Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Finish Line 2014 > Bryan's Challenge List for 2014

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message 1: by Bryan (new)

Bryan Wisdom | 86 comments Last year, in 2013, I read 78 nonfiction books and approximately 15 novels.
Total estimate: 93 books.

This year my goal is 2 books a week. 104 books!

message 2: by Bryan (new)

message 4: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie Kernene | 12 comments Bryan wrote: "2) Working with Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman"

I read this in a college class. I really liked it and would like to reread it at some point.

message 12: by Bryan (last edited Feb 13, 2014 07:28AM) (new)

☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ Hi Bryan. I see that you read The Passage. How did you like it and do you plan on continuing with Twelve? Good luck with the books you look like you are at a great start.

message 25: by Bryan (new)

Bryan Wisdom | 86 comments ☼♎ Carmen ☼♎ wrote: "Hi Bryan. I see that you read The Passage. How did you like it and do you plan on continuing with Twelve? Good luck with the books you look like you are at a great start."

I might read Twelve. I started out really liking The Passage, then there were some transition chapters where I had to struggle on.

☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ I did too. I'm thinking of reading Twelve in the summer or on vacation. It would be easier than playing taxi for my children LOL.

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