LTJ's Reviews > Holly

Holly by Stephen         King
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's review

it was amazing

“Holly” by Stephen King is a book I’ve been waiting a very long time to finally read. You see, before “Holly” was officially published on 9/5/23, I went on a Holly-inspired reading marathon so I could jump in and be fully caught up. I’m talking about taking an entire week off of work to enjoy a BOOKcation with everything involving Holly. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, I devoured four novels and an entire short story collection written by King that featured Holly and it was such a rewarding reading experience.

Just so you know, to get the most out of “Holly” I highly recommend that you read all five books she is in before reading this novel. The order to read them are…

Mr. Mercedes -> Finders Keepers -> End of Watch -> The Outsider -> If It Bleeds -> Holly

Now before I jump into my review of this novel, here’s a list of the trigger warnings I found while reading…

- Homophobic comments
- COVID-19 pandemic
- Cannibalism
- Politics
- Racism
- Sexual harassment
- Rape
- Abortion
- Cancer
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- School shootings

If any of these trigger you, please don’t read this novel. One more thing I’d like to mention is my thoughts on how tons of readers hated the heavy use of politics, COVID-19, masking, vaxxing, and all that jazz in this novel to the point of being rude and mean to each other due to differences of opinion.

As always, reading is subjective and everyone reads for different reasons. Some like the escapism of novels and want to stay away from anything involving world and political events. Others don’t care at all and welcome it for whatever reason. Some will DNF a novel the moment they see things like that because they completely disagree and get all worked up. Others will enjoy it because they agree with that side of the debate.

Whatever the case may be, do whatever makes you happy as long as it’s not at the expense of treating others badly. It’s important to remember that if readers completely disagree with King’s views on politics, masking, vaxxing, etc., it’s okay to stop reading and move on to something else. Just please don’t start attacking your fellow Constant Readers because they agree with him on these kinds of topics or vice versa. We’re all readers at heart with different genres and topics we enjoy so no need to attack or be rude to each other over political differences or how people ultimately feel about COVID, masking, vaccinations, etc.

In my opinion, King is 75 years old and will be 76 years old on 9/21/23. The fact that he is still writing novels at such a high level is nothing short of incredible. I’m just glad he is because he will forever be my all-time favorite author. Regardless of how you feel about his own political views and opinions on COVID, masking, vaccinations, etc., if you are a horror reader at one point or other in your life he probably gave you at least one character or book you enjoyed based on something he wrote. He’s been writing for over 50 years now and is still going strong.

These trigger warnings I mentioned above don’t bother me at all since they’re just words on paper to me. Remember my friends, be kind to each other, no matter where you stand on these political and COVID topics. Whether you agree or disagree, just treat each other with kindness. Trust me, it truly goes a very long way in life.

Anywho, I loved this novel so much, and depending on how the rest of this year goes, “Holly” might very well end up being my favorite book of 2023. It was that extraordinary to me and just like the other novels featuring Holly, King did a wonderful job weaving a story within a story within a story with tons of little subtle references here and there.

Everything from The Princess Bride, Blood Red Sky (I loved this movie on Netflix), Freddy Krueger, Carrie (lost my mind when he did this), and even The Haunting of Hill House all made me smile. I love it when King does things like this, especially with his own legendary work.

The intro to “Holly” was a wild one and my goodness, King dialed up the horror with a very gross twist to things in this one. I made lots of weird faces with those insanely descriptive situations. In general, I was so happy to see Holly get her own novel and not only see what she’s been up to lately but also how she has evolved in the grand scheme of things.

To finally get more of Holly’s backstory and fill in the gaps to what makes her tick was such a great thing to read. I have connected with Holly way before this novel came out and reading this solidified to me that she’s a rockstar. I just love the kind of person she is, how vulnerable she can be depending on what is going on at the moment, and just how she figures things out over time.

Seeing Holly continuing to be Holly as she pieced things together in this horror mystery novel was a lot of fun. The suspense is all throughout this novel and besides Holly, I also enjoyed how King was able to include Jerome and his sister Barbara to also get updates on them which was nice to read. This is a big reason why I highly recommend reading those five novels I mentioned above since it’ll just make it more meaningful.

Besides this incredible unique and disturbing story, King did a phenomenal job breaking down an underlying tone to “Holly” that was evident all throughout this novel. Seeing Holly process grief due to what she’s going through was engrossing. Everyone handles grief differently but to see such a complex and riveting character as Holly goes through this on top of trying to figure out what she’s investigating was nothing short of brilliance.

It goes to show that no matter how strong, weird, or complicated someone is on the outside, grief like that affects everyone to some degree even as they vehemently deny it on the inside. Don’t worry, I won’t ruin anything for you but I just loved seeing Holly turn into the person she is now. Not only am I impressed but well, proud. I know that’ll sound weird but I literally went through a five-novel journey reading them all in a single week and feel like I know Holly. Even King said in recent interviews promoting this novel that there is a bit of Holly in him and well, everyone. I also feel the same as I’ve seen some of my tendencies of handling things as Holly would which makes her so relatable to me.

Another thing I loved is how the presence of Bill Hodges so many moons ago impacted Holly so much that it is still helping her in the present. I swear, the quote that King put to open up this novel (“Sometimes the universe throws you a rope.” - Bill Hodges) just hits you from beginning to end. Speaking of which, my goodness, the climax to the ending was fantastic! The main antagonists in this one were pure evil and I loved how Holly handled everything in stride towards that stupendous ending.

I was on the edge of my seat getting through that ending because I didn’t think that would ever happen and to see Holly do what she did totally made me scream YES!!! so many times in my head because it was so epic. It was quite the buildup and everything ended perfectly. I loved the ending, actually. Mainly because it ended the way it should have when it comes to Holly and the kind of character she has now become. As always with anything I read by King, I was left mesmerized as Holly is now one of my all-time favorite characters he’s ever created.

I give “Holly” by Stephen King a 5/5 as it was so worth reading all five novels Holly was in before this one was published to enjoy watching her evolve into the person she is now. The horror, creepiness, and disturbing aspects of this novel were bloody magnificent. It probably isn’t a good idea to eat or drink anything while reading this one but at the end of it all, Holly rocks. I’m so glad King decided to give this influential character her own novel because this has been quite the reading journey I will never forget for the rest of my life. Finally, the last little thing King left me with besides all this awesomeness involving Holly is that I will never look at vanilla ice cream the same again. Ever.
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January 31, 2023 – Shelved
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September 15, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 325 (325 new)

Marie Awesome review, LTJ! Loved this review so much! 😊

message 2: by Graeme (new) - added it

Graeme Rodaughan A wise review, LTJ. Glad you enjoyed it. Esp. the BOOKcation preceding it - that made me smile. 😁

(Now I have a new word...)

Ashley Absolutely incredible review LTJ! I, too, loved this! I, too, read all 6 Holly books in a row from Sat-Tues & my GOD I wouldn’t have it other way, but I MISS HOLLY SO. FREAKING. MUCH. I really, really do. I’m so glad you enjoyed this as much as I did!

Pisces51 Beautifully written and caring review (for the novel, the author, and for all of the readers this novel has and will touch). You are incredibly dedicated to prepare so perfectly for the experience of reading Holly, King's book that *stars* Holly. You are more qualified than many if not most of us in seeing and appreciating her character arc through the lens of time and her experiences with Bill Hodges and in the works that included her leading to Holly. I truly appreciate your time and love given to this quirky lovable and courageous character we know as a Holly who continues to grow with experiences and time.Great job.

message 5: by Wendy (new)

Wendy Thanks for the head’s up re: triggers for King’s politics and stance on Covid, etc., LTJ. I definitely read to escape that sort of thing and I adamantly disagree with King on these matters. But I’m going to read this anyway. I’ll brace myself. 😣
I hope I will still enjoy the book. FABULOUS review!

message 6: by Klare (new)

Klare Great review. My copy is already reserved at our local library.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

LTJ it was a pleasure to read your review outstanding :)

Aundrea Your review has me so excited to read Holly. I am a huge SK fan, but somehow missed the first 3 Holly books. My first introduction to her was in The Outsider (that became one of my all time faves of his!), and then in If It Bleeds. I just may go and read the others too! I am pleased to read Holly dials up the horror and gore. Yay!

message 9: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Marie: Thank you ever so much as that means a lot to hear, my friend!

message 10: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Màiri Thanks for sharing this! I was really discouraged by all those negative reviews on the book’s overuse of political comments - but you really have a point, so now I’m excited again to get my hands on this! :-)

Trish Great and detailed review - I'm so looking forward to reading this in Spooktober. Especially now that it sounds like SK had dialed the horror up sufficiently. Yay! :D

Pisces51 Wendy wrote: "Thanks for the head’s up re: triggers for King’s politics and stance on Covid, etc., LTJ. I definitely read to escape that sort of thing and I adamantly disagree with King on these matters. But I’m..."

One word "Kudos" to you. I have worked very diligently to reach the plateau you are speaking from, and to embrace your attitude.

message 13: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Carol: Thank you for the kind words! That truly means a ton to hear and for sure, this was perfection by King. I became a huge fan of Holly after reading those five novels and seeing who she is in her first novel was an incredible feeling.

LoL I was like ZOMG NO WAY towards the end and just loved it.

message 14: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Graeme: Thank you for the compliment, my friend! LOL I'm so glad to hear that you will now embrace the power of a BOOKcation! I tend to take one or two a year just to stay at home, relax, and read :-D

Corey Woodcock Excellent review. I liked it, didn’t love it, but I agree with you and you brought up some great points. I too love that King is still writing—he certainly doesn’t need to. He is set for life financially and never has to worry about another penny, even if he never wrote another word. This goes to show that he does it out of love. I think he HAS to write. It’s such an integral part of the man, he probably wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he wasn’t writing a book at any given time.

I also loved the presence of Bill Hodges in this book. He wasn’t in it, but he was very much in it. I’d imagine someone who hasn’t read the previous books would get a good feel for the kind of man Hodges was—his legacy with Holly is such an important part in this book, and it’s almost magical how well King managed to include him in the book.

All I’m going to say about the political and Covid content is that King knew it was going to divide people and that he was get hate for it, and did it anyway. He wanted to document a time and place, and I think he did it well. Although he may have beat the reader over the head with it early on in the book, it’s not inaccurate to what life was like in 2021–Covid and talk of Covid was everywhere. It is what it is.

Thanks for the thoughtful review!

message 16: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Ashley: Thank you for the kind words on my review as I greatly appreciate it! I'm also glad to hear you also loved it and went on a Holly-inspired reading journey! LoL talk about a lot of books, eh? Great job conquering that from Sat-Tue, LoL I'm the same way. Holly has grown on me so much and in this novel, she's just on a whole other level :-D

message 17: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Pisces: That is so kind of you to say, thank you so much as that means a lot to hear! Oh yes, I was very excited to read all these novels featuring Holly and wanted to time it just right so when "Holly" came out, I could go right into it consecutively. I'm so glad I did, this will most likely be my reading highlight of 2023 :-)

Thanks again for such a huge compliment as it made me smile and fuels me to continue writing my reviews every single time I finish a novel. It was my pleasure and all in the name of Holly!

message 18: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Wendy: You are very welcome for the heads up for those trigger warnings! I'm glad to hear you're going to read it and yeah, LoL the politics/COVID stuff is a big part of "Holly" and fun fact, King has an author's note at the end explaining why he went that path and everything to give more insight/context to it.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have, my friend! Also, thanks so much for the compliment on my review. I hope your next cup of coffee or tea is amazing :-)

Ginger Fantastic review LTJ!! Completely agree with all that you said in relation to this book. It's been a bit wild here on Goodreads with the tribalism with this one. hahaha

This wasn't my favorite Holly book since I really loved "Finders Keepers" and "The Outsider" so much but I feel like SK fleshed her out more in this one and I loved that. He made her feel more real to me and that was fantastic!

message 20: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Klare: Thank you and YAY! I'm so happy to hear that and hope you enjoy this novel as much as I did. Happy reading whenever you get to it :-)

MM Suarez Great review, absolutely agree kindness is everything even toward those with whom we don't agree, and I am also done with vanilla ice cream😫

message 22: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Iynne: Awe, thank you! That makes me smile :-D

message 23: by Jennelle (new) - added it

Jennelle Fantastic review, LTJ! Fantastic. I love King. He is my all time favorite and you gave him so much glory. I loved it. I haven’t read Holly yet but I can’t wait to find out about the vanilla ice cream.

message 24: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Aundrea: Awe, thanks and so glad this helped get you excited to read Holly! This one is up there with some of his best work and is another unique horror story you won't see coming. LoL I can also see this into a rather interesting movie or TV show just like they did with other novels featuring Holly :-)

The Outsider is magnificent and yeah, I know what you mean! I'd recommend reading the others and end it with "Holly" since it makes you appreciate her rise to awesomeness.

LOL the horror in this one... wild!!!

message 25: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Trish: Thank you ever so much for the kind words! Hell yeah, this would be PERFECT for Spooktober! LoL the horror in this one is definitely up there, in a rather gross way. You'll see what I mean when you eventually get to it :-)

message 26: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Pisces: I agree and YOU. GOT. THIS. :-D

message 27: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Corey: Thanks, my friend! I truly appreciate your insight and kind words about the points I wrote about. LoL exactly, King could have called it quits a decade ago and just lived out the rest of his life beyond content for all the amazing literary works he's already contributed to the world. But nope, he still does it for himself and I'm sure for all his Constant Readers across the globe because he loves what he does since he does what he loves. I admire him so much for still going strong even after all these years.

I loved how you worded that, by the way! I agree, he HAS to write because it's simply a part of his soul. I'm just glad he wrote this to honor the legacy of Bill Hodges and in a way, pass the torch to Holly while developing her character even further. I really enjoyed all the little moments Holly used something she learned from Hodges to help her with things involving cases, investigating, and even life.

Oh for sure, I think that's why King put all that stuff about the politics/COVID stuff as an author's note at the end since man, I saw a lot of people attacking each other over that. I get why people would get all worked up but I don't like when they start acting like that to fellow readers just because they agree with him or not. Whether you love Trump, hate him, masked up, or didn't mask up during the height of the pandemic, that shouldn't give anyone the right to be rude, attack, or treat others badly.

As I always say, whatever political party you support and whether or not you got vaccinated, that's your business. If it makes you happy, I'm happy. I don't judge anyone at all and I don't want to be judged either because of opinions. Kindness goes a very long way in life and before people get up in arms over these debates, I wish they remembered that. As long as nothing is forced on me or people treat me unfairly due to my opinions, we're all good. It's okay to disagree with people and move on. It's not okay to disagree with people and start calling them names or making them feel bad because you think they're wrong.

Either way, I loved this story and even if King chose not to include politics/COVID in it or even brought in a heavier dose of it, it wouldn't have mattered to me at all. This novel was an amazing one and will more than likely be my favorite book of 2023 depending on how the rest of the year goes based on what I have planned to read. Thanks again for the compliment and here's to celebrating the awesomeness of Holly :-D

message 28: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Ginger: Thank you, my friend! LOL oh yes, wild indeed. I just had to make that clear in my review since I saw too much of it going on and wanted to address it. I hope people get the message that kindness is key :-)

Understandable and you know, I've had some friends say exactly that about Holly and the other novels she's in. I enjoyed each and every novel Holly was in but my goodness, Mr. Mercedes was probably the craziest and most wild ride of all! THAT was the one that blew my mind right out the gate and yeah, that ending now makes a lot of sense based on everything else I read about Holly.

Excellent point since this is exactly what I wanted in Holly besides a great horror story. Just more of who she is, her past, and seeing how she continues to evolve in King's multiverse. I also felt she can carry her own now and I just love her character so much, I'm excited to see what's next!

message 29: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson (short break) Incredible review, LTJ! It’s been years since I’ve read a King book and even though this sounds exceptional, I think I’d probably try an older one to restart myself. Super excited you loved it, though!

message 30: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @MM Suarez: Thank you so much, my new friend! Hell yeah, kindness goes such a long way when it comes to everything in life. It's okay to disagree with others, just be polite and agree to disagree. It happens and we move on. It's very simple in the grand scheme of things :-)

LOL no more vanilla ice cream for you too, eh?

message 31: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Jennelle: Thanks so much, my friend! That means a lot to hear and same here! I've been a Constant Reader for over 25 years now and he's also my all-time favorite author. I can't begin to explain the endless scares, memories, and awesomeness he's given me thanks to his work. LoL it's crazy but yeah, I'm one happy reader thanks to everything I've been able to read of his :-)

I hope whenever you do get to Holly, you enjoy it as much as I did! LoL oh yes, you'll see EXACTLY what I mean about vanilla ice cream. Please let me know your thoughts once done :-D

Maika Wonderful review ! Humanity nowadays is lack of empathy. Live and let die. If you don’t like something let it go.
In Spain, Holly will be launched at the end of September, till then doing my job properly 😂.

Trish LTJ wrote: "@Trish: Thank you ever so much for the kind words! Hell yeah, this would be PERFECT for Spooktober! LoL the horror in this one is definitely up there, in a rather gross way. You'll see what I mean ..."

Great! Now I can't wait. Thankfully, the spooky season is just around the corner! :D

message 34: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Terrie: Awe, thank you ever so much, my friend! That means a lot to hear and that makes sense to me! Which older King novel do you see yourself reading? LoL I love Carrie, 'Salem's Lot, Misery, and of course... IT :-D

message 35: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Maika: Thank you!!! Oh for sure, I agree with what you said wholeheartedly. The world needs more empathy. More kindness. More understanding. Exactly, if you don't like something, that's okay. Just don't be mean to others that do like it. It's quite simple in the grand scheme of things.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Holly once you're able to read it! LoL you're doing a great job so far, my friend :-D

message 36: by Sarah (new)

Sarah You made extremely valid points and I totally agree with you. Attacking other people’s love of anything that you don’t agree with is real ‘low’ behaviour

message 37: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars


message 38: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Sarah: Thank you for the kind words, my new friend! Exactly, that to me is very low behavior. If you have to be rude or mean to someone just because they are democrat, republican, vaccinated, not vaccinated, love horror, hate horror, whatever, I want no associations with people like that at all. Kindness above all else :-)

message 39: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa See, now, I was trying to be good but NOOOO you have to go and make me buy more books........ Sigh twist my arm, I just bought all of them and will start Mr. Mercedes tonight....Thank you for the great review and suggestions. I have only read one Stephen King and it was just in July Billy Summers and I LOVED IT. I have been curious about other Stephen King novels but just not quite sure I would like them. Holly grabbed my attention. I would have started with that one if it not for your review, suggestion and Terrible influence (LOL)

Thank you.

message 40: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Lisa: LOL that is such a nice compliment, thank you so much, my friend! I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT!!! LoL you have quite the reading adventures ahead of you and please let me know your thoughts as you get through them all, I'd love to know :-)

You're very welcome for everything and thank you for the kind words. That's so awesome you read Billy Summers, I also LOVED it as it was such an incredible read... f##king Marge, eh?

LOL I will send a virtual iced coffee your way for being such a terrible influence. MY BAD!

(thank you)

Tara (Not Receiving Notifications 🔔 ) Superb review, LTJ! I’m glad you found Holly bloody fantastic!!

Susan Vrabel-Williams I have to agree. The ice cream... As Holly would say...oough!!!

message 43: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Tara: Thank you for the kind words as that means a lot to hear! LoL hell yeah, this novel rocked for me :-D

message 44: by Stephanie (new) - added it

Stephanie Toland I am super excited to read this. Holly has been a favorite character for a long time. Honestly his books in the last 5 years or so reminds me of classic King. I’ve highly enjoyed all of them.

About the politics. I’d like to say that I would read a book and enjoy the hell out of it no matter the politics. I’d like to think I am discerning enough reader. That said, I am extremely vocal most of the time about my views and I lean heavily to one side of the road. I happen to agree with Stephen’s politics so I know it won’t be an issue. But I don’t know if I could be so even keel about it, if it went the other way. But I also know I wouldn’t be digging people that loved it. I know when to stay the hell out of the conversation!!

message 45: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Susan: Great minds think alike! LOL oough indeed, the ice cream part definitely got me and yeah, I stopped drinking coffee at that point :-P

Debbie Y Fantastic review, Luis! You expressed everything you loved about this book perfectly, my friend. I will agree to disagree about MANY things, haha, as you know I share a different opinion and had a different experience with this book, and it saddens me to say that. I will not go any further here and save it for my review. I love what you said about respecting others opinions. Yes, everyone are allowed to think and experience things differently (and that was a huge problem in this book since King went against his own rule, imo). What matters the most is that you loved it, and I AM glad that you did, my friend! I wish I could’ve said the same. :)

message 47: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Stephanie: I'm so glad to hear that as I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Yeah, Holly has grown on me over the week or so I burned through all the novels she was in before King wrote a whole novel just on her. LoL I wish I read these earlier but I'm glad I was finally able to conquer all those novels and jump right into Holly fresh :-D

I'm the same way when it comes to the novels I read. Whether it's INSANE extreme horror, politics, religion, pets getting harmed, etc., it doesn't bother me. I know every reader is different it never affected me since I just looked at it as words on paper and nothing real, you know?

EXACTLY! I completely agree as at the end of the day, we're all readers regardless. Whether you are on one side or the other with the heavy politics/COVID stuff in this novel, you can disagree with it and that's okay. Whether anyone chooses to discuss it in a respectful way or just ignore it, that's fine by me. LoL I only have major issues when people start attacking each other over it or are mean because of stuff like that. Life is short, enjoy books and drink coffee instead :-D

message 48: by LTJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

LTJ @Debbie: Thank you ever so much, my friend! LoL oh yes, I figured and let me tell you, I already respected the hell out of you but seeing you write what you did kicked it up many notches in my book. That is exactly what I'm talking about, agree to disagree, tap our virtual vegan iced coffee glasses, and we continue rocking out \m/

I look forward to reading your review whenever you drop it! LoL when do you think since curious minds would love to know?!?!!?

Thanks again and I just hope your next read is much better, my friend! Plus I look forward to our future buddy read whenever that is after the move is in the books since I'm thinking we pick an extreme novel, soundtrack, extra shots of vegan espresso shots, you know, LoL the works!!! :-D

message 49: by Dani (new)

Dani WOW, stellar review. Will definitely be checking these out! I feel...meh about recent politics being involved in stories. BUT, if it's worth the read it's something to be easily ignored for the most part!

message 50: by Elaine (new) - added it

Elaine Smith I love your review. I am 2/3 of the way through the book and, yes, it is bloody magnificent!

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