Dustin's Reviews > The Dragonbone Chair

The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: classics, fantasy, favorites

“The Dragonbone Chair stood like a strange alter-untenanted, surrounded by bright, dancing motes of dust, flanked by statues of the Hayholt’s six High Kings..”

Last fall, my good friend and fellow A Song of Ice and Fire enthusiast, Cheryl Hall, invited me to join her in the reading of The Dragonbone Chair. I immediately said yes, for four reasons: Tad Williams was a new author for me, one I’d been curious about every since the 1998 publication of City of Golden Shadow, Book I in his Otherland series; I love the fantasy genre, and; I very much look forward to buddy read’s. But what really piqued my interest was the fact that Williams novel was a significant influence in George R.R. Martin's writing of A Song of Ice and Fire.


Tad Williams impressed me almost instantaneously. His simplistic style lends the prose an ease of flow rarely seen in epic fantasy, without sacrificing its vivid nature, as well as other important qualities. And while the first half did drag somewhat, I found it quite compelling. The words used weren’t wasted, as Williams took the time and effort to develop Simon’s character, whom I grew to adore, alongside a select few supporting characters. However, I thought the lack of well-roundedness in some of the other characters left much to be desired. Hopefully we’ll get more backstory in the books to come.
But that isn’t all. He also provided some fascinating history of the peaceful land, Osten Ard, and especially that of the elvishlike Sithi. His world-building skills aren’t bad, either, though perhaps my expectations were too high. Unrealistic, even.

As Jarnauga intoned, there are “stories within stories,” here.

Things really began to take shape in Part Two, aptly entitled, Simon Pilgrim, and even more so in the next, Simon Snowlock. Particularly throughout the third section, the writing became more crisp, enriched with deep, meaning friendships between these characters as they journeyed forth. Tensions solidified, alliances were formed, the supernatural beautifully uplifted. Most intriguing of all, excluding the various political scheming and its ramifications (which I enjoyed almost as much,) was Williams incorporation of prophecy:

“And Shadows walk upon the road
When water blackens in the Well
Three Swords must come again..”

From Part Three onward, this California native recognized his strengths and kneaded them meticulously, until his mold became equally incredible and unexpected. And unbelievable, really. All this, and much more, wasn’t merely written for his benefit, but for his reader’s enjoyment, as well. None of it felt contrived, idealistic, or convoluted to me, either. In fact, it could have easily been more complex, and I wouldn’t have minded in the least. In addition, Williams obviously wrote it for the simple fact that there was nothing quite like it, upon publication in 1988. Essentially, he wrote something that he’d like to read.

“When Bukken from the Earth do creep
And Hunen from the heights descend
When Nightmare throttles peaceful Sleep..”

The author’s passion shines most brightly-like a sharp, gleaming sword– in the last three chapters. Nearly every element came into play (and those that didn’t, leave you gasping for more,) and soon escalated with the turn of a page. I couldn’t flip them fast enough, in all earnestness, resulting in an adrenaline-laced, on-the-edge-of-my-seat SHOCKER of an ending.
It’s almost uncanny when you think about just how good and awesome this final section is.

I am still in awe, my mind won’t stop reeling, and I desperately need the next book, Stone of Farewell. Very nicely done, Tad! Highly recommended!

“To turn the stride of treading Fate
To clear the fogging Mists of Time
If Early shall resist Too Late
Three Swords must come again.”

I miss you, Seoman, with all my heart..
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Quotes Dustin Liked

Tad Williams
“He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder.”
Tad Williams, The Dragonbone Chair

Tad Williams
“Has everyone gone mad?”

“Everyone was mad already, my lady,” Cadrach said with a strange, sorrowful smile. “It is merely that the times have brought it out in them.”
Tad Williams, The Dragonbone Chair

Tad Williams
“Books are a form of magic—” the doctor lifted the volume he had just laid on the stack, “—because they span time and distance more surely than any spell or charm.”
Tad Williams, The Dragonbone Chair

Reading Progress

December 16, 2014 – Started Reading
December 20, 2014 –
0.0% "I've been looking for a great fantasy series to REALLY sink my mind into, to get lost literally for hours. So when my good friend Cheryl Hall asked if I'd be interested in buddying up with her, it was a no-brainer, really. I have a feeling this will be exactly what I've been looking for!"
December 23, 2014 –
0.0% "Part One: Simon Mooncalf

Unfortunately, I haven't made much progress at all, but of those few pages, the level of writing is very impressive (I'm in love, really) and I'm very much looking forward to where this is going!"
December 23, 2014 –
page 9
December 24, 2014 –
page 51
6.51% "These were strange days in Erkynland, and in all of Osten Ard, days freighted with equal measures of sorrow and excitement. The king was not dead, but it seemed he soon would be. The whole world was changing. How could anything remain the same once Prester John no longer sat the Dragonbone Chair?"
December 27, 2014 –
page 70
8.94% "Uggh, I don't know what's wrong with me! I've been super anxious lately, to the point that it's become VERY hard to focus, my mind meanders every which way, even while alone, in relative silence. This is getting VERY old. I'm worried..."
December 27, 2014 –
page 70
8.94% "This quote speaks to me on a personal level, I love it!!

“Being a nerd, which is to say going too far and caring too much about a subject, is the best way to make friends I know.”
— Sarah Vowell"
December 29, 2014 –
page 70
8.94% ""In the center of the ring, on the Dragonbone Chair itself, a darkness was coalescing-a darkness of many flittering parts, like a cloud of flies. Near the top of this swarming, rolling dark, two smoldering sparks of crimson began to brighten, as though fanned by a sudden breeze.."

Simon's a likable guy, albeit a tad bit childish and a cliche of the fantasy genre.."
December 29, 2014 –
page 121
15.45% "I must keep in mind, however, that this book is a Classic, nearly 27 years old. The story itself, though, is great so far, and Tad Williams writes beautifully. This is starting to get really good!"
January 3, 2015 –
page 155
19.8% "This is getting really, Williams' writing continues to impress and I cannot wait to see where this is all going!

I just wish it wasn't such a struggle to concentrate.."
January 9, 2015 –
page 171
21.84% "So far, the story's a little slow, but that isn't taking the enjoyment out of it and leaves me wondering just "what is going on!?"

Oh, and I do like Pyrates one bit!"
January 14, 2015 –
page 221
28.22% "Part Two: Simon Pilgrim

Oh my gosh, William's continues to not only impress me, but I'm also quite shocked by how compelling and rich this story truly is, and I'm shocked by the recent turn-of-events!!"
January 18, 2015 –
page 229
29.25% "William's continues to astound me! Things are getting stranger and more vivid, and I'm very anxious to see how this plays out. And what in the world is going on with Simon?? Whatever it is, it's blowing my mind!!"
January 20, 2015 –
page 261
33.33% "The Sithi? Binabik and Qantaqa..amongst other things?? OMG, this only gets better and better!!"
January 25, 2015 –
page 297
37.93% ""You see, the land is a book that you should be reading. Every small thing...is having a story to tell. Trees, leaves, mosses and stones, all have written on them things of wonderful interest..""
February 2, 2015 –
page 315
40.23% "WTFrick is going on with the Wheel of Darkness!?!"
February 7, 2015 –
page 379
48.4% "It is such an amazing feeling to be reading again after literally weeks of not being able to focus on much of anything!!
I feel blessed.

And oh my, the intrigue!:) Reminds me more and more of ASOIAF!!"
February 12, 2015 –
page 415
53.0% "Oh my WOW, Geloe, the Road od Dreams, preparations for war (the latter isn't really a spoiler at all, as it's implied in the synopsis and plus there's a LOT more to it than that,) Williams' has written a phenomenal and just.. awesome story thus far and I can't wait to delve further!!"
February 18, 2015 –
page 473
60.41% "Part Three: Simon Snowlock"
February 24, 2015 –
page 530
February 26, 2015 –
page 549
70.11% "Things are getting very, VERY interesting!!"
March 7, 2015 –
page 549
70.11% "The history of the Sithi, Asu'a, the Storm King and so much more is fascinating! And while Pyrates is downright creepy and vile, Williams has created a delightful antagonist. I cannot wait to see where this is going, and the circumstances therein!"
March 9, 2015 –
page 609
77.78% "Some increasingly complex political intrigue, an AWESOME prophecy, the introduction of some potentially great characters, and their journey begins in full.. Reminiscent of LOTR & ASOIAF.:)

And what in the world is the deal with these crazy dreams!?"
March 16, 2015 – Shelved
March 18, 2015 –
page 594
March 25, 2015 –
page 603
77.01% "After attempting to finish the same chapter roughly 5 times now and only making it halfway, I have FINALLY reached all-new terrain!! Uggh, this lack of focus is really doing a number on me!! But I am more determined than ever to get back into a daily routine!!"
March 26, 2015 –
page 635
81.1% ""Blood, as you say, for blood.."

Oh my, Williams' continues to impress.:) Multiple POV's, the war's intensifying, and the Sithi have become more prevalent. Perhaps the overall novels drags a bit, but there is a lot going on, and I appreciate what he's doing: laying to groundwork for a potentially mind-blowing series, complete with passionate, lovable, and fascinating, developed characters..."
March 30, 2015 –
page 693
88.51% "OMGosh, things have gone from great and compelling to crazy, and feels on the verge of full-fledged INSANITY!!"
April 2, 2015 – Finished Reading
April 3, 2015 – Shelved as: classics
April 3, 2015 – Shelved as: fantasy
April 3, 2015 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by TL (new)

TL Lovely review hun

Dustin Ahhh, thanks you very much, TL!

message 3: by TL (new)

TL Dustin wrote: "Ahhh, thanks you very much, TL!"

Your welcome and thanks for the rec!

Dustin You're most welcome. I really hope you enjoy it!

message 5: by Holly (new) - added it

Holly This sounds like a great read, buddy.

Awesome review!!

Dustin It really is a great story, and like a lot of epic fantasy novels, it's all about the journey. The second half are especially compelling and awesome. Simon's a wonderful protagonist, as well!

Thankee, Sai.

Isn't it cool to know that this was so influential to GRRM and the writing of ASOIAF ?

message 7: by Holly (new) - added it

Holly You're welcome.

VERY cool!

Dustin :)

Exactly, I love learning how certain books came about, especially ones as beloved as ASOIAF and GRRM!!

message 9: by Holly (new) - added it

Holly Yes, me too!!!

Dustin Holly wrote: "Yes, me too!!!"

Why am I totally NOT surprised?

message 11: by Holly (new) - added it

Holly Hehe :D

Dustin Holly wrote: "Hehe :D"


I really, really want the next book now!!

message 13: by Holly (new) - added it

Holly I don't blame you!

Dustin Once you read it and know what I'm talking about regarding the last three chapters, you'll be begging for more, too. I put it on hold awhile back and I was fourth in line, but have heard nothing yet. I need to check on that!

message 15: by Holly (new) - added it

Holly You should!

It's been a pleasure, as always buddy. I must get going; dinner isn't going to cook itself! ;)

Have a wonderful evening, and we'll chat again soon!

Dustin I checked once, about a week ago, but I think the system was down or something.. I'll check again soon.

As always, yes. I really need to get going, too. Hehe, very true!

The same to you! Have a great weekend!

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