Katrina Passick Lumsden's Reviews > Dragonfly in Amber

Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon
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OK, so admittedly, it took me a really long time to finish this book, and yes, I have some problems with it.

While it started off great (mostly, I think, due to the fact that I was still coming down off the high caused by the first book), the story quickly devolved into a mess of boring details and gut-wrenching melodrama. I first became stuck somewhere around 70%, I believe. The story was just dragging. I managed, with far more time than is usually necessary for me, to make it to the 83% mark before giving up. For months. I simply didn't have it in me to read any more. I knew what was coming, so not only did I not want to get to that part that I knew would make my stomach hurt, I also couldn't get past those ridiculously sleepy, dragged out battle details. Over and over again with the battles and the tending to the sick and the moving with the army.

Yesterday, however, I got an itch to read the first one again. I did so in a few hours (admittedly, I skimmed some, as this is not a book that can be read in its entirety in a few hours). After having done so, I was overwhelmed by the desire to finish this one. So I did. The ending of the book was much better than the rest of it. After all that snooze worthy political intrigue, it was nice to finally get to some climactic scenes. I wasn't disappointed, and even found myself unable to tear my focus away until I knew what happened (even though I knew it was going to be a bit heartbreaking).

I can't really describe what it is about these books that makes them so wonderful. If you're in any way a competent reader, you should be able to recognize and appreciate the time, effort, and care Diana Gabaldon put into crafting these stories. The character development is phenomenal. Claire and Jamie have a romance that feels absolutely real. That was what caught me again about the first book; after reading so many mediocre sexual fantasies disguised as romance fiction over the last year, it's truly amazing to read stories like these and be able to fully comprehend the meaning of the phrase "epic romance".

I'm really talking this up while only giving it three stars. Weird, I know. But the thing is, the book would have been perfect...had it just been edited down some. Gabaldon is a true wordsmith, but I fear her talent for words resulted in this book being rather too full of them. You wouldn't think such a thing was possible, but I assure you, it is. It's not that the book is too long, I love long stories. It's that the book is too long simply due to the endless political machinations and battle descriptions. I felt some of this could have been sped along without compromising the historical integrity of the work.

That being said, I'm glad I read it. I'm onto the third now, and really looking forward to more adventure.
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Reading Progress

December 18, 2011 – Started Reading
December 18, 2011 – Shelved
December 20, 2011 –
41.0% "OK, so...Claire doesn't want Jamie to kill Jack Randall because then Frank would cease to exist....and apparently, she hasn't once considered the fact that Mary Hawkins will have to have sex with Jack Randall in order for that to happen. Nice."
December 26, 2011 –
54.0% "Moving along slowly on this one. That's probably due to the fact that the "political intrigue" is flatter than Nebraska."
January 5, 2012 –
54.0% "Haven't picked this one up in a while. Can't bring myself to, knowing what's coming..."
May 30, 2012 –
May 30, 2012 –
83.0% "Is it just me, or is this book almost mind-numbingly boring? I appreciate Gabaldon's talent and attention to detail, but this is just fucking DULL."
September 29, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 72 (72 new)

message 1: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Agree. 100% CANNOT FINISH.

Katrina Passick Lumsden My mom managed to make it through the first and second within the last month! I don't know how she did it. I'm a fast reader, and the fact that I haven't been able to finish this is really bugging me, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

message 3: by Kara (new)

Kara I couldn't even make it through the sample on my kindle :-(

message 4: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten Lenius I read it years ago and there is absolutely nothing of the book that remains in my memory, save for the title, if that tells you anything.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Kara, I think that aside from our mutual hatred of FSoG, our tastes are pretty different. It's all good, though, opposites attract and all that, hehe;)

I loved the first book and was really looking forward to continuing the series, but it's just so.damn.trying.

Someone told me the third one is better, so here's to hoping I can finish it and move on to that one.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Kirsten wrote: "I read it years ago and there is absolutely nothing of the book that remains in my memory, save for the title, if that tells you anything."

Yeah, that's not a good sign. Although, there's just so much packed into this one, I think it starts to fry your synapses or something.

message 7: by Kara (new)

Kara Katrina wrote: Someone told me the third one is better, so here's to hoping I can finish it and move on to that one.

Didn't someone once tell you that about a certain Christian Grey trilogy ;-)

Seriously, I don't think I even knew that this was a sequel, I think I liked the description in kindle and tried to read it, which would explain why I found it so difficult to read...

I don't know if I have the same tastes as most of my friends. But those books that we bonded over because we hated so much...well, that's what makes a friendship! LOL

message 8: by Marnie (new)

Marnie I couldn't make it through the first book, gave this one to my sister along with Outlander and told her I heard they were good.....waiting for retribution.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Kara wrote: "Katrina wrote: Someone told me the third one is better, so here's to hoping I can finish it and move on to that one.

Didn't someone once tell you that about a certain Christian Grey trilogy ;-)


Actually, no one told me Fifty Shades was good, I went in knowing full-well it was going to be bad. I'm sick like that, lol.

Mutual hatred does form a strong bond;)

Yeah, Outlander is the first book in this series, and I still love that one. This one, though...eh.

Mmcgah I loved this series!! Read all 7 and waiting for 8 to be released. This one and I think the 5th one are a little difficult to get through sometimes.

Staci Hart All of her books should have been 200 pages shorter than they were. There's so much useless garbage. I got through the 5th one and had to take a break. All of them dip in the middle for a good 100-150 pages. Edit, Gabaldon!! EDIT!

Katrina Passick Lumsden Mmcgah wrote: "I loved this series!! Read all 7 and waiting for 8 to be released. This one and I think the 5th one are a little difficult to get through sometimes."

Honestly, I'm really glad to know that! It gives me hope that once (if) I ever make it through the 2nd one, I'll be back to loving it once again.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Staci wrote: "All of her books should have been 200 pages shorter than they were. There's so much useless garbage. I got through the 5th one and had to take a break. All of them dip in the middle for a good 100..."

Yeah, I can't figure out why her editor didn't have something to say about it. I made it through the first one without a problem, loving every minute of it, but this one...man, how many battle preparation/battle/post-battle chapters am I going to have to read? And their entire time living in France? I think I've forgotten half of it.

Mmcgah The middle part in almost all of her books lags a little. But they always end on a cliff hanger and by the point you are usually invested and need more Jamie and Claire, LOL. It usually takes her 4-5 years to write these books and that's because of all the historical research she does. But you are right, all the battles, etc. do get a little tedious. But keep trying, I think they are worth it :)

Staci Hart I really, really enjoyed the third book. I think that one is my favorite (well, after the first one). Rambling books suck the works. Honestly by the fifth book and almost 6,000 pages I was over it.

I do appreciate, however, finding out that I have a thing for giant redheads in skirts. hmmm.

message 16: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten Lenius Katrina wrote:
"Yeah, that's not a good sign. Although, there's just so much packed into this one, I think it starts to fry your synapses or something."

I agree. There is a reason that even if you have developed a hugely intricate world system and a highly detailed character background, you never dump it all on the reader at once. It is the gradual unveiling of the background information that is interesting and makes the reader remember. A dry, historical infodump will only make their eyes glaze over, rather than engaging them.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Mmcgah wrote: "The middle part in almost all of her books lags a little. But they always end on a cliff hanger and by the point you are usually invested and need more Jamie and Claire, LOL. It usually takes her..."

I'll keep at it, don't worry:)

Katrina Passick Lumsden Staci wrote: "I do appreciate, however, finding out that I have a thing for giant redheads in skirts. hmmm."

What a coincidence, me too! Huh.


Katrina Passick Lumsden Kirsten wrote: "A dry, historical infodump will only make their eyes glaze over, rather than engaging them."

I've taken to mouth-breathing and drooling. That's when I know it's time to put it down for a little while (again).

message 20: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten Lenius I understsnd that state of mind, Katrina!

message 21: by C.E. (new)

C.E. Paul Damn, I bought the first 2 of this series 'cause I heard a Battlestar Galactica producer was trying to get them turned into a TV series: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/57092

Katrina Passick Lumsden I wouldn't worry too much, C. Like I said, I love the first one. Love it. This one just needed to be pared down some.

If they turn this into a series, I am so watching. =)

message 23: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten Lenius Meeeee toooooo! Giant redheads in kilts. Yum.

Christy Although I love this whole series, DIA is my least favorite. I think you have to read it to understand what happends in all the later books, but not one I would re-read.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Thanks for that, Cmblaker, that gives me hope:)

Noelle I loved this series, but yes this book was hard to get through. :(

Christy Welcome, Katrina! Hurry up & finish it so you can get to #3 Voyager. My favorite!! ;)

Amanda Hamilton The third book has been sitting on my shelf for the longest time. I had been waiting until I found a copy of the first book so I'd know what's going on...aaand now I'm not so sure :P

Katrina Passick Lumsden I definitely recommend the first. Even if you don't continue with the series, the first book is (to me) really good.

Amanda Hamilton Alright. I'll try to hunt it down :P

Lynxie Just and FYI - Book #2 is the worst. It does get better in book 3

Katrina Passick Lumsden Lynxie wrote: "Just and FYI - Book #2 is the worst. It does get better in book 3"

Thanks, Lynxie! My mom just told me the same thing, as she's on book #3 now.

message 33: by Erin (new)

Erin Clark I finished it but could not bring myself to continue with the series. Blech is all I can say.

message 34: by Erin (new)

Erin Clark And loved your reviews for the grey trilogy - had my daughter laughing out loud! She felt exactly like you did about those books.

Karen Gabaldon loses herself, and many of her readers, with her unfortunate habit of going into far too much detail over the most inane things. I've managed to get through the first four books of the series and it was excruciating--by the middle of the first book, I discovered the only way to make it through was to SKIM.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Thanks, Erin! I'm hoping I can finish the second, at least. We'll see.

I agree, Karen, she just goes way too far in. I like detail, but the detail in this book, and the mundane everyday happenings, are just too much.

Yodamom The audio is 39 hours long- I listened to it all of it. I will never recover. So slow, so ------------zzzzzzzz

Katrina Passick Lumsden Oh....well, sweet licorice, that's...a cure for insomnia, perhaps?


message 39: by Elis (new) - added it

Elis Madison I've hung onto the book for years and I've tried three times to read it because several friends rave about it. I just can't get into it. I love Scotland and history, but...

Kella I've gotten around the eye-watering detail spam by putting them on audiobook and just letting my iPhone drone on in the background. If the water running from me washing dishes drowns out the five minutes of describing what every damned Rue de ... looks like, complete with painted whores A, B, and C, then I chalk it up to info which I may be reminded about three chapters to an entire book from now. Voyager kinda tore my enthusiasm, though. Since then, I've been struggling to complete the series just for a sense of completion and loyalty. I love her writing sometimes, but ... /sigh

message 41: by Kate (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kate Did you finish? This book really pissed me off, but I made it through, and I ended up liking it. The rest of the series was so much better! The first book just rocked, though.

Katrina Passick Lumsden No. Sadly, I still have not finished.

Megan I LOVE these books!!!

Linds I thought this one was boring too, the next one is much more exciting. Things actually happen instead of Jamie and Claire going to court the whole time practically.

message 45: by Jenn (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jenn Valentine I do believe that is why I finally gave up the ghost book 4.

message 46: by Bana (new) - rated it 5 stars

Bana It gets worse, I read up to the last one, and the last one, OMG was just terrible, like the author just cranked something out to make the publisher happy, at some point can the damn story end?

Elizabeth I found the framing device just removed all of the suspense for me. I knew what was going to happen, he was going to join the doomed fight like Rhett Butler, for honor, and all the time spent in France was mostly pointless treading water.

message 48: by JK (new) - rated it 3 stars

JK It gets worse. There comes a point where she and Jamie are involved in every significant experience in American History. Don't make the mistake I did and read the next 5 or 6 (lost count actually). I just kept wishing they would die so the stories would end.

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

Aww, man. I've actually read the entire series of this - her first novels were really good, and as typical series go - it just went downhill as the books got bigger :)

Katrina Passick Lumsden All your comments are just cracking me up! I still haven't finished this, by the way. I'm beginning to think I don't have the strength.

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