native American
The Red Convertible: Selected and New Stories, 1978-2008 by Louise Erdrich 3/20
Native American

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book with an MC who in an artist or crafts person (tell us which).
The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary by Simon Winchester 3/22
Dr. Minor is a talentd artist.

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book originally published on the first day of any month (share publication date).
Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope 3/20
Jan. 1, 1857

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage AND read a book where an animal plays an important role in the story line (briefly share how)
Winnie The Pooh by A.A. Milne 4/8

I Shall Wear Midnight (Discworld, #38) by Terry Pratchett Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather The Year of Lear Shakespeare in 1606 by James Shapiro Death in Cyprus by M.M. Kaye Lady Windermere's Fan by Oscar Wilde The Red Convertible Selected and New Stories, 1978-2008 by Louise Erdrich The Professor and the Madman A Tale of Murder, Insanity and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary by Simon Winchester Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope Winnie The Pooh by A.A. Milne

message 47: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Terrific job Teri!!

message 48: by Teri-K (new)

Teri-K | 1035 comments Jan wrote: "Terrific job Teri!!"

Thanks, Jan. I didn't realize how close I was to finishing till I read that last book.

message 49: by Meg, Contributor (last edited May 05, 2023 11:25AM) (new)

Meg (makeli2) | 819 comments Finished!

Lucky Charms
March 01 - May 31, 2023

1. Four-Leaf Clover
🍀 Read a book with cover that is mostly green.
Something Fresh (Blandings Castle, #1) by P.G. Wodehouse Something Fresh, P.G. Wodehouse 03/08

2. Horseshoe
🍀 Read a book that includes the word HORSESHOE in the text ==> "A large diamond mounted inside a gold horseshoe glinted from his left ring finger..."
Since You're Leaving Anyway, Take Out the Trash (Domestic Equalizers Book 1) by Dixie Cash Since You're Leaving Anyway, Take Out the Trash, Dixie Cash 03/10

3. Hamsa
🍀 Read a book in which religion is an important part of the story ==> plot revolves around Catholic Sisters' Advent retreat
Peril & Prayer (A Sister Lou Mystery #2) by Olivia Matthews Peril & Prayer, Olivia Matthews 04/23

4. Nazar
🍀 Read a book with an eye shown prominently on the cover
Blackmail and Bibingka (Tita Rosie's Kitchen Mystery, #3) by Mia P. Manansala Blackmail and Bibingka, Mia P. Manansala 03/01

5. Cornicello
🍀 Read a book that features a married couple as the main characters ==> Tommy & Evelyn Christie
Murder at the Village Fete (Tommy & Evelyn Christie, #2) by Catherine Coles Murder at the Village Fete, Catherine Coles 03/04

6. Dreamcatcher
🍀 Read a book where the MC has trouble sleeping or has nightmares.
Hot Sun Cold Killer (Murder on Maui #4) by Robert W. Stephens Hot Sun Cold Killer, Robert W. Stephens 03/03

7. Dala Horse
🍀 Read a book by a Swedish author, also that takes place in Sweden (mostly).
The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared (The Hundred-Year-Old Man, #1) by Jonas Jonasson The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, Jonas Jonasson 03/20

8. Rabbit Foot
🍀 Read a book with a title that includes a double OO or two words that are the same
Sinister Snickerdoodles (Danger Cove #12, Bakery #2) by Janel Gradowski Sinister Snickerdoodles, Janel Gradowski 03/10

9. Other Lucky Animals
🍀 Read a book tagged ANIMALS on its GR Homepage
Classified as Murder (Cat in the Stacks Mystery, #2) by Miranda James Classified as Murder, Miranda James 03/21

message 50: by Jan, Moderator (new)

Jan | 18762 comments Way to go Meg!!

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