Debbie's Reviews > Fall on Your Knees

Fall on Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald
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I have never read a book quite like this one. Beautiful writing, unique and gorgeous metaphors, a wild and primitive yet gorgeous Nova Scotia location, yet with the darkest themes known to mankind. This is not a light read about a family. This is about the most dysfunctional family ever, with secrets, misunderstandings, death, disease, bootlegging, racism, rape, child abuse, prostitution, violence, all tangled up with religion, mostly Catholicism. It also includes a music theme throughout-hymns, blues, Christmas songs, opera, singing, pianos, etc. This is about a mining community that includes people from all over the globe. It is about taking care of family, no matter the morally skewed methods.

I honestly am not sure whether or not I liked this book-I don’t even know if liking it is possible. At first, I would compare it to an auto accident-you simply cannot look away. Then it becomes an unfolding, right up till the last page. In the end, I would say that it is worth the read, as long as you can accept the blunt subject matter, because the characters are so well-drawn.
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Reading Progress

December 24, 2015 – Shelved
December 24, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
May 29, 2023 – Started Reading
June 4, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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Sujoya - theoverbookedbibliophile Beautiful review, Debbie!😊

Jodi You're so right, Debbie! This book is on of my "Favourites" of all time and I gave it 5-stars. Not because I "liked it", but because it was one of the most unforgettable, beautifully written books I've ever read. Another of hers - The Way the Crow Flies - is also one of my "Favourites" of all time. And I could say the same about it. It's based on the Stephen Truscott story - one of the most famous and heartbreaking of all Canadian crime stories. It's something I'll never forget as it was very much in the headlines when I was young. He was sentenced to hang for a murder he did not commit, and was released on parole when I was 13, but I was 51 before he was acquitted of all charges! It's an unbearably sad story. If you haven't read the book yet, I'd highly recommend it. And, Debbie, if you look up Stephen Truscott on Wikipedia, I'll make you an Honorary Canadian.😉

Shelley's Book Nook Lovely review, Debbie. 💕

Debbie ❀Shelley's Book Nook❀ wrote: "Lovely review, Debbie. 💕"

Thank you, Shelley. It was a tough one to read, but glad that I did.

Debbie Sujoya wrote: "Beautiful review, Debbie!😊"

Thank you. It was a really hard book to read.

Debbie Jodi wrote: "You're so right, Debbie! This book is on of my "Favourites" of all time and I gave it 5-stars. Not because I "liked it", but because it was one of the most unforgettable, beautifully written books ..."

Jodi I am surprised you love this book so much! I know you don't generally read dark things, and this book was DARK. I have not read The Way the Crow Flies, but I will. I added it. I read about Stephen Truscott as you suggested. What a tragedy in so many ways. It's interesting what we remember from childhood-this made quite an impact, obviously.

Jodi It's quite true that I now shy away from really dark things, but I read Fall on Your Knees several years ago - when I was still relatively adventurous.😉 Now, I don't remember many details about it; mostly just the lasting affect it had on me. The Way the Crow Flies is quite different, and I really hope you'll enjoy it. I think you will.

And now I've begun to think about it, Debbie and, I'm not exactly certain why but, my tastes have REALLY changed a lot over the last 10-15 years. It might take a therapist to make me understand why, though.🤔

Debbie Jodi wrote: "It's quite true that I now shy away from really dark things, but I read Fall on Your Knees several years ago - when I was still relatively adventurous.😉 Now, I don't remember many details about it;..."

Interesting! I would never have thought that this would be a read for you. It was pretty dark, for sure. Let's hire said therapist and see what she has to say!

Jodi Debbie wrote: "Jodi wrote: "It's quite true that I now shy away from really dark things, but I read Fall on Your Knees several years ago - when I was still relatively adventurous.😉 Now, I don't remember many deta..."

Ha-Ha!! I probably picked it up at first only because MacDonald is Canadian. I know there was emotional abuse and maybe some incest(?), but that kind of "darkness" I can usually handle. But the "darkness" I cannot handle is hatred, deceit and, of course, violence. And if it's violence against an animal, then watch out!!😠 I will avenge them!😉

Debbie Jodi wrote: "Debbie wrote: "Jodi wrote: "It's quite true that I now shy away from really dark things, but I read Fall on Your Knees several years ago - when I was still relatively adventurous.😉 Now, I don't rem..."

I hear you! I think it's interesting to ponder how and when our reading interests change. Some of it, obviously, is refining what we like as we age, but also trying to remember where we were in our lives when the changes happened. I have just suffered a big loss, and I did not want to read the next books on my list. So I went to the library and browsed around and took a few out that I had not planned on reading. Sometimes changes in our lives dictate changes in reading and music, at least for me.

message 11: by Jodi (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jodi Debbie wrote: "I have just suffered a big loss, and I did not want to read the next books on my list."

Oh no... Debbie, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Your the second GR friend to tell me this in the last little while. If there's anything you need - or if you want to talk - I'll be happy to help. I'm very sorry.🌷

Debbie Jodi wrote: "Debbie wrote: "I have just suffered a big loss, and I did not want to read the next books on my list."

Oh no... Debbie, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Your the second GR friend to tell me this..."

You could be one of the kindest people ever. I appreciate your words. I lost my darling husband in August. He had a progressive neurological disease for the last several years. It has been a long journey, Jodi. I am a bit beaten up, but I will weather the storm. Thank you for your friendship.

message 13: by Jodi (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jodi Debbie wrote: "Jodi wrote: "Debbie wrote: "I have just suffered a big loss, and I did not want to read the next books on my list."

Oh no... Debbie, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Your the second GR friend to..."

Oh Debbie, I had no idea you'd been going through such a difficult time! I doubt there could be anything worse than losing your life mate. I'm so incredibly sorry. I can't even imagine how lost you must feel. Are you doing O.K.? Do you have children nearby? I'm sure there's nothing I could say that would help, but please, please reach out if you need anything at all. I feel so sad for you and I wish I could be there to give you a hug!
Please take good care of yourself. And don't be shy to lean on someone when you need a friend because that's exactly what friends are for. I'll be thinking of you, sweet Debbie. Be well, my friend.💙🧸🧡

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