The Perks Of Being A Book Addict discussion

ARCHIVE Team Challenge: UNO 2023 > Team Red-lipped Batfish

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message 1: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (last edited Mar 20, 2023 01:13AM) (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments
Team Red-lipped Batfish

Team Members:
Karen ⊰✿ - Captain
Kelly Palmer - Co-Captain
Lisa-Aussie Girl
Ashlee L
Megan T

Team Spreadsheet


message 2: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments R

message 3: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments R

message 4: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments R

message 6: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (last edited Mar 14, 2023 11:29PM) (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments March Coloured Cards

2 Yellow Lisa
4 Yellow Lisa
8 Yellow Megan
Skip Yellow Lisa
0 Blue Megan
6 Blue Elli (also works for 9)
9 Blue Kelly
Skip Blue Lisa (also works for 9 or 6)
6 Green Kelly
Skip Green Catsalive (Kylie)
1 Red Karen
6 Red Kelly
8 Red Lisa (also works for 6)
Skip Red Karen

WD 4 Catsalive (Kylie) Skip Red
WD 4 Ashlee 9 Blue
WD 4 Karen 0 Blue
WD 4 .
WD 4 Ashlee Skip Blue

message 7: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (last edited Jan 15, 2023 05:21PM) (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Our Team Tracking Spreadsheet
You don't have to use this, completely up to you.

Using the tracking sheet
Add in all the info you can and when you read a book, just let us know in this thread it is read, but you don't need to include any detail as it is in the sheet.
If you don't want to use the tracking sheet
Then when you finish a book, add into THIS thread the book, date read, and then all the letters it may work for and why.

Reading for our cards
We don't need to "claim" any specific cards except the coloured. All the others please just read what you like and make notes of how your book may count. The more options we have the better! (Letters used in UNO are Z,O,T,H,F,I,V,E,S,N,K,P and of course if another team member has read the book before. Please friend our team members!)

Coloured covers
I will update our post above as you claim books for these

message 8: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (last edited Jan 17, 2023 02:47AM) (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments UNO shelves for colour cover ideas

red covers
blue covers
green covers
yellow covers

message 9: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (last edited Feb 22, 2023 01:14PM) (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments (view spoiler)

message 10: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments r

message 11: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Welcome everyone!

This is our 9th year of UNO and if you haven't played before, then the best way I can sum it up is that this is a challenge where you can mostly read what you like, but have more fun by getting to know other players and getting great book recommendations.

Our theme this year is unusual animals
My son told me a few years ago his favourite fish was the "Red-lipped Batfish". He was about 6 or 7 at the time and I had no idea what he was talking about until I went to google. What a crazy animal! Have you ever heard of it before?

I have sent you all friend requests and will PM you soon with the link to this thread so hopefully we will see you all soon.

As an intro, I live in Sydney, Aus with my husband and 2 boys and run a HR consulting business . I read almost everything except Horror, and I'm not a massive Romance reader.

I look forward to playing with you all!

P.S Don't forget to create your UNO shelf if you haven't already



*Only books STARTED after the challenge begins can count. The challenge starts on 1 Feb, 2023 at 9am UTC

Main cities, FYI:

San Francisco 1am
London 9am
New York 4am
Mumbai 2.30pm
Tokyo 6pm
Sydney 8pm

*Books must be more than 100 pages in length. If it is a Childrens book or a graphic novel, we need to verify it is more than 25,000 words on

*Your finished books need to be on your Uno shelf AND marked as "read" for them to count.

* Please make notes of how your book may count. The more options we have the better! (Letters used in UNO are Z,O,T,H,F,I,V,E,S,N,K,P and of course if another team member has read the book before. Please friend our team members!)

*For coloured cards, the cover needs to be 50% or more of the colour. You can ask us in this thread for our opinion, or use this colour tool: to get an idea. If in doubt, ask me or a co-captain as we can check it and/or take to the captains group for another opinion. It is NOT required to use tineye

* This is a social challenge, not a competitive one. We'd love to get points, but the main aim of the game is to have fun, read lots and get to know each other :)

MeganWritesAndReads (meganreadsandwrites) | 124 comments Hi! My name is Megan, I live in Southern California. It is currently raining, but typically it is nice and sunny. I am super excited to do this for the 3rd time :)

message 13: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 611 comments Hi there

I am Sally and I live in Queensland Australia. Most of you I’ve already played with in the past and are friends with already 😀

I was going to cut back on my team games this year - but UNO is an exception because you can read whatever you have and 90% of your normal reading fits into the tasks without overextending yourself.

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 1442 comments Hi everyone, isn't our mascot a beauty..

Another challenge groupie here and UNO is the best! I'm an Aussie too, (as you can see from my Goodreads name) and live between Sydney and our dairy farm in country NSW. As well as doing admin for our farm, I'm a full time carer for my adult son with autism. Other than wrangling my six beautiful grandkids, I love reading anything ( and I do mean anything) and travelling. This year I am looking forward to doing a driving trip around Cornwall and Wales, postponed from May 2020.

Looking forward to playing with you all.

I'm not going to hog the colour covers ( I am known for getting a little over enthusiastic hunting.. 🤣) but would like to claim the Yellow 0. I've got this one coming from the library looking forward to reading it. Carrie Soto Is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid . Then I'll pop back and see what is left.

message 15: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 611 comments Lisa - (Aussie Girl) wrote: "Hi everyone, isn't our mascot a beauty..

Another challenge groupie here and UNO is the best! I'm an Aussie too, (as you can see from my Goodreads name) and live between Sydney and our dairy farm ..."

My ancestry is Welsh - I even have the Welsh Rugby jersey that I wear for the international matches.

Wales is lovely - as too is Cornwall. Will be a lovely trip!

Hubby and I are finally planning a road trip to WA that was put on hold when Covid hit. The floods bringing down the major bridge at Fitzroy Crossing is worrying us - hopefully by July there will be a temporary river crossing or once again we’ll have to postpone.

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 1442 comments Sally906 wrote: "Lisa - (Aussie Girl) wrote: "Hi everyone, isn't our mascot a beauty..

Another challenge groupie here and UNO is the best! I'm an Aussie too, (as you can see from my Goodreads name) and live betwe..."

Hope you get there, Sally. My sister and I did the Kimberley last April/May. It was spectacular but very hot. I even survived the doors off helicopter over the Bungle Bungles.. but only just, LOL. Those floods are incredible must so difficult for the people who live there. There was a little bit of water when we were there but it was drying up fast.

message 17: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 611 comments Just double checking as I have a brain blank - I can ignore ‘the’, ‘a’ and ‘an’ in the title can’t I?

So The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna would work for V? (and S )

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 1442 comments Sally906 wrote: "Just double checking as I have a brain blank - I can ignore ‘the’, ‘a’ and ‘an’ in the title can’t I?

So The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna would work for V? (and S )"

Yes, that's right, Sally. The old brain still working fine, 😍

message 19: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 926 comments Hello everyone! I'm Kelly and I'm your co-captain. I love Uno, and I think this is my fifth year? I've lost count haha. I live in New Zealand with my two kids who are 7 and 3. When I'm not hanging out with them, I work in a local cafe, which means I've been able to start collcting books again!!

So lovely to see some familiar faces, and welcome to the new faces! I can't wait to get started.

message 20: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 926 comments Also, we have the BEST mascot. I love how stylish this fish is 😆

message 21: by Catsalive (last edited Jan 15, 2023 08:07PM) (new)

Catsalive | 152 comments I've never heard of it but I do love our fish.

I'm Kylie, living in Sydney & have never UNOd before - well, not the reading variety. I have absolutely no idea about the books & colours required.

My shelf is uno23.

message 22: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Megan wrote: "Hi! My name is Megan, I live in Southern California. It is currently raining, but typically it is nice and sunny. I am super excited to do this for the 3rd time :)"

Welcome! Nice to meet you

message 23: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Welcome back Lisa and Sally!

I see you are both up to your old tricks of galivanting and holidaying. teehee

I'm organising a trip for our 10th wedding anniversary atm to Thailand via Singapore. Have never done it with kids before so will be an adventure :o And I haven't been to either place for about 14 years

message 24: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 611 comments Catsalive wrote: "I've never heard of it but I do love our fish.

I'm Kylie, living in Sydney & have never UNOd before - well, not the reading variety. I have absolutely no idea about the books & colours required.


I had never played the real UNO until last June when the grandchildren taught us. Our 9 year old granddaughter told us how it was played but wouldn’t let me see the rules.
She underestimated her Nanna - I googled UNO rules and hubby and I were being ripped off by the little hustler 😂😂

She had us convinced that the dealer got special exemptions so she won every time. There were many more nights of great times with UNO even when we played by the proper rules 👍

message 25: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Kelly wrote: "Also, we have the BEST mascot. I love how stylish this fish is 😆"

Super stylish! ;)

Great to have you back

message 26: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Catsalive wrote: "I've never heard of it but I do love our fish.

I'm Kylie, living in Sydney & have never UNOd before - well, not the reading variety. I have absolutely no idea about the books & colours required.


Welcome Kylie! UNO is pretty easy. As long as you tell us what you are reading, put it on your UNO shelf and leave a comment in this thread at least once a week that is your 'obligations' done :)

message 27: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Sally906 wrote: "I had never played the real UNO until last June when the grandchildren taught us. Our 9 year old granddaughter told us how it was played but wouldn’t let me see the rules.
She underestimated her Nanna - I googled UNO rules and hubby and I were being ripped off by the little hustler 😂😂

She had us convinced that the dealer got special exemptions so she won every time. There were many more nights of great times with UNO even when we played by the proper rules 👍..."

I love it!!
Smart kid ;)

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 1442 comments Karen ⊰✿ wrote: "Welcome back Lisa and Sally!

I see you are both up to your old tricks of galivanting and holidaying. teehee

I'm organising a trip for our 10th wedding anniversary atm to Thailand via Singapore. H..."

Thanks Karen. Glad to be back. Lovely to play with old and new book friends.

You'll have a great trip. For our 25th wedding anniversary we went to Phuket.. with two of our adult children and had a ball. And equally a great holiday destination for kids.

message 29: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 611 comments Karen ⊰✿ wrote: "Welcome back Lisa and Sally!

I see you are both up to your old tricks of galivanting and holidaying. teehee

I'm organising a trip for our 10th wedding anniversary atm to Thailand via Singapore. H..."

I love Singapore - would go back in a heartbeat.

We went there frequently as was only a 3 1/2 hour flight from Darwin. Was cheaper for us to fly over for a week (including accommodation) than fly down to Brisbane or Sydney airfare only!

message 30: by Elli (new)

Elli | 146 comments Hi everybody!

I'm Elli from Singapore. This is my 2nd year in Uno & here's my shelf.

I've never heard of our mascot before & at first glance, I thought the red lips were photoshopped on! Pfft. It's cute though.

My favorite genres are Fantasy & Sci-Fi but I'm not really picky over the books that I read as long as I enjoy it. I love to read books blindly & get surprised because I've encountered too many books that do not live up to the hype. Thought the best way to enjoy a book is to read without any expectations or preconceptions.

message 31: by Char (new)

Char | 5 comments Hello!!

I'm Charanya, and Im from India

I've never played Uno here before, though I do play the cards game at college quite often., It helps to pass time when neither me nor my friends want to study ;)

My go to genres are Romance, Fantasy and Horror, though Im not super picky over what I read.. I do hesitate to read self help though :(

Glad to be here !

message 32: by Char (new)

Char | 5 comments So, just checking if I've got this right

What I'm pretty sure about:
UNO cards have a number + colour (unless they're special cards, which Ill come to, in a minute)
Colour is basically the cover of the book's colour
Number has a few tasks that we can choose and read
Special cards have a few tasks that we can choose 1 to read for, similar to Number

What I'm unsure about:
How does reading for a card work?
Do we have to read for either the number or the colour?
Do we do 2 books for both? (1 for colour and 1 for number)
Is it a single book for both colour and number?

We have more people than the number of cards we get in 1 hand.
Do some of us sit it out? While we get another hand? SInce points is for hands completed in order?
Do we get more than 1 hand at the same time?If so, do people like reading for hand 2 wait for hand 1 to be finished?
Suppose In hand 2, we have finished reading for the 5 out of 6 books to read.. I want to read the final book.. Do I put it off till hand 1 is finished and move on to the other hands that we have until 1 is finished?

message 33: by Char (new)

Char | 5 comments I'm sorryy

It made so much more sense when I signed up, I promise 😭😭

message 34: by Lisa - (Aussie Girl) (last edited Jan 16, 2023 01:14PM) (new)

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 1442 comments Hi Charanya, welcome to our team and to UNO. It's easy once you get the hang of it and you'l have fun, I promise!

Basically just read a book, you need to observe the first letter of the title, character, place, author, setting and what number it is in a series. Say for example Naked in Death (In Death, #1) by J.D. Robb .

Title - N so that would be a 9
Character - Eve Dallas - the E would be an 8
Character - Ian McNabb - the I would be a 5
Book 1 in a series - that would be a 1

For the colour cards, you have to have the colour of the cover plus one of the above. So say a blue cover with one of the above. (sorry I know that particular cover is not blue, just imagine it does have a blue cover for the example)

Just fill the planning spreadsheet out with these details.. and the fantastic Captains will take it from there.

Hope that makes sense.

message 35: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Elli wrote: "Hi everybody!

I'm Elli from Singapore. This is my 2nd year in Uno & here's my shelf.

I've never heard of our mascot before & at first glance, I thought the red lips were photoshopped on! Pfft. I..."

Welcome! It is a crazy looking fish ;)

message 36: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Charanya wrote: "So, just checking if I've got this right

What I'm pretty sure about:
UNO cards have a number + colour (unless they're special cards, which Ill come to, in a minute)
Colour is basically the cover o..."


To build on what Lisa posted, each card only needs to meet ONE of the criteria.. UNLESS it is a coloured card in which case it needs the number and the cover colour.
So, our hand one:


Each of these books are a number, so using the 9 example Lisa has above, you could use that JD Robb book for one of those 9 cards because of the title, or book 1 in the series would count for 1.

Hand Two
Draw 2
4 Yellow

So the "4 yellow" card here is the only one where we need to meet the criteria for 4 AND it also needs to have a yellow cover.

Please don't worry about where/how your books will fit. As long as you tell us all the options it can work for (Letters used in UNO are Z,O,T,H,F,I,V,E,S,N,K,P and of course if another team member has read the book before it can be used for Reverse. Then Kelly and I will assign it to a card within our hands.


Your Q&A:

What I'm unsure about:
How does reading for a card work? Just read your book, make a note of what it may work for (Z,O,T,H,F,I,V,E,S,N,K,P or reverse) and then either post the book and the details for it in our tracking sheet, or post it to this thread. The captains will then assign it to a card

Do we have to read for either the number or the colour?No. We only read for numbers unless it is one of the specific coloured cards

Do we do 2 books for both? (1 for colour and 1 for number)No. The coloured cards are one book which meets both critiera
Is it a single book for both colour and number?Yes, for the coloured cards

We have more people than the number of cards we get in 1 hand.
Do some of us sit it out? While we get another hand? SInce points is for hands completed in order? No, we read for the whole month so the captains will move things around. If for whatever reason we don't read enough to cover all of our cards, we will make sure we move things to cover the hands in order to maximise our points

Do we get more than 1 hand at the same time?If so, do people like reading for hand 2 wait for hand 1 to be finished?
No need to wait. Just keep reading :)

message 37: by Ashlee (new)

Ashlee | 358 comments Yay! I'm so excited that teams are up! UNO is one of my favorite challenges.

I'm Ashlee from Pennsylvania, USA. I am a middle school Special Education Reading teacher.

I will read pretty much anything.

In the next few days, I'll take a peek at what I might have to cover the colored cards.

message 38: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Ashlee wrote: "Yay! I'm so excited that teams are up! UNO is one of my favorite challenges.

I'm Ashlee from Pennsylvania, USA. I am a middle school Special Education Reading teacher.

I will read pretty much a..."


message 39: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments I'm starting to look for books that may fit our coloured cards.

Thought I'd post this for anyone who may need inspiration


Looking for colour covers for books?

Here are the links to our uno coloured shelves. It would be great if you can add any books you find to these shelves, or "recommend" the book to the pixie and we can add it.
This helps keep our own little database of cover colours for UNO :)

red covers
blue covers
green covers
yellow covers

Important note
Some books on this list may not seem like the colour cover. This is because GR will show the default version. There may be a specific version that has been shelved that is the actual colour. The version you read is what you should shelve, and is what counts, for UNO

Note: If you also like to shelve coloured covers, you can shelve coloured books as these shelf names:


bookswithpaulette | 1345 comments Hello Team Red-Lipped Batfish,
dang thats a beautiful hue of red lippy you got there 😆

Just swinging by to say hi!

Team Blue-Footed Booby... yeah thats right they are Blue!

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 1442 comments bookswithpaulette wrote: "Hello Team Red-Lipped Batfish,
dang thats a beautiful hue of red lippy you got there 😆

Just swinging by to say hi!

Team Blue-Footed Booby... yeah thats right they are Blue!


Hi Paulette, thanks for stopping by.. your animal is cute but ours is even cuter, LOL. Guess we'll have to agree to be frienemies for this year's UNO. Have a great challenge!

message 42: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments bookswithpaulette wrote: "Hello Team Red-Lipped Batfish,
dang thats a beautiful hue of red lippy you got there 😆

Just swinging by to say hi!

Team Blue-Footed Booby... yeah thats right they are Blue!


So cute! Our animals go well together for UNO colours ;)

message 43: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (last edited Jan 18, 2023 02:06PM) (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Over the holidays we were watching those holiday movies and to make them even more fun, had "holiday movie bingo cards". (recommnded if you haven't tried!!)

Anyhow, I thought while we are waiting for UNO, those who want to, we can play some bingo together.
I have made a card loosely based on one of those holiday cards. This is also a tab in our tracking sheet.

If you'd like to play, just shout out the square you are reading for and we can track it on our tracking sheet. Let's see if we can get bingo :O

Tracking sheet:

message 44: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 611 comments Oooh great idea - my two current reads will cover B4 and B1

message 45: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 926 comments I’m currently audioing Act Your Age, Eve Brown and the MC can sing (N5) and she’s also been fired from lots of jobs off page but it’s the catalyst for the story (I4)

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 1442 comments Ooh great thanks Karen.

I'm reading Reunion (The Brazen Bulls Birthright #5.5) by Susan Fanetti - so it covers -

Tree on cover - N1
Character has kid under 18 - G1
Single parent - G2

message 47: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Great! I've added to our tracking sheet in a table under the bingo card on the "bingo" tab. Please update as you read :)

message 48: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 926 comments I like how it feels a bit like a warmup to UNO 😂

message 49: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments ;)

message 50: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments I've been looking at colours and I can take 4 Yellow and get into book 9 of this series which I haven't read any of for a while!
The Grave's a Fine and Private Place (Flavia de Luce, #9) by Alan Bradley

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