Mario the lone bookwolf's Reviews > Norse Mythology

Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: gaiman-neil

Retelling and thereby pimping the original stuff

Like rarely someone except Gaiman could
His talent is incredible and extra fueled by his love for the material, so there´s simply no alternative if one is a mythology nerd. It´s also an example of the fact that

Ancient storytelling often fails in comparison with reboots
That´s kind of unfair too, because they invented storytelling and each nowadays author has several advantages. The millennia that passed and the works that have since been created to get inspiration from and steal everything that isn´t approved Loki safe standard, but especially the fact that creative writing can be learned, not to mention the importance of tvtropes. Or maybe modern writers just thereby subconsciously compensate for the fact that most stories have already been told and that there just can be

New interpretations of the gold standards
Let´s face it, we´re kind of always reading the same fantasy, sci fi, and horror tropes in different constellations, but it´s still always a hell of a ride. Especially if someone like Gaiman is so nice to tell us stories we should already be bored of. But instead of repeating one more round until boredom kicks in, he raises the level of how rousing a story can be and burns clearer pictures in our collective memory.

And there are still hidden mythology treasures from all around the world to be explored
Just as with the famous, mostly European, tales, their extra layer of ancient storytelling stylistics could be polished to make them more attractive to modern audiences. The sheer potential is immense and could lead to a similar avalanche of fictional stories inspired by them.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
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June 5, 2018 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by Karina (new)

Karina Your review is great, Mario. You’re so right though. These mythologies are told and retold in a number of ways. Glad this was a hit

message 2: by A. (new)

A. A splendid review, Mario!

Mario the lone bookwolf Karina wrote: "Your review is great, Mario. You’re so right though. These mythologies are told and retold in a number of ways. Glad this was a hit"

Ancient old ones are often gold ones

Mario the lone bookwolf A. wrote: "A splendid review, Mario!"

Thank you

H (is anyone getting notifications) Balikov Hearing Gaiman read this book raised it to an even higher level

message 6: by Gary (new)

Gary Nice review Mario

Mario the lone bookwolf HBalikov wrote: "Hearing Gaiman read this book raised it to an even higher level"

Yes, although it was close to impossible to do this. Gaiman is just incredible

Mario the lone bookwolf Gary wrote: "Nice review Mario"

Thank you

Imme van Gorp This is really the only Norse mythology book I read, but it was so interesting and fun. I have yet to find another one like it! Awesome review <3

message 10: by Mario the lone bookwolf (last edited Jul 20, 2023 11:48AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mario the lone bookwolf Imme wrote: "This is really the only Norse mythology book I read, but it was so interesting and fun. I have yet to find another one like it! Awesome review <3"

I suggest reading tvtropes Myth/NorseMythology (and Wikipedia focusing on Norse mythology) until you find another good read.
"Norse Mythology provides examples of:" is pure gold, because one has associations with all kinds of media while reading the tropes from A to Z.

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