Karen's Reviews > Voyager

Voyager by Diana Gabaldon
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's review

it was amazing

I'M ABSOLUTELY SPEECHLESS!!!!!!!!! I don't even know where to begin with my review. I suppose I'll have to think on it a bit... JUST KNOW... there are not enough stars in the sky. As I work my way through this series.... I am just dumbfounded at the awesomeness before me. And this book, by far my favorite so far in the series... words cannot express my love for these characters, and this story. But again, it's one of those stories that enraptures those ONLY that it's meant to. And I am definitely on that list!!!!!!

[image error]  photo Outlander-First-Look-outlander-2014-tv-series-37432624-5616-3744.jpg
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Quotes Karen Liked

Diana Gabaldon
“It has always been forever, for me, Sassenach”
Diana Gabaldon, Voyager

Diana Gabaldon
“I shook so that it was some time before I realized that he was shaking too, and for the same reason. I don't know how long we sat there on the dusty floor, crying in each others arms with the longing of twenty years spilling down our faces.”
Diana Gabaldon, Voyager

Diana Gabaldon
“It wasn't a thing I had consciously missed, but having it now reminded me of the joy of it; that drowsy intimacy in which a man's body is accessible to you as your own, the strange shapes and textures of it like a sudden extension of your own limbs.”
Diana Gabaldon, Voyager

Diana Gabaldon
“Aye, well, he'll be wed a long time," he said callously. "Do him no harm to keep his breeches on for one night. And they do say that abstinence makes the heart grow firmer, no?"

"Absence," I said, dodging the spoon for a moment. "AND fonder. If anything's growing firmer from abstinence, it wouldn't be his heart.”
Diana Gabaldon, Voyager

Diana Gabaldon
“Once you've chosen a man, don't try to change him', I wrote with more confidence. 'It can't be done. More important-don't let him try to change you.”
Diana Gabaldon, Voyager

Diana Gabaldon
“Do you know,' he said again softly, addressing his hands, 'what it is to love someone, and never - never! - be able to give them peace, or joy, or happiness?'

He looked up then, eyes filled with pain. 'To know that you cannot give them happiness, not through any fault of yours or theirs, but only because you were not born the right person for them?”
Diana Gabaldon, Voyager

Diana Gabaldon
“Only you," he said, so softly I could barely hear him. "To worship ye with my body, give ye all the service of my hands. To give ye my name, and all my heart and soul with it. Only you. Because ye will not let me lie--and yet ye love me.”
Diana Gabaldon, Voyager

Diana Gabaldon
“Then kiss me, Claire," he whispered, "And know that you are more to me than life, and I have no regret.”
Diana Gabaldon, Voyager

Reading Progress

August 28, 2013 – Started Reading
August 28, 2013 – Shelved
August 28, 2013 –
2.0% "I couldn't stand waiting... I had to start the next one!"
August 28, 2013 –
August 30, 2013 –
9.0% "...my heart is breaking."
September 1, 2013 –
17.0% "Major Grey you did NOT just do that!!??!!!"
September 1, 2013 –
September 1, 2013 –
28.0% "OMGOMG O.M.G!!!!!! Here we GO!!!!!!!!!"
September 1, 2013 –
29.0% "O. M. G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *weeping tears of joy!!!!!!!*"
September 1, 2013 –
33.0% "Only a third in... and I'm already a hot mess. So much more ahead!!! I'm in a perpetual swoon here, God help me!!!!"
September 2, 2013 –
43.0% "...never a dull moment.. life with Jamie Fraser, Jeeze!!!!"
September 3, 2013 –
48.0% "BUGGER!!!! I KNEW THIS WAS COMING!!!!!!!!!!"
September 3, 2013 –
[image error]  photo tumblr_mayq7qsDqB1rbrwnpo1_400.gif You BASTARD!!!"
September 3, 2013 –
57.0% "OMG!!! WEE IAN!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
[image error]  photo old-man-crying-gif.gif "
September 4, 2013 –
77.0% "...I do.
[image error]  photo caribbean-pirates-1.gif
September 4, 2013 –
83.0% "I'll have a large bowl of the Turtle Soup, please!
[image error] photo the_soup_nazi0041.jpg
September 4, 2013 –
88.0% "*lump*"
September 5, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 59 (59 new)

message 1: by Renee (new) - added it

Renee Ive been wanting to read this series in forever.. I heard its amazing!

Karen Renee,
It was my one my TBR list way before I started on Goodreads. I don't know why I waited. Perhaps it was the lengthy nature of the books. But I can say now...totally WORTH IT!!!! I'm doing the audio books this time, and I absolutely love them. The narrator is Davina Porter, and she is incredible!!! I highly recommend them. I don't read audio books that often, but these are just perfection!!! I'm totally LOVING THIS!!!

message 3: by Renee (new) - added it

Renee Thanks for letting me know Karen! I'll look into the audio books! Xx yay!

Karen So very very TRUE!!!!!

Karen Vilda wrote: "You're making me so curious about this series, Karen!! Awesome review. :D"

If you like EPIC historical romance...these books are TO DIE FOR!!!

Natalie Jamie Fraser...sigh...

Karen Natalie wrote: "Jamie Fraser...sigh..."


Taty_1973 Just finished "Dragonfly in Amber" (damn cliffhangers!!!) & getting ready to start "Voyager". Dear Lord, these characters are so wonderful, words cannot express how much I love them. And Jamie is just... gah. *sighs*

Karen Taty_1973 wrote: "Just finished "Dragonfly in Amber" (damn cliffhangers!!!) & getting ready to start "Voyager". Dear Lord, these characters are so wonderful, words cannot express how much I love them. And Jamie is j..."

YEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!! I know!!!!! It is sad... but I am obsessed!!!!! I know you have to be feeling the same way!!!! I'm finally finished.. and waiting with bated breath for the new release!!!!

Taty_1973 Karen wrote: "YEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!! I know!!!!! It is sad... but I am obsessed!!!!! I know you have to be feeling the same way!!!! I'm finally finished.. and waiting with bated breath for the new release!!!!"

Obsessed is the right word. lol And yes, it is so sad... even knowing from the first page that something went terribly wrong, reading the last chapters I was a sobbing mess. Thank God tomorrow is Sunday and I can just read, read, read. ;)

Karen I know, I love Sundays!!!! I jealous though... hearing your emotional response has me wanting to go back and read it all over again.

Raquel Just finished this and loved it. What a great story, it had it all.

Karen Raquel wrote: "Just finished this and loved it. What a great story, it had it all."

I guess I never got back to writing any more of a review. I'm glad you loved it too!!! ;)

Raquel Karen wrote: "Raquel wrote: "Just finished this and loved it. What a great story, it had it all."

I guess I never got back to writing any more of a review. I'm glad you loved it too!!! ;)"

Its so hard to write a review without giving away. You wrote exactly how I feel. :)

Natalie Great review Karen. Am at 55% now and a bit bored right now. Hope it picks up soon again. BUT HOLY HELL!!! I FEEL BETRAYED BY JAMIE BC YOU KNOW WHÁT HOW COULD HE???

Karen Natalie wrote: "Great review Karen. Am at 55% now and a bit bored right now. Hope it picks up soon again. BUT HOLY HELL!!! I FEEL BETRAYED BY JAMIE BC YOU KNOW WHÁT HOW COULD HE???"

Yes Natalie... it is a difficult situation indeed... take a look at my updates at the same place you're at. It is not a perfect romance, as is life... but... it gets better.... waaaaaay better. Stay tuned don't give up. This story is a real roller coaster ride. Even after book 7... there is a cliffy that has me pissed the hell off... and this time it's Claire. So much to take in my mood was constantly shifting. I can't wait till you get to Bree and Roger!!!

Natalie Thanks, so it picks up soon?

Karen Natalie wrote: "Thanks, so it picks up soon?"

Oh yes... what part are you at?

Natalie Young Ian has just disappeared..

Karen Off the island... or run away?

Natalie No, i'm about 55%, so the sea. I loved the beginning but it's a little slow now...

Karen It will pick up... you know they have to find Ian... they can't let him just be gone. So comes the ship...

message 23: by Natalie (last edited Jun 13, 2014 07:52AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Natalie This series as it whole is spectacular and the characters are amazing. Just wish that some parts wasn't so slow. Which book has been your fav so far?

message 24: by Karen (last edited Jun 13, 2014 01:44PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Karen It is long, no doubt. I am listening to the series on audio... and to me, it went quite quickly. The narrator is amazing. I'm not sure which one has been my favorite. I seem to remember A Breath of Snow and Ashes standing out a bit, but honestly, I have LOVED them all. I have even started liking the detailed medical descriptions she is forever including. And the historical recounting of events. I find it very informative and interesting. I think I said in one of my reviews that these books won't be appreciated by all... because of their length and detail, but for those of us who appreciate it, they are heaven!!!

Natalie My favorite so far has been Outlander, and I loved the first 60% of Voyager. Im relistening to the series on audio now. I have read the first three books but there is so many details I have missed. I really hope love book four but i'm a bit worried bc i've heart that the rest of he series will focus on other characters, not only Claire and Jamie :(

Karen Natalie wrote: "My favorite so far has been Outlander, and I loved the first 60% of Voyager. Im relistening to the series on audio now. I have read the first three books but there is so many details I have missed...."

Yes... and you will grow to LOVE them all!!!! Jamie and Claire are still the focus throughout though. Trust me.... the books are very exciting, with new stuff happening to keep you on the edge of your seat. I think the audio books will help. The reading goes much faster for me with Devina Porter narrating them. I sure hope you stick with them. I'm reading the latest book now, and I'm loving it!!! Enjoy

Natalie Glad to hear that :) i will absolutely continue this series, i love it, and i have learned to love the length and the details, but most of all i love claire and jamie :)

message 28: by Amy | Foxy Blogs (new)

Amy | Foxy Blogs Great review! ❤️ your excitement in your review has me intrigued. I own the first one but just haven't cracked it open yet.

Karen Amy (Foxy) wrote: "Great review! ❤️ your excitement in your review has me intrigued. I own the first one but just haven't cracked it open yet."

Thanks Amy... looks like I never made it back to finish that review, haha, I guess I should take that statement out of there. BTW... these books are really good. (but they are a commitment... a long one) Totally worth it though!!

Natalie OMG Amy YOU MUST!!! IT'S EPiC!!!

message 31: by Mo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mo Nice review. If i don't do a review almost straight away, I never do it.

Karen Mo wrote: "Nice review. If i don't do a review almost straight away, I never do it."

Thanks... and I am the same way. As you can see... never got back there. ;) I'm really glad you're reading these!

message 33: by Amy | Foxy Blogs (new)

Amy | Foxy Blogs Karen and Natalie, the size scares me....is it better than TBH?

Karen Amy (Foxy) wrote: "Karen and Natalie, the size scares me....is it better than TBH?"

I would say as good as... I loved them both, but they were very different. Other than their length. If you start book 1, just make sure you don't quit before she goes through the stones... the first 20% of the book is a little slow, but after that point it takes off big time! No doubt these books are LONG. But they were worth it!

message 35: by Nikki (new)

Nikki The fact that they are comparable to TBH at all is convincing me to take these on!

Karen Nikki wrote: "The fact that they are comparable to TBH at all is convincing me to take these on!"


message 37: by Amy | Foxy Blogs (new)

Amy | Foxy Blogs Karen wrote: "I would say as good as... I loved them both, but they were very different. Other than their length. If you sta..."

Okay, good to know!!! :)

Natalie No, nothing is better than TBH. But I think these books are the cloßest one to them in epicness :)

message 39: by Mo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mo What is TBH??

Karen Mo wrote: "What is TBH??"

The Bronze Horseman.

Natalie The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons

message 42: by Mo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mo OK, yes, have heard that is another good one.

Natalie The best one there is

message 44: by Nikki (new)

Nikki The Bronze Horseman is the best!!! Still haven't topped it.

Karen Yes.. it is pretty damn good!!!

Natalie So who loves Jamie more than Shura? Tania vs Claire? For me, Shura/ Jamie is a tie but no heroine beats Tatiana.

Karen Nat, I can't compare them like that! Alexander is no doubt above compare. But then again so is Jamie... and I could mention many others as well. We are so lucky to have such incredible men in our lives, are we not?

message 48: by Natalie (last edited Jun 26, 2014 01:16PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Natalie LOL!! We sure are, fictional or not. I am so so happy to have meet them, and my other favorites :))

message 49: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • GREAT review ❤️❤️

Karen Thank you Lisa Jayne!!! xo

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