Manybooks's Reviews > Emil and the Detectives

Emil and the Detectives by Erich Kästner
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bookshelves: book-reviews, childrens-literature, classics, erich-kastner, friendship, german-literature, mysteries, translations
Read 7 times. Last read February 6, 2021.

Please do note that Emil's exploits, that the story itself, in its German original, while never a personal favourite, is and will always remain a solid three star read for me (enjoyable, but also not spectacular). And yes, the above one star rating is simply because the new 2007 translation by W. Martin absolutely and totally leaves so very much to be desired (especially for someone such as I who likes her translations as close to the original as possible and not updated or altered all that much). My review will thus be in two parts (first, general musings on Emil's Berlin escapades as a whole, gleaned mostly from my review of the German original, as the general themes and my issues with some of them remain the same, and then a more in-depth analysis of this particular recent English language translation, and why I personally consider it majorly substandard in every way).


First published in 1929, Erich Kästner's Emil und die Detektive (Emil and the Detectives in English translations) especially and brilliantly sparkles and glows with its sense of time and place, with its urban realism, its palpably authentic and genuine representation and description of Berlin (the actual capital city of the Germany of the Weimar Republic, a lively and throbbing modern metropolis, and not some vague environs set in either a magical present or a distant historical past).

Also and for me personally, first reading about Emil's adventures and exploits in Berlin, more than forty years later in 1975 (when I was nine years old and approximately a year before we immigrated from what was then West Germany to Canada, and thus in the German original, of course), with the Berlin Wall at that time still firmly in place and East Berlin, like all of East Germany, for all intents and purposes cut off from West Germany, Emil und die Detektive was basically the only way for me to even remotely be able to experience the at that time still former capital of Germany (from 1949 until reunification, while East Berlin remained the capital of East Germany, the capital of West Germany was Bonn), since unless one had family members in the East, it was often very difficult if not impossible for many if not most West Germans to even obtain permission from East Germany to cross over, to visit (and neither did we have relatives in East Germany nor did my parents desire to frequent East Germany as that, according to them, would have been catering to Erich Honecker and the Soviet Union, and even the idea of perhaps visiting West Berlin was never remotely entertained or considered).

Aside from the above mentioned and appreciated immediacy, the both harsh and at times delightful reality of urban existence, Emil und die Detektive is primarily a novel of not only adventure and friendship, but essentially, a glorification of children and their abilities, their hidden and not so hidden strengths and talents. Emil and his new friends tracking and then apprehending the scoundrel who had robbed Emil of his money clearly and succinctly demonstrates to ALL (including parents, including adults) that the young are NOT (and should never be) mere bastions of inactivity and quietude (to be seen but not heard, to be sitting silently and attentively at school, at church or at home), but that children can do, that if they join forces and work together, they can (at least within the confines of this story) even take the job of the authorities, of adult detectives (and that there is safety and comfort in numbers, that as a team, collectively, much can be accomplished).

That being said, and even though I realise that from all of Erich Kästner's children's novels, Emil und die Detektive remains his most famous and well known (especially in North America and Great Britain, especially in translation), there are some rather major and unfortunate issues with datedness and stratified gender roles present. Emil's female cousin Pony Hütchen (Pony of the Hat), while clearly represented in many ways as both the most imaginative and even the most courageous of the children, unfortunately also seems to be primarily a maternal representative, a motherly type whose role is first and foremost that of a caregiver and liaison (and it is thus Emil and the boys of the group who later earn all or at least most of the accolades, who are feted as having apprehended the thief).

Now I do very well realise that Emil und die Detektive was penned, was published in the 1920s and that for its time (for 1929), both the story itself and the featured characters are actually quite if not very avant-garde (even with regard to Pony Hütchen, who while she might indeed languish somewhat as a typical maternal caregiver like entity, is at least permitted, is at least allowed freedom and vitality, is not simply confined to the house or to a finishing school, sewing or learning how to "be a lady"). I just do find it somewhat frustrating that even though many of Erich Kästner's later novels for children often portray considerably less gender stratification (and even actual criticism of the latter), they are often not nearly as familiar and even as available to especially English language readers. Still, Emil und die Detektive remains highly recommended as a story, and is perhaps even a good place to start (especially if one desires to read Erich Kästner's children's writing sociologically and/or historically).


I have not, as yet, read the earlier May Massee translation of Emil und die Detektive (but am planning on doing so in the near future, as I have heard very positive critiques of it from trusted GR friends, thanks Cheryl and Michael).

Now I do realise that translations are never and can never be exactly like the original (and in fact, translations that strive to be too literal can often have the tendency to read haltingly and tediously, painfully like translations and not as stories, as accounts in and of themselves). But that being said, a given translation should still strive to keep as close to the original as possible, mirroring both style and especially time and place of the original narrative (and of course, content and themes as well). And although W. Martin's translation does read fluently enough, and yes, even portrays Emil's escapes in Berlin for the most part authentically and realistically, especially his (or her) choice of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions sometimes (far too often) make me shake my head in consternation (and actually leaves me both frustrated and yes, even rather, no actually very much angry and annoyed).

And first and foremost (and even in this here new translation), Emil and the Detectives is still clearly presented as a novel set in Berlin, no rather, it is set in 1920s Berlin. And thus, it makes precious little sense that so many of the jargon-like expressions used by especially Gus (Gustave) feel more like late 20th, early 21st century vernacular. Sorry, but no one in 1920s Berlin would have called someone dude, nor would the German word Lump have been the equivalent of scumbag in a novel set in 1920s Berlin. And I actually rather doubt that scumbag would even have been all that much in existence in the vernacular of most English speaking countries at that time, and in my opinion, the correct, or rather the best translation of Lump should be scoundrel, as scumbag fits neither the time nor the place (and these are just a select few such examples, there are, unfortunately quite a number of them present throughout the translated narrative, rendering the discourse, the textual flow unintentionally anachronistic and to me, unnatural and disconcerting). And the thief who robbed Emil, in the German original, he is repeatedly described as a Halunke, which is the equivalent of villain and CERTAINLY NOT jerk as the translator, as W. Martin has rendered the former (for the individual who robbed Emil is more than a mere jerk, he is a criminal, a thief, a villain).

And while the anachronistic use of late 20th, early 21st century discourse and jargon is indeed somewhat irritating, I find the woefully haphazard manner in which personal and geographic names have been either anglicised or kept German by W. Martin even more of an issue, even more perplexing. Now personally, I always tend to be of the opinion that unless a given name is unpronounceable or unspellable if kept in the original, geographic locations and first and surnames should NOT generally, as a rule, be translated. However, that being said, if a translator is going to be rendering names, places and such into the target language, he or she should be consistent throughout, and either translate ALL names etc. or conversely NONE of them. And with this fact, this personal opinion in mind, W. Martin's 2007 Emil and the Detectives presents the exact opposite, namely a (for me) vexing and irritating combination of some personal names being kept in the German original and others translated into English counterparts. Why, for example, is Emil's surname, Tischbein, translated as Tabletoe, and why is one of the names of the villain, Grundeis, rendered as Groundsnow, while many if not most of the other surnames are kept German? But even more problematic, why is Emil's hometown of Neustadt (which does exist in Germany, well actually, there are a number of cities that go by that name) translated as New Town by W. Martin, while both Berlin and Hanover appear as they would in German, in Germany (although in Germany, Hanover is spelled with a double n, Hannover)? Not to mention that even the description of Berlin landmarks and street names suffer from this inconsistency, with some being translated into an English version and others keeping their German spelling. And yes, this strange and unnecessary combination of German and English names, with really no rhyme or reason, and even more so than the translator's use of anachronisms with regard to dialogue and discourse, has made me rather majorly if not totally despise the new 2007 translation of Emil's story and has also made me really hesitant to in any manner consider recommending W. Martin's version of Emil and the Detectives (even though it is seemingly much more readily available than the earlier translation of May Massee, and while I have not yet read the latter, the fact that many of my GR friends glowingly appreciate and love her rendition, this does majorly encourage me, and really truly, there are simply far far too many niggling and frustratingly infuriating issues with W. Martin's translation for me to consider suggesting it to anyone with a guiltless conscience).
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November 23, 2009 – Shelved (Paperback Edition)
December 6, 2009 – Shelved as: childrens-litera... (Paperback Edition)
January 7, 2010 – Shelved as: erich-kastner (Paperback Edition)
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October 15, 2016 – Shelved as: friendship (Paperback Edition)
October 15, 2016 – Shelved as: german-literature (Paperback Edition)
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October 30, 2016 – Shelved as: childrens-literature
October 30, 2016 – Shelved as: classics
October 30, 2016 – Shelved as: erich-kastner
October 30, 2016 – Shelved as: friendship
October 30, 2016 – Shelved as: german-literature
October 30, 2016 – Shelved as: mysteries
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February 6, 2021 – Finished Reading
February 6, 2021 – Finished Reading (Paperback Edition)

Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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message 1: by Matt (last edited Oct 30, 2016 10:17AM) (new) - added it

Matt Danke, sehr aufschlussreich! Dass die sprechenden Namen wie "Tischbein" und "Grundeis" [ich glaube, der schreibt sich mit nur einem s hinten] auf Teufel komm raus ins Englische übersetzt werden, halte ich auch für keine gute Idee. Gleiches gilt für die Städtenamen. Wobei ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob damals (also in den 1920'n) Hannover mit einem, oder mit zwei n geschrieben wurde. Heute jedenfalls mit zwei im Deutschen und einem n im Englischen.
Vor einiger Zeit hatte ich mal einen Roman von Stephen King in English gelesen und gleichzeitig das deutsche Hörbuch gehört. Es war recht interessant, aber auch mühsam Satz für Satz zu vergleichen. Das ist dabei herausgekommen:

Manybooks Matt wrote: "Danke, sehr aufschlussreich! Dass die sprechenden Namen wie "Tischbein" und "Grundeis" [ich glaube, der schreibt sich mit nur einem s hinten] auf Teufel komm raus ins Englische übersetzt werden, ha..."

Ich habe das eine "n" benutzt weil viele englische Leser das sonst nicht verstehen, leider. New Town für Neustadt hat mich riesig aufgeregt (und manche Berliner Straßen waren angliziert andere nicht). Aber der Gute hat die Melone die der Dieb auf seinem Kopf trägt doch wirklich mit "melon" übersetzt, aber ich wollte meine Rezension nicht noch länger werden lassen.

Manybooks Matt wrote: "Danke, sehr aufschlussreich! Dass die sprechenden Namen wie "Tischbein" und "Grundeis" [ich glaube, der schreibt sich mit nur einem s hinten] auf Teufel komm raus ins Englische übersetzt werden, ha..."

Wenn der Übersetzer oder die Übersetzerin alle Namen auf Englisch übertragen hätte, während ich dies nicht unbedingt geschätzt hätte, wäre es weniger frustrierend als diese komische Kombination von englischen and deutschen Namen und Städte.

message 4: by Matt (new) - added it

Matt Dann hätte er wenigstens "Newton" schreiben können. Und "melon" für den Hut geht natürlich gar nicht. Wenn ich mir überlege, wie viel Mühe sich manch andere Übersetzer machen, um einzelne Wörter möglichst gut zu übertragen, und dann solche Schnitzer hier. Schon traurig. Aber es ist ja auch nur ein Kinderbuch.

Michael Fitzgerald Thanks for a most illuminating review. Your insight on translation issues is always welcome.

message 6: by Manybooks (last edited Oct 30, 2016 11:31AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Manybooks Michael wrote: "Thanks for a most illuminating review. Your insight on translation issues is always welcome."

Michael, do NOT bother with 2007 translation, it is simply annoying and anachronistic to boot.

message 7: by Manybooks (last edited Oct 30, 2016 02:33PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Manybooks Matt wrote: "Dann hätte er wenigstens "Newton" schreiben können. Und "melon" für den Hut geht natürlich gar nicht. Wenn ich mir überlege, wie viel Mühe sich manch andere Übersetzer machen, um einzelne Wörter mö..."

Ich glaube, er oder sie hat nicht im Wörterbuch nachgeschlagen, obwohl jede normaldenkende Person sich hätte wundern müssen warum der Herr Grundeis Obst auf dem Kopf trägt.

message 8: by Francie (new)

Francie Sehr interessante Rezension! Übersetzungen sind immer heikel, aber "New Town" und "melon" sind wirklich furchtbar. Wurde denn die Geschichte intakt gelassen? Gekürzte oder geänderte Übersetzungen finde ich immer besonders schrecklich.

Manybooks Francie wrote: "Sehr interessante Rezension! Übersetzungen sind immer heikel, aber "New Town" und "melon" sind wirklich furchtbar. Wurde denn die Geschichte intakt gelassen? Gekürzte oder geänderte Übersetzungen f..."

Die Geschichte selbst sieht so weit ich es sehe, intakt aus (es wurde nichts oder nur sehr wenig gekürzt). Es is also zum größten Teil der Stil der Übersetzung, der mir nicht gefällt, nicht so problematisch wie eine Kürzung, aber immerhin (leider ist die angeblich bessere englische Übersetzung von May Massee vergriffen).

message 10: by Abigail (new) - added it

Abigail As always, Gundula, an informative and engaging review. Regarding the translation of certain vocabulary - the use of words like jerk, scumbag, dude, etc. - I suspect the translator was trying not just to translate from German to English, but also to 'modernize.' Which is unfortunate, given that it robs the work (at least in part) of its temporal underpinning. I don't expect books written one hundred years ago to feature characters who speak as if they lived today. Regarding the translation of place and character names, I tend to agree: choose one road, and stick to it! I've heard that the French translations of Harry Potter use different names for most of the major characters, which has always seemed unnecessary to me.

One final thought: as you know, I also review multiple translations of the same work, from time to time, as well as multiple illustrated retellings of the same tale. Is there any chance I could convince you to indicate which version you are reviewing, at the top of your reviews? I noticed, when reading your various reviews of 'Etwas von den Wurzelkindern,' that it was not always easy to tell, on the book page, which review was for which edition. Just a thought of course! I enjoy your reviews either way, and always manage to figure it out.

Manybooks Abigail wrote: "As always, Gundula, an informative and engaging review. Regarding the translation of certain vocabulary - the use of words like jerk, scumbag, dude, etc. - I suspect the translator was trying not j..."

Good point, I will try to remember to do this from now on, as it is also sometimes difficult for me to keep them straight.

Manybooks Abigail wrote: "As always, Gundula, an informative and engaging review. Regarding the translation of certain vocabulary - the use of words like jerk, scumbag, dude, etc. - I suspect the translator was trying not j..."

The problem of course is that the story still takes place in 1920s Berlin but the characters jargon feels modern.

message 13: by Ivy-Mabel (new)

Ivy-Mabel Fling I picked this up in German at the local Oxfam bookshop and shall read it next! Thanks for your very interesting review of it - I know it is a gap in my education not to have read, but you have spurred me on to do so!

message 14: by Ivy-Mabel (new)

Ivy-Mabel Fling to have read it .. (sorry)

Manybooks Ivy-Mabel wrote: "I picked this up in German at the local Oxfam bookshop and shall read it next! Thanks for your very interesting review of it - I know it is a gap in my education not to have read, but you have spur..."

The German original is extremely well known and Kästner's most famous children's novel but I have found many of his other novels for children much better.

message 16: by Ivy-Mabel (new)

Ivy-Mabel Fling Thanks - which ones would you consider better?

Manybooks Ivy-Mabel wrote: "Thanks - which ones would you consider better?"

The May Massee translation is much better but you will have to see if you can find it used as it is sadly no longer in print.

Manybooks Ivy-Mabel wrote: "Thanks - which ones would you consider better?"

Das doppelte Lottchen and Das fliegende Klassenzimmer are my favourites.

message 19: by Ivy-Mabel (new)

Ivy-Mabel Fling Thanks a lot! I have read Das doppelte Lottchen, albeit a long time ago, but I will get hold of the other one. I am enjoying Emil - the copy I picked up at the charity shop was so old that there was a postcard in it with pictures of Berlin, Hauptstadt der DDR!

Manybooks Ivy-Mabel wrote: "Thanks a lot! I have read Das doppelte Lottchen, albeit a long time ago, but I will get hold of the other one. I am enjoying Emil - the copy I picked up at the charity shop was so old that there wa..."

That's pretty cool.

Orinoco Womble (tidy bag and all) As a translator myself, I highly recommend May Massee's translation. Not only because it was the one I first read as a child back in the late 60s but because the 2007 version is going to date very, very fast due to its use of up to the moment slang. That moment has already passed in some degree and it will only get worse. I bought the 2007 translation by mistake and really hated it. You may find Massee's translation on Amazon or Abebooks; a kind GR friend sent me her old Scholastic Books copy.

Manybooks Orinoco Womble (tidy bag and all) wrote: "As a translator myself, I highly recommend May Massee's translation. Not only because it was the one I first read as a child back in the late 60s but because the 2007 version is going to date very,..."

The 2007 translation is a joke.

Orinoco Womble (tidy bag and all) No it isn't--jokes are funny and amusing. The 2007 translation is an insult to both the author and all translators everywhere.

Manybooks Orinoco Womble (tidy bag and all) wrote: "No it isn't--jokes are funny and amusing. The 2007 translation is an insult to both the author and all translators everywhere."

Oh I agree, it is one of the worst pieces of “translation” I have ever seen.

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