Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies's Reviews > Juliet Immortal

Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay
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I’ll have to decide: join Romeo or let the specter of my soul take me. I know I should be afraid for my future, but all I can think about is Ben.
This book mocks the original Juliet's weakness, only to have the newly improved Juliet just as fucking dumb as the original.

So the original Shakespeare version, Juliet met Romeo, fell in love, and died for love within three days. In this retelling of Juliet's story, before this book starts, Juliet still ran away with Romeo, and then said Romeo stabbed her and ate her like a zombie. Flesh and blood dripping from his mouth and everything. It was pretty neat.

Flash forward 700 years in which Juliet is older, wiser, more wary of the perils of insta-love? Fucking nope!

One would think a reimagined, powerful, supernatural Juliet would have learned a fucking lesson or two: nope!

This book was terrible. Here is why:

- A stupid, stupid main character who makes the same mistake as the original Juliet, made worse by the fact that she was KILLED the first time. She's ruled by her passions, there is no reason in her behavior.

- Insta-love, a love triangle between the new, improved zombie Romeo and new boy Ben Luna. Ben. Ben. GEE, I WONDER WHO BEN COULD BE?! It's not like he has a character with a similar name in Romeo and Juliet or anything!!!11

- Terrible side characters: basically, the stars of the book are Juliet and Ben. Nobody else need apply.

- Poor setting: The whole we're gonna give you renewed life so you can play Cupid? No.

- Poor female characters: Her best friend, her "mother," both uncaring, cruel, callous bitches, depicted as inferior to Juliet (insta-love Juliet) in every way.

- The premise: weak as Ben and Juliet's insta-love. The idea of a love ambassador is pretty bloody and neat until you take into consideration the fact that it doesn't make any sense at all, and I'm not talking about the suspension of disbelief and the supernatural element. I'm talking about the fact that the reasoning behind the soul mate thing makes no fucking sense.

The Summary:
He turns and our eyes meet, and that sense of knowing him hits, catching me in my empty gut. For a moment, the sadness and pain in his eyes is my pain, and I desperately want to make it better. I want to reach for him, hold him, whisper into the warm crook of his neck that everything is going to be okay, that I’ll make it that way.
(Psst, that's the first time they meet)

Day 0.5 (because it takes place when the day's practically over):

Juliet is awake! Well, kind of. This ain't Shakespeare's Juliet...well, she's the inspiration for it, but the Shakespearean version was a falsehood, told to the dude by the sneaky, conniving son of a bitch that's Romeo. The real Juliet died at age 14, in 1304 Verona. Killed by the man she loved. And now Romeo is kind of a zombie. He reincarnates from one life to another, living constantly on earth as an immortal Mercenary, whereas Juliet only gets to come back to earth once in awhile, as an Ambassador. Think of her as Cupid, she makes sure that a pair of true lovers end up together, or else they will fall prey to the forces of darkness and one of them will die a horrible death like she did. At the hands of Romeo. Did I say that Romeo is a zombie? He's a total zombie.
...flesh in his teeth, blood dripping down his chin.
So now Juliet has been given an assignment, she's given the body of Ariel Dragland, a stunningly beautiful, extremely thin platinum-blonde high school outcast with self-esteem issues and mommy problems. Yeah, an outcast, because she's a little bit scarred from being burned as a child.

So here's Juliet/Ariel. On earth. Almost dead from a car accident, and OH CRAP THERE'S ROMEO, now in the body of a boy named Dylan. Juliet/Ariel runs like fuck, Romeo is chasing after her (he's a fast zombie), and OMG YAY A CAR. She runs into the car, and is struck down by insta-love. The rescuer is a high school boy named Ben Luna. The attraction is immediate.
I’m suddenly very aware of him, as well, of his front warming my back, his thighs shifting beneath mine. I clear my throat, blushing for the first time in so long the strangeness of hot cheeks makes me blink.
Ben is Mexican-American. He likes to uses randomly inserted Spanish words.
“Then this really isn’t your lucky night, chica."
I almost typed "Mexican words" for a moment before I caught myself. Lol. We all have our brain farts.

So crazy zombie Romeo/Dylan is after Ariel/Juliet. They go to the same high school. Hooray! Doesn't matter. What's important is BEN. BEN. She feels such...familiarity with him, she feels an intense longing for him, despite knowing Ben that night for all of 1 hour.She wants to kiss him as he drops her off.
I stay and let him come closer, closer, until I can feel the heat of his lips and imagine just how perfect they’ll feel, how perfect he’ll taste, how—
She can't stop thinking about him for the rest of the night.
I fist the damp wipe in my hand, reining in the part of me that aches for this boy with the big brown eyes.
I might feel an instant connection to Ben, but I don’t matter.
Famous last words.

Ben is Mexican.
"Dulces sueños, Mermaid.”
Day 2: So Juliet's still got a job to do, right? She's got to find the designated couple of soulmates and make them fall in love or else one of them will die a horrible horrible death. Nobody wants that, except for Romeo. Awesome. So where are they? As it turned out, one of the couple is Gemma, Juliet/Ariel's best friend since second grade. The one girl who has befriended Ariel despite the entire class neglecting and making fun of her. There's an aura over her head. Gemma is 1/2 of the soulmate.
And then I turn back to Gemma...lost in the rosy glow surrounding her chest.
And the other 1/2 of the soulmates?
Ben. Something in my gut twists and for a moment I’m dizzy, weightless, as if the floor has been ripped from beneath me, but I don’t know which way to fall.
Well, awesome! Best friend in love and designated to be soulmates with the guy who saved her the other night. What could be better? Well, for starters, JULIET CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT BEN.
I shake my head. This has to stop. I can’t go to pieces every time I see his face. I have to pull it together, be a good influence, make sure he commits to the love of his life and lives happily ever after.
But it doesn't. Juliet can't stop thinking about him. Romeo is on her ass. And Ben is still determined to prove to us that he's Mexican.
Ben laughs. “Dios mio. Fine, crazy woman.”
Gemma’s thoughtless at best, mean-spirited and selfish at worst, and I want so much better for Ben.
What?! Where the fuck did that come from?! Ok, so Juliet's in love with Ben. Romeo's still there declaring his undying (that was a zombie joke) love for Juliet if only she'd give him another chance. And Ben? After three (ok, 2.2?) days of knowing her, this is how he feels.
“I’m not doing this right, and I know I sound crazy, but...I love you. I could see myself loving you for a long time.”
Well, that escalated quickly. Three days. Three motherfucking days.
“I love you. I want to do everything with you. I want to marry you and have kids with you and get old with you. And then I want to die the day before you do, so I never have to live without you.”

NOOOOOOOOOOO. WHYYYYYYYYYYYY. Do your fucking job, Juliet. Need I remind you of what would happen if you don't unite the soulmates?
These two are my job, and if I don’t do it, one of them will die. Either they commit to each other or one of them commits murder and becomes a Mercenary. That’s the way it goes. Every. Single. Time.
Fuck you, Juliet, you stupid bitch. YOU HAD ONE JOB.

Ben is still Mexican.
“Dios mio,” Ben says.
How can I think of loving someone again? How have I let this happen? Even if it weren’t forbidden, haven’t I learned my lesson?
Apparently not. Juliet is a motherfucking moron. She's techniaclly over 700 years old, but she hasn't spent all that time on Earth.
I’ve seen centuries pass, but I died when I was fourteen and have spent less than twenty conscious years on earth.
20 years. That's a long time as an adult. Time spent being Cupid, making soulmates meet. She's been betrayed by love. She's seen the harm love can do. She knows the consequences of destined soulmates NOT falling in love, and she doesn't learn a motherfucking thing. She fell into insta-love with Romeo and elopes. He kills her. One would think she would know better not to fall into insta-love again. After THREE MOTHERFUCKING DAYS. She knows that the soulmates who aren't together will end up in a horrible death. SHE IGNORES THAT FOR HER OWN MOTHERFUCKING INSTA-LOVE. Gemma doesn't deserve him, says Juliet, the worst fucking Cupid ever.

Not only that, she's determined to destroy the only friendship thar her borrowed body, Ariel, has. Gemma is her only friend. Ariel suffers from crippling shyness. Ariel has no other friends. And yet Juliet as Ariel sees fit to steal away her best friend's soulmate.
She and Gemma are so different. It’s amazing they’ve stayed friends for as long as they have.
But they have, and it doesn’t matter what I think. I can’t let Ariel lose this friendship. I could be gone by the end of the day.
That would be such a fucking cute sentiment if Juliet didn't steal away Ben under poor Gemma's nose.

Oh my god, the love. THE LOVE. Juliet is so fucking purple-prosey-lovey-dovey. She can't contain her fucking emotions for Ben, a boy whom, I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but SHE'S KNOWN HIM FOR LESS THAN THREE DAYS. By the end of day 2, she's ready to declare her love. It's pure insta-love. There is no emotion behind it. She feels the familiarity, the desire, that's it. One little word from him is like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH MOTHERFUCKING CHERUBS SINGING FROM HEAVEN. Juliet is easily impressed.
Romeo might have praised my loveliness with lyrical poetry, but he never made me feel as beautiful as Ben did when he said four simple words.
You matter to me.
Puh-please. Is that all it takes to get her to drop her panties? Be a little better than that. Have more fucking depths than that. Am I to believe that Juliet is a motherfucking Immortal Warrior? Fucking no.

The Girl Hate:
"You’re the one who messed up when you got pregnant when you were nineteen."
Way to be a bitch to your own mother. Well, to Ariel's mother, but it's Ariel who's going to have to live with the consequences.

This book hates women. Juliet/Ariel's mother is a careless person. Unfeeling about her daughter's feelings. Terrible at showing her love, even if Juliet acknowledges that she does love her daughter.
She means that she cares, no matter how bad she is at showing it.
Her best friend Gemma, is also another careless person.
The hard light in Gemma’s eyes fades, and for a second I can see that she cares. Or that she wants to care.
So none of the female side characters in this book is careing and loving and nice at all. To be fair, none of the guys in this book are any good, either, but the female characters are prominent, and I hate the female hate in this book.

Gemma is a bitch. She doesn't deserve the angelic Ben.
Gemma is a vindictive, selfish, spoiled girl who doesn’t deserve Ariel and certainly doesn’t deserve Ben’s love.
Every attempt is made in this book to paint Gemma in a bad light, including making her the beautiful outcast rich girl, to making her a slutty character who plays around with boys like they were toys (and therefore deserves her heartbreak).

Ben! The Abusive Romantic!:
“He was only protecting her.”
“Like he was protecting you today?”
“Ye-es.” Something in her voice makes me certain my answer won’t satisfy her.
“Ariel … violent people usually have a good excuse for why they’re violent. But even a good excuse is just an excuse.”
Oh, I'm sorry, did I accidentally read a New Adult novel? Ben is violent. He's beaten up people before. He's gotten arrested for it. But it's ok, because Ben was doing it for the sake of other people. He only beats up the bad guys ~_~ Therefore his violence is TOTALLY justified.

Ben flirts with Juliet/Ariel while dating her best friend.
I would almost swear that Ben is flirting. With me. Right in front of his soul mate. Which is so bad that bad can’t even begin to describe it.
Uh, yah, you took the words right out of my mouth.

Ben, who speaks with the eloquence of a thousand John Mayers.
“I know you,” he says, with a quiet assurance that threatens to make my tears start all over again. “I know you’re strong and as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. I know you like to eat and hate Shakespeare—at least the love stories—and would do anything for a friend. I know you’re an artist, and you made a wall of bricks look like it should be hanging in a museum."
Ben, who is Mexican.
“Olvida la escuela,” he says, anger in his eyes.
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Reading Progress

May 22, 2014 – Started Reading
May 22, 2014 – Shelved
May 22, 2014 –
page 90
29.41% "This is so fucking bad. Juliet, who fell for insta-love with Romeo, was killed by him. Only to be reincarnated into a teenaged girl, who falls in love with a Mexican guy who randomly uses Spanish words becaues it makes him more Mexican-er!

Ay! Dios mio!"
May 22, 2014 –
page 150
49.02% "Day 2: "My heart squeezes in my chest, a beautiful ache that makes it even harder to breathe. I want to cup his sad face in my hands and tell him how glad I am that he really is a knight in shining armor, and a romantic, even if he doesn’t know it. I want to tell him he’s special and promise him he’ll find someone who will love him the way he imagines."

Oh, Juliet. Will you never learn?"
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: boring-main-character
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: girly-guy
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: high-school
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: horror
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: insta-love
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: magic
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: on-the-run
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: quest
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: romance
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: slut-shaming
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: tstl
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: ya
May 22, 2014 – Shelved as: zombies-undead
May 22, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 59 (59 new)

message 1: by Ruth (new)

Ruth Turner *lmao* And I think that I read crap! You outdo me in both quantity and quality (or lack there of). Can't wait for the review!

message 2: by Leslie (new)

Leslie God you entertain me...bahahahahaha!

message 3: by Katherine (last edited May 22, 2014 08:43PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Katherine I had a feeling you'd rage about this book ;). The instalove was nauseating, that's for sure. And Ben's attempts at purple prose were severely underwhelming. Wonderful review as always!!

PS: For all those people wondering if people from that part of California really talk like that.... we don't. I promise. Cross my little heart.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies I'm from California, too. I know Mexican guys. They don't talk like that. Cross MY little heart.

Katherine If that were the case, I would have gone batshit crazy in high school if all the boys talked liked that.

message 6: by Natalie (last edited May 22, 2014 08:52PM) (new)

Natalie Monroe Damn, I thought Juliet would be more closed and badass after being betrayed by Romeo in a past life. Disney's Meg does a better job.

Morel Dei Your reviews are always entertaining! :D

It took me 7 days to finish this book because of how annoyed I was at the insta-love drama. ugh

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Natalie: She's supposed to be a warrior, she's not. She's drained of her powers and she hardly ever fights. She fails at everything.

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)


I swear yours are too good to miss

message 10: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Markus "Ben is still Mexican."


God, I love this review.

I do! I know I just read it, but -- I love it! I need it! I want to marry it and write little reviews together!

Whoops. Sorry. Too much too soon. (I always do that.) I mean: Thanks for another terrific review, Khanh.

message 11: by Kalla (new)

Kalla Harris Personally, I think the second book is much better.

Jenn (One of Many, We are Legion) Well that's a Damn shame, because the premise behind it sounds really interesting. I sometimes wonder why you don't dnf more books, but then I remember the time I hated a book so bad that I literally threw it across the room before picking it up again and continuing to hate read the fuckerm (it still angers me thinking about it).

Sounds a lot like what you did here.

message 13: by K.P. (new)

K.P. Merriweather lolz, i'm sorry you had to hate read that book, Kahnh! I almost picked this up, sooo glad you beat me to it! Yet another fine review! :D

message 14: by Kribu (new)

Kribu Wait, how does the reincarnation work? She's not reincarnated as a baby who then grows up, right?

She just randomly takes over some poor girl's body (who is shoved aside for the duration), starts losing her friends for her, makes out with random boys for her while in her body to saddle Ariel (who might really not even like Ben and certainly hasn't consented to anything?) and .. that's how it works? :-|

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Kat: Thank you!

Deborah: LOL! You're too adorable.

Kit: Gaaaaaaaah. I love the idea, but having the MC make the same mistake that made Juliet weak and pitiful in the first place was not good.

Kalla: I have a feeling it might be. Romeo was my favorite character in the book.

Jennifer: The premise is awesome, the execution sucks. I try not to DNF unless it's just so bad or so pointless that I can't be bothered to try. And considering the 1 can imagine how bad my DNFs are.

K.P.: Thank you!

Kribu: The reincarnation works in that she is temporarily deposited into another body. She rents that body for awhile, enough time to fulfill her mission, then she leaves the body, and the original inhabitant gets to return. Her original mission is to make sure that Gemma and Ben fall in love---she's not supposed to interfere with their relationship. Juliet tries to give Ariel a better life once she returns to her body---but obviously that doesn't happen.

message 16: by Savina (new)

Savina M. This is hilarious! Great review, Khanh^_^

Jessica And then there was that plot twist at the end.... I think. I haven't read it for a while so correct me if I'm wrong. >__<

message 18: by Kribu (new)

Kribu I feel really sorry for poor Ariel. :-/

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Oh, don't. I just read the reviews for the next book, and apparently, she's whiny, mean, and falls into insta-love, too.

message 20: by Mada (new)

Mada I love your review. It's so funny. I guess I won't be reading this. I really hate insta love. And cheating.

message 21: by Kribu (new)

Kribu Khanh (Kittens, Rainbows, and Sunshine) wrote: "Oh, don't. I just read the reviews for the next book, and apparently, she's whiny, mean, and falls into insta-love, too."

Maybe it's because her body was conditioned for it by the Juliet takeover? :P ... or, alternatively, maybe Juliet was chosen just the perfectly whiny, mean and insta-love body for her to inhabit...

message 22: by Tamara (new)

Tamara I'm soooo glad I havent bought this book. A few years ago I saw in a bookstore and was nearly gonna buy it but then I decided against it because of the a few pages I peeked in :)

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ I laughed for like 5 min. over the, "Hey I just met you . . . " thing ALONE. OMG, Khanh. Outstanding!

message 24: by Mike (new)

Mike Great review as always Khanh.

Also, what sort of screwed up universe decrees that if you don't end up with your soulmate you die a gruesome death? How messed up is that?

message 25: by Kaora (new)

Kaora "I know you like to eat..." Oh my GOD. Contact Hallmark. This needs to go in a card.

Branwen Sedai *of the Brown Ajah* This may be one of the best reviews I have ever read! :D Love it, dear! :)

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Mada: Thank you!

Kribu: Good point. Like attracts like and all that.

Tamara: Lol! Good choice.

Jessica: Thank you!

Mike: The YA universe, obviously!

Allison: Lol! Definitely.

Branwen: Thank you!

Saru (Queen of Bookland) Gold. This review is pure gold. And also, totally not reading this book anymore. :D

Miranda I hate this book, honestly. And I made the mistake of attempting to read the sequel, and it literally made me sick. Couldn't even finish it.

message 30: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer Madero (Boricuan Bookworms) Oh my God. You should totally add this to the parody xD I loved how you mentioned the Mexican parts from time to time too. I'm Puerto Rican, my mom is from Nicaragua, and I know other people from latin America who speak Spanish, and we don't speak like that ugh. It so obvious the author used a translator for that. And no one even uses Chica that much xD This book sounds so annoying and joke worthy. I'm interested to read it but only to laugh. I didn't like much the original Romeo and Juliet. This one sounded interesting but the insta-love and bitchiness hate totally made it go down hill and to waste a perfectly good idea a bit different from the masses. I mean, zombie Romeo?! Thats awesome. But Juliet seems to have a force blocking any self-development and maturity for all those years she's lived. Great review! :)

Karlyflower *The Vampire Ninja, Luminescent Monster & Wendigo Nerd Goddess of Canada (according to The Hulk)* bahahahah, I read this book a good while ago and don't remember hating it with any sort of venom. It did make me crazy with the not learning and the not doing your fucking job bit but THIS review.... I love this review. Heh, insta-love - for this review!

message 32: by Rhonda (new)

Rhonda Stees-marcial Khanh you've done it again. This is hilarious. "Ben is still Mexican ". Priceless.

message 33: by Eleanor (new)

Eleanor Seriously awesome review.

"Ben, who speaks with the eloquence of a thousand John Mayers." Amazing. : )

message 34: by Geillis Shadow (new)

Geillis Shadow What is it with when the male lead is Mexican, you have to have him saying random Spanish words, I mean, really?!

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Saru: Thank you!

Miranda: Oh, no! I had hoped the second would be better.

Jennifer: I think it will be! I really like the premise, but it was so badly done. I wanted a stronger MC.

Karly: Thank you!

Rhonda: Thank you!

Princess Belle: Yeah, there are a lot of Mexican immigrants in my community, and if they speak, it's either English or Spanish...not half/half.

Eleanor: Thank you!

Shadowlove3: Yeah, it's the same for most "foreign" characters in books, admittedly.

message 36: by Ornella (new)

Ornella I actually speak half and half with my family cause they'll understand both halves lmao. But it's just random words that escape me in one of the languages and I just blurt them out in the one I do remember.

message 37: by D.G. (new)

D.G. LOL,Khanh! I guess Ben's job was being Mexican?

Spanish is my first language and I don't do this half and half shit. I don't know anybody who does either. If they're speaking Spanish, they speak Spanish and if they're speaking English, then they speak English. You only see me mix languages if I'm speaking one language and can only remember a word in the other one.

The only thing I say in Spanish when I'm among English speaking people is when making a toast. I think 'Salud!' is way better than Cheers. :)

message 38: by Ally (new)

Ally Sounds like a disaster, Khanh! I once wrote an essay in high school about people speaking "Cuban". That was an embarrassing mistake too!

message 39: by Hira (new) - added it

Hira Ahahahahahahahaha *gasps for breath between cracking up with laughter*

Classic!!!! Your reviews really are something, they are like sunshine on a dark, gloomy seriously have a gift <3<3<3

Can you imagine i was trying to read this review in a bus and ppl were looking at me like i'd completely lost it :P Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much for brightening up my day :) :) :)

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Ornella: I sometimes use English words in my Vietnamese convos with my parents when I can't find the right word for it, but only then.

D.G.: I can understand using some of your native words for words without an equivalent, or when you can't find the right word, but not random weird stuff like that.

Ally: Lol! Yay! I'm not alone!

Hira: Thank you :DDDDDD

message 41: by Kay (new)

Kay So, reading between the lines...I'm guessing Ben is Mexican??

(Why are these protagonists best friends with girls they hate? It mystifies.)

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Kay: That's the impression I got, I don't know if I let it be known through my review or anything :P

And these MCs are BFFs with the girl they hate because they don't think they can do any better---so when they realize that they're normal, they ditch their best friends. Yay!

message 43: by Ana (new)

Ana reading this review makes me hate the book without even reading the except...or the actual book for that matter haha!

So is Ben Mexican or no? hahaha

message 45: by Jane (last edited Jun 03, 2014 07:49PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jane Igharo lol your review was soo serious….i was laughing

message 46: by Jane (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jane Igharo and i didn't pick up on the fact that violence was being justified on Ben's part, but it totally was.

message 48: by Kimi (new) - added it

Kimi Crying because the premise is actually really cool and I expected Juliet to be this older wiser immortal being who finds some couple doing the same shit she and Romeo did and constantly condescends them for it or something because holy shit she died because she fell in love too fast. :U *sigh*

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies I know right? The premise is awesome. Someone should write a good book using this premise.

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